Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1834 Technical School

Chapter 1834 Technical School

"Let me just say this. At present, our main competitors are the Audi 100 of FAW Volkswagen and the Santana of SAIC Volkswagen. Volkswagen has entered the country in 84. It is currently the No. [-] joint venture car brand. Consumers love this brand. The recognition rate is relatively high, we want to compete with them, in addition to product marketing, there is another biggest breakthrough, that is after-sales service.” Duan Yun paused, and then said: “Old Zhao, tell me , have you bought products from our Tianyin Group before?"

"Of course I bought it!" Zhao Xiyou replied bluntly, and then said: "The learning machine produced by your company is quite good, my son and I like it very much, but the cassette is a bit expensive... By the way, and I The repeater used by my son is also very practical, and I sometimes use it to listen to songs..."

"Then why did you buy products from our group company?" Duan Yun asked.

"Of course it's good and practical, and there are three guarantees. Unlike other electronic products, if it breaks, it's hard to find a place to repair it..." When Zhao Xiyou said this, he immediately realized, so he said: "Yes. That’s right, the after-sales maintenance of this product is very important, especially for something as expensive as a car, if you can’t even find a place to repair it, then not many people will dare to buy it.”

"It can be said that all the old drivers in the past knew some car repair techniques. This is mainly because the structure of the domestically produced cars in the past was relatively simple, and there were relatively few problems. Go to the auto repair shop." Duan Yun paused, and then continued: "But the Volvo car we produce now is different. This car can be said to be a relatively advanced model in the world. It is much higher than the domestic cars in the past, and many problems require special equipment and tools, which is not something that old drivers can handle, and there must be a professional maintenance point.”

"That's right, Mr. Duan, you mean you plan to open hundreds of auto repair shops across the country?" Zhao Xiyou asked.

"We sell cars, not make money by repairing them."

"Then what do you mean?"

"At present, I have begun to promote automobile 4S stores on a large scale across the country. The so-called 4S stores are automobile franchise stores that integrate a series of functions such as car sales and after-sales and product feedback, and the after-sales maintenance and repair of cars is also a part of 4S stores. One of the functions, some time ago I established the first batch of 1 pilot 6S stores across the country through the Chamber of Commerce in Shenzhen. After the 4S stores are completed in the next step, I plan to send a group of auto mechanics to assist the after-sales work of the 4S stores. In the next two to three years, I plan to establish at least 4 Volvo 200S stores across the country. In the future, there will be more and more Volvo 4S stores, and more professional auto mechanics may be needed at that time.” Duan Yun said .

"This 4S store sounds good, but how much will it cost to set up 200 stores across the country, plus the annual water, electricity, labor and tax costs?" Zhao Xiyou couldn't help asking in surprise.

Since getting to know Duan Yun, Zhao Xiyou has a lot of subversive perceptions about money, because before that, he has also met the bosses of some private enterprises and state-owned enterprises, and he has a certain reputation in Shenyang and even in Liaoning Province However, these people talk about business with a maximum of tens of millions, 2000 to [-] million, while Duan Yun in front of him is often tens of millions or hundreds of millions. The large amount of investment has refreshed his cognition time and time again. .

"We don't need to pay for the investment in 4S stores. This is a personal investment behavior of merchants. Although the Chamber of Commerce of Tianyin Group has very strict rules and requirements, this investment behavior is voluntary." Duan Yun pondered for a while. , and then said: "The first six Volvo 4S stores to be opened in the country this time are indeed invested and established by the merchants because of my face, but as long as they are profitable, there will be more and more people without my mobilization in the future. There are many 4S stores all over the country, so everything is difficult at the beginning, if you go well in the early stage, it will become smooth sailing later..."

"You are all doing big business, and I wouldn't dare to take such a big risk if you want me." Zhao Xiyou shook his head, and continued: "But since Mr. Duan is planning to do this, I will definitely cooperate with all my strength. At present, we There are only dozens of people in the factory’s mechanic class, and they have only received short-term training from Swedish engineers before. It is no problem to repair ordinary Volvo car failures. I will ask him to recruit more apprentices in the future, and slowly train people. come out."

"It's all in the 90s, and I still play the old model of going to the factory to train apprentices." Duan Yun smiled after hearing this, and then said: "I will train more than 2000 qualified Volvo auto repairers within two years. Gong, the training cycle of your model is long, and the success rate is not high. There are only a few dozen people, and at most one or two hundred people can be trained a year. According to our current needs, it is simply a drop in the bucket..."

"What do you mean by that paragraph?"

"Doesn't our Jinbei Automobile Factory have a technical school? We can systematically train these personnel through performance." Duan Yun suggested.

"But the problem is..." Zhao Xiyou frowned slightly when he heard the words, and said to Duan Yun: "Mr. Duan, you may not know that our factory-run technical school actually only enrolls 600 students a year, and most of the students are They are the children of our factory, and there are some local veterans. The things they have learned are pliers, riveting, casting and forging, electricians and mold workers. There is no such thing as auto repair, and there is no corresponding equipment. The old auto mechanics who take apprentices, so there is no way to train so many auto mechanics..."

"Then how many technical schools are there in Shenyang?" Duan Yun asked.

"That's a lot, but at least half of the well-known large and medium-sized enterprises in Shenyang should have their own factories and technical schools." Zhao Xiyou said.

Unlike the very high degree of career choice in later generations, before the 90s, being admitted to a technical school meant a change in status.

Especially for some rural students, it means holding the iron rice bowl in the palm of their hands in advance, and their status will change from farmers to workers.

At that time, state-owned enterprises had not yet been restructured, and people's longing for a job in a state-owned enterprise objectively gave a layer of gold to the technical school education. Many students believed that this was a shortcut to state-owned enterprises.The fact is also true, almost all the graduates at that time entered the large state-owned enterprises.

In Shenyang, the largest heavy industrial city in the country, there are a large number of factory-run technical schools. In addition, there are municipal and provincial technical schools, and as many as 10,000+ graduates are assigned to them every year.

(End of this chapter)

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