Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1898 High Trust

Chapter 1898 High Trust
After these two years of cooperation, Xu Shaoqiang's trust in Duan Yun has gradually deepened, which also allowed him to see the huge scientific research potential of Tianyin Group.

Although the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Lenovo failed to accomplish this, Xu Shaoqiang had different expectations for Duan Yun. Over the years, Duan Yun has always been able to give Xu Shaoqiang different surprises, so even though Tianyin The success rate of a private enterprise like the Group to successfully develop a domestic operating system is not high, but it still decided to lead a team of experts to go to Shenzhen for evaluation in person.

In the past ten years, whether it is civilian technology or military technology, state-owned enterprises have always played the leading role, and almost did not give any opportunities for private companies to appear on the scene, but Duan Yun's Tianyin Group is like a big tree among weeds. Tree, you can't ignore it, and this big tree grows faster and faster, and even has the possibility of becoming a towering tree.

A few years ago, the higher-level leaders of the country would never consider allowing a private enterprise to participate in such an important national project. After all, China is still a socialist system, and state-owned enterprises are the foundation and face of the country. But now, The higher-level leaders have also become more and more pragmatic, sometimes out of helplessness. When state-owned enterprises and scientific research institutions cannot take the lead, they can only choose to open a breakthrough in private enterprises, but in general, At present, the vast majority of private enterprises in China are still in the initial stage of development. Apart from Tianyin Group, there is almost no second private enterprise that can take on the mainstay of military research.

"That's great!" Duan Yun was also very happy when he heard that. In fact, he is currently negotiating with a Japanese multinational company. If he can complete the evaluation of this domestic operating system without leaving Shenzhen, that would of course be the best thing.

And if the team of experts comes to Shenzhen this time, Duan Yun can just recommend Tianyin computer developed and produced by his company to them.

At present, a new generation of flash memory chips has been successfully developed. Although the quality control and pass rate have not yet reached the level of mass production, it is still no problem to use this flash memory chip to make a few prototypes. The powerful functions are matched with a tailor-made system. , can give people a completely different smooth experience.

And once these experts give good reviews, then Duan Yun can also use their mouths to promote his Tianyin computer. Although these experts do not have the right to purchase, their words can definitely affect the decision-making of the superiors. Although this is a detail, But for Duan Yun, it is also something that needs to be taken seriously.

"Then this matter is settled like this. We will come to Shenzhen in two days."

"Okay!" After Duan Yun finished speaking, Xu Shaoqiang on the microphone hung up the phone directly.

After putting down the phone, Duan Yun immediately called his assistant Guo Kai over.

"President Duan, what's the matter?" Guo Kai asked Duan Yun respectfully after knocking on the door and entering the office.

Although Guo Kai's negotiating ability is far inferior to Li Yun's, it is still very reliable to let him do other things, so now he and Li Yun have become Duan Yun's veritable right-hand men, one is responsible for charging and the other is responsible for doing chores.

"Go talk to Liang Mengsong, ask him to arrange for someone to use our new chip to make a few prototypes of the new machine, and ask Yang Zhendong to install their latest version of the operating system in the prototype, and tell them that the system must run smoothly. In two days, experts from BJ will come to our company to evaluate this system in person, so that they can make preparations in advance." Duan Yun said to Guo Kai.

"Okay." Guo Kai nodded, and then asked Duan Wei: "Is there any other orders from Duan?"

"No more, you should notify this matter as soon as possible." Duan Yun waved his hand, indicating that Guo Kai can leave.

While Duan Yun was preparing to welcome the team of experts led by Xu Shaoqiang, Li Yun had already started a war of words negotiation.

For a whole afternoon, Li Yun and representatives of JVC did not move in the meeting room, and the atmosphere seemed dull.

"Miss Li, you should be clear that the quotation we Shengli Co., Ltd. gave you is already very high, which is 2 million U.S. dollars. Your company should be proud and lucky to get such a high quotation, because before that , Our Victory Co., Ltd. has never offered such a high patent acquisition offer!" Sitting in front of Li Yun at this time was Nobuo Tanaka, the director of JVC's business department, and he said with a bit of impatience.

Compared with Ichiro Ozawa who visited China before, Nobuo Tanaka has a much stronger style. From the beginning of the negotiation, he put on a condescending and aggressive posture, demanding Tianyin Group to accept their quotation as soon as possible and sign the contract quickly .

However, Li Yun was practicing Tai Chi throughout the negotiation process. She didn't seem to be in a hurry to reach a contract, but began to check and inquire about all the terms of the contract one by one. The entire contract has more than 60 pages. Li Yun's approach is obviously very extreme. Greatly delayed the negotiation time.

In fact, the reason why Li Yun adopted this negotiation method was, on the one hand, to prevent the Japanese side from digging holes in the details of the contract, which would cause heavy losses to Tianyin Group in the future; Visit China.

Moreover, Li Yun has very rich negotiating experience. Although her negotiating attitude has not been that strong since then, she has always been able to grasp the key points.

And most importantly, Li Yun also firmly controlled the rhythm of the entire negotiation, which is also a natural quality of a master negotiator.

Impatient people are actually not suitable for negotiations, because it is easy to get emotional and lead to the collapse of the entire negotiation, but Li Yun has patience and wisdom that do not match her age, so that Nobuo Tanaka's seemingly strong negotiating style, in the face of Li Yun When it was time, it was like hitting a cotton bag with a heavy fist. Li Yun could quickly reduce his momentum with a few words, and had to shift the direction of negotiation to the details of the contract.

"Mr. Tanaka, let's put it this way, I believe that the quotation you gave him this time is sincere, but there are still many things that need to be considered in terms of the relevant terms of the contract." Li Yun replied lightly, and then said: "In order to avoid any losses and troubles to our mutual companies in the future, some contract contents must be revised..."

"Our contracts are all drawn up by professional lawyers. They have always been standard contracts commonly used by the company. I don't think you have the sincerity to negotiate!" Nobuo Tanaka said loudly.

"If there is no sincerity, I won't sit here and communicate with you. Everyone's time is precious, and no one wants to waste it here." At this time, Li Yun raised her wrist and looked at her watch, smiling slightly Said: "Now the company will be off work soon, if you don't mind, I would like to invite Mr. Tanaka to dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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