Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1907 Patent Exchange

Chapter 1907 Patent Exchange
"In fact, our country is much stronger than it looks on the surface, but the best things don't have to be shown to others. This is true for human beings, and the same is true for the development of the country." After the visit, the two walked in the aisle of the workshop, Duan Yun said to Ni Guangnan.

"How old are you this year?" Ni Guangnan suddenly turned to Duan Yun and asked.


"32..." Hearing this, Ni Guangnan's face revealed a bit of emotion, and he continued: "When I was your age, I only knew how to work in the laboratory every day, but you have already To have achieved such a great achievement, the whole process is simply unimaginable..."

"I'm only doing what I like to do." Duan Yun said with a smile.

"Thank you very much for taking me here today. It really opened my eyes." Ni Guangnan paused, and then said: "I used to think that I was a glimpse of all mountains, but this time I met you, I know , I am also a frog in a well..."

"Teacher Ni can't say that. I am indeed very successful in business, but in terms of technology, you are still the peak I look up to." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and then said: "So I have been thinking about one thing since just now, if If my business talent is combined with your technology, do you think it will create a greater miracle?"

"Hahaha!" Hearing this, Ni Guangnan laughed, and said after a while: "I can understand what you mean, but some things may not be as simple as you think, if you want, the two of us will be together in the future I can continue to keep in touch, and I will definitely come to this factory often.”

Ni Guangnan can naturally understand Duan Yun's meaning, because he visited Tianyin Group this time, and was surprised to find that there are many colleagues and friends who were in BJ back then, and among these people, many of them were well-known in BJ back then Veteran experts, they can join Tianyin Group and work here for many years, and even give up their residence registration in the capital and settle in Shenzhen. It can be seen that the benefits of Tianyin Group are still very good.

But he can't leave now, because he is now the chief engineer of Lenovo Group, and Lenovo is still a subsidiary company of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Even though he and Liu Chuanzhi have had serious differences now, he still doesn't want to leave the company that entrusted countless youthful memories. And a glorious place of honor.

"Our Tianyin Group welcomes Teacher Ni at any time!" Duan Yun replied very simply.

In fact, Duan Yun also knew in his heart that it would be very difficult to invite Ni Guangnan to join him, but Duan Yun still had full confidence in this matter.

Because according to the later development of Lenovo Group, Ni Guangnan was forced out of Lenovo Group, so now Duan Yun only needs to wait and keep communication with each other. When the time comes, Duan Yun can naturally "take over" as soon as possible ".

People are emotional animals, and compared to other domestic technology companies, Tianyin Group is the strongest in every aspect, leaving Ni Guangnan with little choice, unless he only wants to stay in the Chinese Academy of Sciences and retire Retirement, take care of the rest of the world, otherwise, Duan Yun's company may be his only choice.

Afterwards, Duan Yun sent Ni Guangnan out of the company.

"Mr. Ni, some of the things you saw today are strictly confidential. I think you should understand what I mean." Before Ni Guangnan was about to get in the car and leave, Duan Yun posted beside him.

"Don't worry, we'll see you later." After Ni Guangnan finished speaking, he smiled at Duan Yun and got into the car.

It wasn't until the car completely disappeared from sight that Duan Yun turned around and returned to the company...


In the afternoon of the same day, the delegation of Sharp Corporation also came to the headquarters of Shenzhen Tianyin Group as scheduled. After a brief meeting with Duan Yun, the negotiation process officially started.

But this time, Li Yun was still in charge of negotiating with the Sharp Group.

Within a week, Li Yun negotiated with three Japanese multinational giants one after another. The pressure and workload were still very high, but judging from Li Yun's performance at the scene, she seemed to be very relaxed and always able to do well. To control the pace of negotiations, first test the bottom line of the other party's negotiations, and then come up with "dragging tactics", and in order to avoid the collapse of the negotiations, at night, I have to entertain these Japanese delegations with Duan Yun, repeatedly, which seems to have become A routine of Li Yun's negotiation.

"You want to exchange VCD patents with Sharp's liquid crystal patents. Isn't this request too much?" In the conference room, the leader of Sharp's delegation, Jiro Hayakawa, said with a bit of resentment.

When he came to China last time, Jiro Hayakawa acted extremely arrogant and forceful during the negotiation with Duan Yun. The woman gave her a bit of a headache. After talking for more than an hour, there was no progress at all, and Li Yun suddenly proposed to exchange the VCD patent for Sharp's liquid crystal display technology, which undoubtedly made him feel very uncomfortable.

You must know that liquid crystal technology is a new technology that Sharp has spent nearly five years leading. Although this technology is not yet mature enough and the product has received a lukewarm response in the market, in any case, Sharp has invested a lot of manpower. Material and financial resources, and it will be the technology that Sharp will focus on in the future. It is obviously unacceptable for Jiro Hayakawa to exchange this patent for a Chinese patented product.

"Mr. Hayakawa, you don't need to be so excited." Seeing this, Li Yun smiled, and then she continued: "The exchange of patented technology is also a common business method. The liquid crystal display is a new technology developed by your Sharp Group. And our VCD technology is also a very strong technology, I think there should be no problem if we exchange these two patented technologies..."

"How can you have any high-tech technology in China? It is a great honor for you that Sharp Corporation is willing to acquire your VCD patent." Jiro Hayakawa's face flashed with disdain, and he continued: "These two patented technologies It cannot be compared at all, our liquid crystal display is an epoch-making high-tech product, and will guide the global electronic audio-visual industry in the future..."

"Then I would like to ask, how many LCD color TVs did you sell in the US market this year?" Li Yun directly interrupted Jiro Hayakawa and asked in a calm tone.

"This... This is a commercial secret, and it is impossible to tell you." Hayakawa Jiro was a little speechless when he heard the words, so he said.

(End of this chapter)

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