Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1196 ZTE Electronics

Chapter 1196 ZTE Electronics
The first thing Duan Yun thought of was Huawei. There is no doubt that Huawei is definitely the pride of Chinese technology. In later generations, it almost single-handedly overcame the US government’s technological blockade and suppression. Huawei has always attached great importance to core technology. This is very similar to Duan Yun's business philosophy. If he can establish a long-term cooperative relationship with Huawei, it will definitely help his chip industry.

In 1987, Huawei had just been established. At the beginning of 1987, the 44-year-old Ren Zhengfei had achieved nothing. His wife was divorced and dismissed from the unit. He went to Shenzhen with his friends with 2.1 yuan in his pocket. On the 16th Floor, Building 5, Area A, Oil Building, Shenzhen Huawei Technology Co., Ltd. was established.

In the beginning, Huawei did all kinds of business, such as selling diet pills and selling tombstones. As long as it can make money, it never picks and chooses. It also imitates other companies for R&D and production. Ordinary processing enterprises that do not produce.

Huawei is just starting now, with no funds, no technology, and no market. It is too early to cooperate with Huawei at this time, and there is no need for it.

But soon, Duan Yun thought of another character, that is Hou Weigui, the founder of ZTE.

In 1969, Hou Weigui, who was only 27 years old, was transferred to Aerospace 691 Factory, specializing in follow-up research on chip semiconductor technology. At that time, he was sent to Shenzhen to establish a mainland-Hong Kong joint venture company, ZTE Semiconductor, the predecessor of ZTE Communications. It started with a registered capital of 1980 million yuan and became one of the first batch of technology joint venture companies in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.

However, although it is called ZTE Semiconductor Company, at the beginning of ZTE’s establishment, it had nothing to do with semiconductors. The main reason was that the wages of Hong Kong workers were too high at that time. A large number of Hong Kong export assembly plants transferred their orders to Shenzhen. Those subsidiaries established by the central ministries and commissions , Sun Company lowered its head to work for the boss in Hong Kong, recruiting migrant workers to produce some civilian products such as toys, electric fans, telephones, electronic pianos, etc., and only earn a few cents for processing fees for assembling an electric fan. Most of the profits are taken by Hong Kong People made money away, and ZTE Semiconductor Company founded by Hou Weigui, at the beginning, helped Hong Kong companies install telephones.

By 1986, ZTE Semiconductor had worked hard for a year on assembly work, and only earned 35 processing fees.

At that time, China's communication market was basically dominated by foreign communication companies. In the process of helping Hong Kong people assemble telephones, Hou Weigui saw an opportunity for the development of the communication industry, so he earned 1 yuan in the first year and organized manpower to develop For small program-controlled telephone exchanges, the communication industry is selected as the main field of the enterprise.

In 1987, that is, at the beginning of this year, ZTE's first product, the Zx-1 analog air separation subscriber switch, obtained the network access permit from the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

At this time, Hou Weigui's ZTE Semiconductor Company is starting their second research and development project, which is to develop China's first digital program-controlled switch with independent intellectual property rights, so that it can officially transform into a communication equipment manufacturer.

One morning in early September, when Hou Weigui came to his office just after work, an assistant immediately told him that a man outside the company who claimed to be the manager of Tianyin Electronics Factory, Duan Yun, wanted to see him.

Hou Weigui was stunned when he heard Duan Yun's name, so he immediately asked his assistant to invite him into the office.

Duan Yun is well-known in Shenzhen and even the whole country, and Hou Weigui has also heard a lot about his deeds, but the two of them have never had any communication before, and they never thought that he would take the initiative to come to meet him today.

"Hello, Manager Hou!" After arriving at Hou Weigui's office, Duan Yun immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Ah, hello, Manager Duan, please sit down!" Hou Weigui took a look at Duan Yun, and then motioned him to sit down with a smile on his face.

"Manager Hou, I'm Duan Yun, the general manager of Tianyin Electronics Factory..."

"I know all about your deeds. You are the pride of our entrepreneurs in Shenzhen. It is really amazing to turn a small electronics factory into a large enterprise with an annual profit of more than 3 million." Hou Weigui smiled slightly. Then he said: "And you are still so young. When I was your age, I was just a technician in the factory..."

"The times are different. I also encountered a good time. The national policy is good, and small businessmen like us have a chance to make a difference..." Duan Yun said modestly.

"Now is indeed a good time, but with so many people doing business in Shenzhen, it's not only your Tianyin Electronics Factory that can make such a big business. In the end, you, Manager Duan, are capable, and I should learn from you. "Hou Weigui also said with a smile.

Hou Weigui actually admires Duan Yun very much. He has seen many news reports about Duan Yun, and he is quite familiar with his development history.

In particular, Duan Yun and Japan's Toshiba Corporation jointly established a chip factory, which also attracted his great attention. After all, Hou Weigui was a semiconductor researcher before, so the two quickly chatted about Duan Yun's chip factory.

"You mean, you invited all the chip experts from BJ Institute of Computer Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences to your company?" After learning about Duan Yun's current chip research and development center, Hou Weigui was very surprised.

"The Chinese Academy of Sciences has no funds, no projects, and some technicians can't even pay their salaries, but people always have to eat..." Duan Yun sighed softly, and then said: "I provide them with high salaries here. , to provide them with everything they need to research products. Although I am just a private owner, I am still a Chinese company. If this chip research and development project team can really achieve a technological breakthrough, it can be regarded as a contribution to our country's chip industry. contribute……"

Duan Yun is considered experienced now. When facing them, the older generation of scientific researchers, he should talk about his feelings and contributions to the country as much as possible. Only in this way can he gain the favor of the other party.

"The investment in the chip industry is huge. At the beginning, our 691 factory in Xi'an wanted to engage in sideline business to generate income, so we went to Shenzhen to investigate and set up a company. Originally, I wanted to make integrated circuit chips that I was familiar with, but the investment was too large...the country had no money, and the factory I don’t have any money, and I dare not do it for fear of losing money, so I had to get a guarantee from the factory and get a loan from the bank to do processing trade..." When he said this, Hou Weigui also had a look of emotion on his face, and he continued: "Fortunately, our company is now With some improvement, I made a few hundred thousand yuan, and then I set up a research and development team, and just developed a small switch this year..."

"Actually, I came here today to cooperate with Manager Hou." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and continued: "Manager Hou helped Hong Kong people install telephones before, so do you know telephones with voice recording function?"

"Voice phone? Yes! There is a small tape recorder built into the phone, which can automatically record messages." Hou Weigui said.

In the 80s, the telephone with message function was first invented and produced in the United States. It had a built-in tape recorder. The sales volume in the United States was very large. Many large companies in Hong Kong also installed telephones with this message function.

"Then, Manager Hou, have you ever seen an answering machine that doesn't use a tape?" Duan Yun asked again.

"An answering machine without a tape? How is this possible?" Hou Weigui shook his head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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