Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1896 Word Game

Chapter 1896 Word Game
In the evening, Duan Yun and Li Yun met again in the restaurant to listen to a report on today's negotiations.

"Today is going well. According to what you said, Brother Duan, we and Sony will take a step back. They agree to provide a list of relevant suppliers in the United States. We will also help them enter the secondary and tertiary markets of China for Sony's products." Li Yun said.

"Good job!" Hearing this, Duan Yun showed a satisfied smile, only to hear him continue: "Then when will the final contract be finalized?"

"Sony's lawyers like to play with words, and they used some vague promises in the additional clauses, but our lawyers are not vegetarian." Li Yun smiled slightly, and then said: "Give me another day, we will It is necessary to formulate a brand new English contract to ensure that the other party will not leave any contractual traps."

"You have to be careful about this matter. Once you sign the contract in black and white, the contract will come into force. These foreign manufacturers are different from our domestic companies. There is no human favor to talk about. Everything is done according to the contract." Duan Yun paused, and then said: "In addition to the negotiations with Sony, starting tomorrow, you will also represent Tianyin Group to negotiate with Japan Victory Co., Ltd. and Sharp Corporation. Regarding the next two negotiations, in addition to The cash transfer patent plan we formulated before can also be traded with them in the form of patent exchange or cross-licensing. From my previous contact with the two companies, the price offered by Shengli Corporation is much higher than that of Sharp Corporation. , and more sincerity, but I am more willing to do business with Sharp..."

"Brother Duan, what do you want to exchange patents with the subordinate company more?" Li Yun was startled when he heard this, and seemed to react immediately.

"You're still smart!" Duan Yun smiled slightly after hearing the words, and continued: "To be honest, after I contacted the representatives of Victory Co., Ltd. and Sharp Company, Victory Co., Ltd. was really very sincere, but the representative of Sharp Company was very arrogant. However, those of us who do business can’t be arrogant, strength and profit are the most important. To be honest, I’m not very interested in the [-] million US dollars offered by Victory Co., Ltd. What I want most is Sharp’s LCD technology... ..."

This is also the first time that Duan Yun revealed his true intentions to others, because Duan Yun understands that [-] million US dollars sounds like a lot, but for a technology company, technology is the key to survival, and only sufficient cash flow Without good cutting-edge technology, it is doomed to become a mediocre trading company in the future.

Therefore, compared with funds, Duan Yun has a stronger desire for technology and talents. At present, JVC does not have cutting-edge technology that can attract Duan Yun. Although JVC is very famous in the industry, it has been living on its laurels in recent years. , and from the perspective of later generations, except for their video recorder format technology at the beginning, it never caused a big splash in the technology world.

On the contrary, Sharp's LCD technology will have a very eye-catching performance in the next few years, and it is precisely because of LCD technology that Sharp has been developing very well in the next 20 years, and LCD TVs and LCD monitors have been sold all over the world. Deep popularization, this is a powerful technology that has changed the entire industry.

If there is this technology, Duan Yun can produce better color TVs and related electronic products, and even the car GPS system he is developing is in great need of this LCD technology.

However, judging from the current situation, Sharp's LCD TVs have just entered the market, and sales are somewhat disappointing. The main reason for this is the current cost of LCD TVs. The price is too expensive, and there are still many immature technologies. In terms of technology, compared with ordinary picture tube color TVs, there is almost no competitive advantage, and the resolution of LCD TVs is not even as good as the mature picture tube screens.

And this is a very good opportunity for Duan Yun, because the market performance is not good, he is likely to be sold at a low price by Sharp, or give up completely, and Duan Yun's VCD has already performed well in the Chinese market. It has a very strong commercial potential, and the chances of using it to replace Sharp's LCD patent should still be very high.

"However, as far as I know, Sharp's LCD display technology is not mature enough, and the market response is relatively cold. When they were first launched in Japan a few years ago, their local sales were less than 1 units a year, and the cost price was too high. , and there will often be some minor problems, Brother Duan, are you really planning to give up the [-] million US dollars from Shengli Co., Ltd. to replace this patented technology?" Li Yun said with a slight frown.

Although Li Yun does not have a technical background, since she became the general manager of the Hong Kong branch, she has rapidly deepened her understanding of the electronics industry. Apart from work and entertainment, she spends most of her spare time researching the current development of the electronics industry and the latest international influences. Powerful technology companies.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

Li Yun learned that JVC and Sharp were coming to Tianyin Group to negotiate, so she conducted a more in-depth and detailed investigation of these two companies in advance, including the development of the two companies and the development of new technologies in the past ten or twenty years. Even the key figures in their company's management and technology have been intelligence-gathered, which can be said to be well known.

If the previous quotations from the two companies were followed, Li Yun would choose Jvc without hesitation. After all, the two quotations are too far apart. Li Yun's original plan was to use Sharp to put pressure on Jvc to get more quotations. She had already thought about the relevant strategies and details, but she never thought that Duan Yun would prefer to do business with Sharp.

In fact, this does not mean that Li Yun has no foresight and foresight. In fact, Li Yun has specifically analyzed and understood the liquid crystal technology mentioned by Duan Yun, but he does not have Duan Yun's foresight, so it is impossible to think that the liquid crystal technology in the future will change. So popular.

It was with this kind of doubt that Li Yun raised some doubts about Duan Yun's approach. She still hoped to maximize the company's interests.

"I just want to say that Sharp's LCD technology is very useful to us, so this negotiation should be as successful as possible." Duan Yun said seriously.

"Okay, I promise I won't disappoint you." Li Yun nodded.

Although Li Yun still can't understand Duan Yun's intentions, as an assistant, she must strictly follow Duan Yun's orders.

The next few days will definitely be a very important test for Li Yun. If she can successfully complete the negotiation according to Duan Yun's request, then from now on, she will replace Guo Kai and become Duan Yu's most capable right-hand man...

(End of this chapter)

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