Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1862 Consecutive Major Breakthroughs

Chapter 1862 Consecutive Major Breakthroughs
While Duan Yun was inspecting the newly built automobile R&D center in Shenyang, the R&D center of Shenzhen Tianyin Group also made major breakthroughs one after another.

On the one hand, through the efforts of scientific researchers, the world's first DVD prototype has been made and passed the internal test.

In fact, since November last year, a major breakthrough has been made in the development of DVD. According to the plan proposed by Duan Yun, researchers have successfully written the core encoding program of DVD. breakthrough.

The core of a DVD level includes three parts: the movement decoding chip and the design system integration control software, among which the design system integration control software is the most critical core technology.

In the middle and late 90s, because China did not master these core technologies, it had to pay foreign manufacturers a patent fee of more than 25 US dollars for every vcd and dvd sold, and it was impossible to occupy the commanding heights of the market through continuous upgrading of core technologies Thereby reducing costs, which also makes it difficult for domestic V CDs to have a price competitive advantage abroad.

In fact, in March this year, Tianyin Group had broken through the last technical threshold of DVD, which is the design of the DVD movement, and notified Duan Yun of the relevant situation.

After reading the design plan, Duan Yun arranged personnel to apply for domestic and international patents. On the other hand, he improved the design plan, required cost reduction, and added some functional design plans. In addition, he asked technicians to design an encryption Chip, so as to ensure that this DVD will not be pirated and imitated, and it is the core decoding chip of this encryption, which must be mass-produced by Tianyin Group.

So it was delayed until August to make the first prototype, and the main time was spent on the research and development of the encryption chip. After the first sample DVD was produced, in order to prevent internal personnel from leaking the secret, the project leader passed the test. This DVD was directly locked in the safe of the department, and several security personnel guarded it day and night, which shows that Duan Yun attaches great importance to this product.

In addition to DVD players, Tianyin Group's chip factory has also made a major breakthrough. In order to break through the 0.8 micron chip process, more than 10 chip engineers from Silicon Valley, led by Liang Mengsong, returned to Shenzhen. The team of chip experts from the former Soviet Union worked more than 12 hours a day. Except for eating and sleeping, most of them were in the workshop or laboratory.

At present, the most advanced chip manufacturing process in the world has reached 0.5 micron. At the beginning of this year, the 66 MHz Pentium processor was launched, using a 0.5 micron process. Intel has always stood at the top of the chip field, and The chip technology of the biggest competitor, Japan, also broke through 0.8 micron at the end of last year. South Korea and Taiwan still maintain a 0.8-micron process. This means that China's chip technology will be second only to the United States, and will be in the second echelon with Japan, ahead of South Korea and Taiwan's chip technology.

If it is said that the production of 0.8-micron chips can still be realized through ASML, then in the field of [-] microns, it can only rely entirely on domestic technology.

Since the late 80s, by restarting the Shenzhen Science and Technology Park, Duan Yun has obtained the support of the Ministry of Electronics Industry, invested 14 billion in succession, 27 related scientific research institutes in the United Nations, and after several years, finally began to catch up. The pace of development of the international chip industry.

Among them, Tianyin Group, the Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Shanghai Optical Instrument Factory successfully completed the localization of advanced lithography machines by referring to the technology of imitating ASML lithography machines. In the past two years, Through hundreds of millions of capital investment, based on the original one-micron manufacturing technology of ASML lithography machine, a breakthrough in 0.8-micron process technology was finally completed.

In fact, in the early 90s in the previous life, the gap between domestic chip technology and foreign top technology was only about 5 to 8 years. After the last three or four years of catching up, the gap has been narrowed to 2 to 3 years. , and the localization of advanced lithography machines also means that China's chip technology has broken through the strict technical blockade of the West and reached the international advanced level.

Moreover, after several years of development, Tianyin Group Chip Factory already has national-level key laboratories, including the key laboratory of microelectronic devices and integration technology, the key laboratory of silicon device technology, and 4 industry service categories. R&D Center (EDA Center, Integrated Circuit Pioneer Technology R&D Center, System Packaging and Integration R&D Center, General Lithography Department).

More importantly, the current chip research and development has entered a virtuous circle. New chip technology can be transformed into products soon, and then the products will bring huge profits. Finally, part of the profits will be invested in the research and development of new technologies, and the cycle repeats itself. , China's chip development has really entered the right track.

During this period, many European chip companies originally possessed very advanced technology, but were unable to transform the technology into best-selling products. When enterprises and scientific research centers were unable to obtain profits and continuous investment, what awaited them was bankruptcy and bankruptcy. The gap in the advanced level is getting bigger and bigger, so that they are completely out of the game, and there is no chance to catch up.

Until later generations, the European chip industry was still monopolized by the United States. Without the patents and technologies provided by the United States, it would be impossible for them to produce chips with advanced performance and cost advantages. This is also a kind of helplessness and a reality.

At present, Tianyin Chip Factory has produced the first batch of flash memory chips based on 1 micron technology. Compared with the previous generation of NAND flash memory chips, the capacity of this generation of products has increased by 0.8 times, reaching 4MB.

The birth of a new generation of flash memory chips means that the time for Duan Yun to develop the world's first MP1 player is getting closer and closer.

In the previous life, the world's first MP1 player was invented by Koreans in 3. Before that, the biggest technical bottleneck in the production of MP1998 players was the problem of storage chips.

For example, the digitized CD file is about 1MB of data per minute, and a 10-minute CD will get a data file of about 70MB. Such a large original audio data is impossible to have any audio data with current technology. Chips can be stored separately, unless a dozen or even dozens of chips are combined together, but in that case, the volume will be very large and the cost will be quite expensive. No consumer will accept such a product...

(End of this chapter)

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