Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1837 Car Collision Experiment

Chapter 1837 Car Collision Experiment
In the 90s, the advertisements of Chinese TV stations were relatively monotonous. Basically, it was a core slogan, and the rest was to introduce the award-winning situation of the product and the factory location, so at that time, you could often hear "provincial excellence, ministry excellence, national excellence" and the like. Tag of.

In the 80s, there were also eye-catching advertisements, such as Yanwu Audio, and the advertisements of NEC products. The endorsers for NEC were some very popular actresses in China, which also made Yamaguchi Momoe Sakai and the like The female star has become the goddess in the minds of many men.

So if Duan Yun wants to have a short-term explosive news effect, he has to work hard.

However, it is absolutely impossible for Duan Yun to do those mindless and risky things. Even if he wants to shoot this kind of commercial, he must have enough preparation and confidence.

In fact, when European and American automobile companies developed airbags in the early days, there was no collision and manned vehicle. Basically, engineers took risks, conducted tests in person, and obtained relevant valuable data.

As for domestic tests on car crashes and airbags, they were first developed by Changchun FAW-Volkswagen, and one of the key figures is Qiu Shaobo.

In February 1989, Qiu Shaobo, who had just worked for a year, suddenly got an opportunity to go abroad and went to the Audi Technology Center in Germany for training.

A year ago, he graduated from Jilin University of Technology (now Jilin University) and was assigned to the body laboratory of Changchun Automobile Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as Automobile Research Institute).At that time, China did not have the concept of body crashworthiness and vehicle collision.That time I went to the Audi Technology Center in Germany to receive comprehensive training in automotive testing techniques.

The so-called layman watching the excitement and the insider watching the doorway, what impressed Qiu Shaobo the most was not the opponent's advanced technical facilities, nor the shocking crash test, but Audi's set of test systems.

This test system, laboratory and test equipment constitute three main lines.To some extent, these three main lines are the product development capability system of an entire vehicle company, and it is also its essence.Thinking about problems from a system perspective has become Qiu Shaobo's biggest gain from his training abroad.

From 1993 to 1994, Qiu Shaobo was again sent to the Audi Technology Center in Germany as the general technical representative of FAW in Audi.During his residency, he had a more systematic understanding of the crash test process and facility details, such as going to the design department to learn about parts design guidelines, seat belt design standards, seat design standards, etc., which played an important role in the construction of the test facilities of the Automotive Research Institute. Reference role.

In 1995, Changchun Automobile Research Institute began to prepare for the construction of a crash test room, which was the first crash test room of a domestic automaker, and it was completed and put into use four years later.

In other words, it was not until the end of 1999 that there was an automobile crash laboratory for the first time in China.

In addition, when Duan Yun went to Sweden to visit the Volvo car factory, he also personally saw Volvo's vehicle safety crash laboratory.

At that time, the traction system of the Volvo Collision Laboratory used rubber ropes, with a load of 1.5t, a track length of 80 meters, and a maximum test speed of only 55 km/h.

The reason is that the power and speed of family cars at that time were far less than those of later generations. Take the Santana sedan, which is currently the largest domestic sales car, as an example, the acceleration from zero to 13 is 5 seconds. , It is even difficult to overtake safely. Another point is that in the 90s, a speed of 100 yards per hour was considered a very bold drag racing.

From this point of view, the speed of 55 miles is not a slow speed in China at present, so the experimental results are very informative.

But for the safety of this test, Duan Yun first had to contact Volvo in Sweden to learn about the test situation of this car, and then conduct some tests in China to ensure everything was safe before he participated in the crash test.

In fact, Volvo, which has always been called a road tank, had already filmed similar advertisements as early as the 80s, and its safety is beyond doubt.

Another point is that if it is used as a government official car, the leader usually sits in the co-pilot or the back row, while the Volvo 940 sedan only has an airbag for the driver, which means that he cannot bring airbags to the co-pilot. Same security protection.

In fact, only the Volvo 91 sedan, which was just developed in 960, was equipped with dual airbags for the front and co-pilot positions. Because the two models are basically similar, the 960 is more luxurious, so Duan Yun can completely change the 940 to dual airbags.

The current car airbags are still relatively expensive, but the wool comes from the sheep. Duan Yun plans to divide the 940 into two versions for production, one is the classic version for home use, and the other is a luxury business version with dual airbags. The more luxurious configuration forms the high and low collocation of the two models, and of course the price must be different.

As for the advertising planning, Duan Yun directly handed over the planning to the advertising department of the group company. With Tianyin Group's contacts and relationships in major domestic media, as long as there is a gimmick in the content, it can definitely make the advertising a household name in a short time.

In the second week after Duan Yun was in Shenyang, Tianyin Group's establishment of an automobile research and development center in Shenyang was quickly approved. Relevant preferential policies, and will try to organize manpower and material resources to start the construction of this research and development center.

On April 4, just before May Day, the groundbreaking ceremony for Tianyin Automobile R&D Center was officially held. Except for Duan Yun and Shenyang Jinbei Automobile Factory Director Zhao Xiyou, several major leaders of the SY Municipal Party Committee were all in place. Moreover, Zhu Zhiqiang, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Liaoning Province, also participated in the groundbreaking ceremony.

The groundbreaking ceremony of a R&D center of a private enterprise can invite leaders at both provincial and municipal levels. This is definitely a very rare thing in China at present. It can be seen from this that whether it is the municipal government of SY or the provincial government of Liaoning Province The government attaches great importance to the Volvo project.

At the groundbreaking ceremony, the leaders who were invited to attend the ceremony delivered impassioned speeches one by one, saying that the Volvo car project is a key industrial project for Shenyang in the next five years, and that through the Jinbei Automobile Factory and the Volvo project, Shenyang will develop into a domestic The biggest car city.

After the speech, Duan Yun and others stepped off the podium and started a series of follow-up activities.

After the ribbon-cutting was over, Duan Yun and several leaders came to the foundation-laying pool together. The next moment, after Duan Yun and Zhao Xiyou gently covered the stone tablet in the foundation-laying pool with the shoveled soil, the two could not help but smile at each other...

(End of this chapter)

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