Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1845 A complete success

Chapter 1845 A complete success
"Hurry up and open the car door!"

"The medical staff quickly brought the stretcher over, act fast!"

"Mr. Duan! Mr. Duan!!"

"Irrelevant personnel leave, don't all gather here..."

Countless noisy voices echoed in Duan Yun's ears. At this moment, he only felt his head was a little dazed. At the moment of the impact just now, the seat belt on his chest made him a little breathless, his legs felt a sharp pain, and his eyes flashed in a daze. A piece of gold star.

Although all the safety links have been carefully planned, at this moment, the pain and strength caused by the impact are indeed beyond Duan Yun's imagination. Although he was mentally prepared early in the morning, when the car actually hit the wall, that This violent collision impacted his brain so strongly that he still has lingering fears at this moment.

Duan Yun subconsciously touched his head with his hands, and found that half of his face was numb. The speed of airbag deployment in this era is slower, but fortunately, the speed of the car is not too fast. If this car is 10 times faster Code, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

But no matter what, he must not show a look of fear now, because his current role is an actor, and he cannot let his expression bring fear to other car owners.


The slightly deformed door of the driver's car was forcibly pulled open by three hands at the same time, followed by Duan Yun, who was sitting inside the lens of several cameras, the other staff members reacted quickly when they saw this, and immediately blocked them in front of the camera, and reached out to cover Duan Yun who was sitting inside.

Taking a deep breath, Duan Yun endured the severe pain and forced a smile on his face. The next moment, he pushed away the staff who came to help him, and then he couldn't get out of the car.

As soon as he got out of the car, he heard screams and cheers like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, coupled with the glare of the sun shining on his face, Duan Yun felt dizzy for a while, but his legs were just a little weak, and suddenly he stretched out a hand behind him, tightly He grabbed his waistband tightly to prevent him from making a fool of himself in public.

Duan Yun looked back, and found that the one who supported him was not someone else, the official assistant Guo Kai, and he winked at several other staff members, and everyone immediately surrounded Duan Yun in a circle.

"Mr. Duan, congratulations on your success in this car crash test. Please tell us how you feel at the moment."

"Mr. Duan, I'm a reporter from Guangdong TV..."

"Let's go, we are reporters from CCTV, we have priority interview rights..."

At this time, several reporters came up to greet him instantly, and they all wanted to interview Duan Yun immediately, and for these reporters, the more embarrassed Duan Yun was at this time, the more explosive the news would be, so they took advantage of him just getting out of the car At this moment, I want to see how much injury he has suffered.

But Duan Yun's team will not give these people a chance. They used the excuse that the doctor was coming for an examination, and immediately surrounded Duan Yun with water, and even set up several umbrellas on top of Duan Yun's head, just to Avoid being photographed that affects Duan Yu's image.

After taking a few breaths, Duan Yun took a sip of the warm boiled water handed by the staff, and then simply arranged his hairstyle with his fingers, and then arranged for the staff to disperse, ready to be interviewed by the reporters on site.

"Everyone, everyone has seen the results of the car collision just now. At such a high speed per hour, I am safe and sound." Facing the camera, Duan Yun's face was full of confidence and a smile, and he continued: "Thank you everyone For your concern for me, I would also like to thank all the staff who planned this event, it is because of your efforts that I have achieved today's success, here I would like to express my gratitude to everyone again!"

As soon as Duan Yun finished speaking, there was warm applause at the scene, and the surrounding audience also responded with applause, and some people cheered loudly from behind.

In fact, in addition to the gimmick of the real-life car safety crash test, Duan Yun’s long-standing popularity in China is also an important reason for attracting so many viewers. Many people, especially some local entrepreneurs and wealthy businessmen in Shenzhen, regard Duan Yun as a role model And the idol, came to the scene this time to support Duan Yun, so after seeing that Duan Yun was safe and sound, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became lively.

"Hello, Manager Duan. I'm Xu Ming, a reporter from CCTV. It's a great honor to be able to watch the live broadcast of this shocking live car crash experiment. How do you feel now?" The CCTV reporter who was first let in by the staff came Duan Yun asked with a smile on his face.

"I feel very good!" Facing the camera and the microphone, Duan Yun smiled and continued: "Confidence comes from trust. In itself, I think the Volvo 940 is a very good car. He also claims to be a It’s the safest car in the world, so sitting in a car like this for a crash test, I’m really confident.”

"Your condition looks really good, so I would like to ask Manager Duan, what is your original intention of holding this real-life car crash test? Is it to verify the real safety of this car?" The reporter named Xu Ming once again Asked Duan Yun.

The media team who came to Shenzhen this time had accepted the invitation of Tianyin Group in advance. They lived in luxury hotels, all the fares and meals were reimbursed, and there were also various "small gifts". People have short mouths. For these professional journalists, their most professional aspect is how to ask questions, and then focus the topic on what the other party really wants to express.

"Actually, I have said this question more than once before, that is, as China develops faster and the national income level is higher and higher, cars will eventually enter thousands of households." Duan Yun paused , Then said: "So with the increase of users, car safety will soon become a social issue. How to ensure the safety of drivers and avoid car accidents must be taken as an important thing to do. , what I did today is to hope that this issue can attract the attention of the whole people. If more experiments can be used to avoid tragedies and save more families, then my efforts and sacrifices will be worth it. If there is a similar test live broadcast, I will still be obliged!"

Duan Yun's words were impassioned. In fact, he had rehearsed these lines hundreds of times in his mind, in order to achieve the best publicity effect.

Sure enough, as soon as Duan Yun's words fell, the scene burst into warm applause. Hundreds of staff, including his assistant Guo Kai, were clapping their hands desperately. The atmosphere of the scene immediately reached a climax...

(End of this chapter)

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