Chapter 1855

On the first day of Jinbei Auto's stock issuance, the Hong Kong stock market ushered in a long-lost start.

The reaction of investors in Hong Kong was extremely frenzied, far beyond the imagination of Duan Yun and others.

In fact, just the night before Duan Yun participated in the listing ceremony, the applicants who received the subscription form lined up for hundreds of meters. In the end, the oversubscription was more than 400 times, and hundreds of billions of dollars were frozen.

In the previous life, Tsingtao Brewery was listed in Shanghai and Hong Kong, raising 16 billion yuan, which was a huge sum of money. You must know that the annual financial expenditure of QD City, which had a population of 600 million, was only 15.6 billion yuan. [-] million.

The popularity and attention of Jinbei Automobile in Hong Kong is far stronger than that of Tsingtao Brewery. This time, Jinbei Automobile issued 4 million H shares at an issue price of 5 yuan per share. However, it only took more than two hours for the stocks to be fully subscribed, and the growth was very rapid. In the trading of the day, the limit was raised three times. By the end of the day, it had reached the upper limit of 44% of the stock market. The total market value of automobiles exceeded 70 billion yuan.

That night, Duan Yun held a celebration banquet in his villa in Hong Kong, and invited all the members who participated in the gong-beating ceremony today, as well as Yang Shoucheng and other rich locals in Hong Kong. The scene was very lively.

"70 billion... My God..." Until the time he clinked glasses with Duan Yun, Zhao Xiyou still couldn't believe what happened in the Hong Kong stock market today.

In fact, whether it was Zhao Xiyou or Wu Disheng, Mayor of SY City, today's result has indeed far exceeded their imagination.

Even if the market value of 70 billion yuan is placed among all domestic listed companies, it can definitely be ranked in the top 20. Considering that the stock price will rise sharply in the next few days, it may even break through the upper limit of the market value of 200 billion yuan. It is absolutely possible for Jinbei Automobile to become the company with the highest market value among listed companies in the mainland.

You know, as the largest industrial city in the three northeastern provinces, its GDP last year was only 200 billion, ranking tenth in the country, and the market value of Jinbei Automobile has reached Shenyang's GDP for a year. unimaginable things.

"We are really rich this time, and your task in the future is how to spend the money reasonably." After drinking the wine in his glass, Chu Yu said to Zhao Xiyou with a smile.

"Mr. Duan is right. Your task in the future is to study how to spend money, let him turn tens of billions into hundreds of billions, and make our Shenyang auto industry bigger and stronger. You will be famous in the future." The history is gone, and the people of Shenyang will miss you forever." Wu Disheng, who was standing aside, also said to Zhao Xiyou with a smile when he heard the words.

"Speaking of it, it really makes people feel a little emotional. In the past, when the Jinbei Automobile Factory was poor and empty, I had a way to lead the entire factory staff to tighten their belts. Now that I have more money, I suddenly don't know what to do... "When talking about this, Zhao Xiyou shook his head with a smile, and then said: "The three of us have to plan this matter carefully in the future. Spend it wisely. In the past, I couldn’t do my job well. I always yelled that I had no money and no money. Now it’s completely unreasonable. No matter what, I have to come up with something famous..."

"Hahaha?" Hearing this, Duan Yun and Wu Disheng laughed.

This night was definitely a sleepless night for Duan Yun. Jinbei Motors in the Hong Kong supermarket was considered to have completed his last step in the early stage of the automobile industry, and the next test for him was how to play this game of chess well. bigger...


While Duan Yun was celebrating the launch of Jinbei Automobile in Hong Kong, on the afternoon of the second day, Cheng Qingyan, who was far away in Beihai, came to the meeting room on the third floor of the hotel ahead of the agreed time.

At this time last week, Cheng Qingyan negotiated with some powerful real estate company owners in Beihai, and the negotiation process went relatively smoothly. Now is the time to wait for their final reply.

Today's Cheng Qingyan specially wore a red coat, her long hair was tied neatly behind her head, and she wore expensive jewelry, which looked like jewels. She almost always dressed like this on important occasions.

"The contract has been prepared. I have consulted with a lawyer before. The contract text does not ask any questions. As long as they sign it, the transaction will be officially completed." Assistant Wu Lili put more than 10 copies of the contract that had been prepared. In front of Cheng Qingyan, and then stick to her side and said.

"Okay, you stand by at the door. I'll call you when they come over later." Cheng Qingyan glanced at the contract in front of her and settled down to Wu Lili.

"Okay." Wu Lili responded, then turned and left the conference room.

At this moment, Cheng Qingyan was the only one in the conference room. She glanced at her watch, and realized that the agreed time was getting closer, so she subconsciously adjusted the neckline of her dress.

For Cheng Qingyan, if nothing unexpected happened, today might be her last business in the Beihai real estate market.

In the past two days, she has been communicating with the Beihai real estate businessmen who had the last meeting on the phone. Except for a few of them who expressed their inability to accept the offer and withdraw, the others finally agreed to come and sign the contract today after several rounds of bargaining.

Ten minutes passed, and it was the time agreed upon by both parties, but still no one was present, but Cheng Qingyan remained calm.

After another half an hour, there was still no movement outside the meeting room, and Cheng Qingyan frowned slightly.

An hour later, footsteps finally came from the corridor outside the meeting room. Along with the sound of conversation, the door of the meeting room was finally pushed open, and Wu Lili was unable to come in with a file bag.

"Is anyone here?" Seeing Wu Lili, Cheng Qingyan turned her head and asked.

"A young man came here just now and asked me to pass this item to you. He said that Manager Liu sent him here..."

"Manager Liu? Didn't he come over in person?" Cheng Qingyan took the file bag with a puzzled expression, and then opened it to read.

However, Cheng Qingyan was taken aback when she saw the contents in the file bag.

I saw a red-headed document in it, titled "Opinions on the Current Economic Situation and Strengthening Macro-control", and one of them was specially marked with a pen, which read: "...Strong control measures, including strict control of credit The total scale, increase deposit and loan interest rates and national bond interest rates, recover illegal lending funds within a time limit, reduce infrastructure investment, clean up all projects under construction, etc..."

At the end of this document, the words "General Office of the State Council" are impressively printed, and the date is June 6, which is the day before yesterday.

"Mr. Cheng, are you okay?" Seeing that Cheng Qingyan's expression was not right, Wu Lili immediately asked with concern: "Are they still coming today?"

"I'm fine. They won't come today, and they won't come in the future..." Cheng Qingyan's tone was a little low when she said this, and she said to Wu Lili after a while: "Go out and close the door by the way, I want to Be quiet..."

(End of this chapter)

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