Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1916 I'm not happy

Chapter 1916 I'm not happy
And that night, Duan Yun received another piece of good news, that is, the Sharp Electronics delegation agreed in principle to the patent cross-licensing after communicating with the headquarters.

In fact, this kind of thing is within Duan Yun's expectation, because Sharp Electronics has only seen the strong sales volume of VCD in the Chinese market. They said that this patent is ready to be invested in the United States or other Southeast Asian markets. With their Sharp Electronics The brand and the local marketing network can quickly realize the product of VCD and earn very rich profits.

As for the authorization of liquid crystal management technology, Sharp Electronics has authorized several Japanese electronics companies before this. Although the authorization of technology to a Chinese company violates the tacit understanding and contract between Japanese companies to a certain extent, but for any For a company, the interests of the company are always above all. No one will give up the huge profits at their fingertips for an unwritten rule.

As for the negotiation with Victory Co., Ltd., it has also changed from a patent buyout to a patent authorization, which means that Tianyin Group can authorize the VCD patent to two Japanese companies at the same time. As for how they compete in the American market, that is It's their own business.

The negotiations that had been stalemate for several days turned around on this day, and Duan Yun was undoubtedly the biggest winner among them.

In fact, in Duan Yun's plan, VCD is just a transition product to DVD, so even if it is transferred out at a low price, Duan Yun will not feel distressed, because he knows that once DVD is on the market, VCD products will be in the market. It will be quickly eliminated within one or two years, so DVD will be Duan Yun's most important cash cow in the next few years.

It’s just that Duan Yun will not tell Japanese manufacturers about this kind of thing. The electronic industry is like this, especially electronic products that are fast-moving consumer goods. The replacement speed is very fast, and some electronic products are not even on the market In a few months, it has been replaced by other products with better functions and higher cost performance, so the speed of research and development is always king for technology companies, and it is only natural for them to be eliminated if they cannot keep up with others.

So in the next two days, what Li Yun has to do is to formally sign relevant technology authorization contracts with two Japanese companies. Because it is not a patent transfer, the cost that Victory Corporation needs to pay will also be greatly reduced. Only 4000 million U.S. dollars can be given, but this is indifferent to Duan Yun. Tianyin Group itself does not make money by selling patents. It can obtain the patent authorization of LCD from Sharp Electronics, and at the same time, it can also harvest Victory Co., Ltd. The company's tens of millions of dollars is completely acceptable to Duan Yun. After all, Duan Yun does not have a sales network in the United States. Even if he holds the VCD patent in his hands, it will be difficult for him to make much money in the United States. .

On the last day of October, Duan Yun finally stood at the signing ceremony together with Victory Corporation and the Sharp Electronics delegation. After Duan Yun formally signed the contract with the two parties, there was warm applause at the scene.

At this time, Li Yun, who was standing next to Duan Yun, specially changed into a red cheongsam, which looked particularly festive. There is no doubt that Li Yun was the biggest contributor to this negotiation.

"Mr. Duan, thank you for your company's hospitality, but I hope that if I have the opportunity to come to your company next time, I don't want to see this woman again." After the signing ceremony, Hayakawa Jiro walked to the opposite side and said relaxedly .

"Hahaha!" Hearing this, Duan Yun laughed, only to hear him go on to say: "We Chinese have an old saying that the first time you are born, the second time you are familiar. Next time if you come to our company to negotiate, I will personally In addition, we hope that Mr. Hayakawa can forgive us for offending our employees, after all, we are all business-like, and we cannot tolerate human distractions, so even if we offend, I hope Mr. Hayakawa can understand."

"I just think this woman is too hateful!" When he said this, Hayakawa Jiro still had a bit of resentment in his eyes, and he continued: "If this was in Japan, I don't think any company would hire such a woman." Unruly woman..."

"It's a pity that this is in China." Duan Yun smiled after hearing the words, and continued: "But anyway, the signing of this contract is a new starting point for the cooperation between our two companies. More cooperation opportunities, and I am also willing to become friends with Mr. Hayakawa, next time you come to Shenzhen, whether it is for work or travel, I will welcome you warmly."

"Okay, I also hope that Duan Jun can come to Japan in the future, and I will personally receive Duan Jun." Hayakawa Jiro said courteously.

In fact, at this moment, Hayakawa Jiro already has a deep respect for Duan Yun, because through his secret observation in Tianyin Group these days, Tianyin Group is indeed very different from other Chinese companies he has known before. Different, although the international reputation of this Chinese company is far less than that of Sharp Electronics, it has huge potential. The factory has a high degree of automation, which is almost equivalent to a second-rate company in Japan. The scientific research team is also very large. The environment is also quite beautiful, all of which have subverted Hayakawa Jiro's perception of Chinese companies.

It is precisely because he saw the strong potential of the Tianyin Group that Hayakawa Jiro's respect for Duan Yun became deeper and deeper. By the last two days of the negotiation, he had completely lost the strength and aura he had when he first came to Shenzhen. arrogant.

After all, Japan is a society that respects the strong, and in the eyes of Hayakawa Jiro and others, Duan Yun is undoubtedly a very powerful person. After all, in a socialist country, it is possible to make a private enterprise so big and so strong. It simply exceeded the imagination of these Japanese delegations.

After talking with Jiro Hayakawa for a few words, Ichiro Ozawa, the representative of Victory Co., Ltd., also came to Duan Yun's side at this time.

Although the contract has been signed, Ichiro Ozawa is actually a little bit disappointed in his heart, because the main purpose of his negotiation this time is to be able to buy out the patented technology of the entire VCD, so that this technology can become a part of Victory Football Gray. Fist products continue to maintain their dominance in the traditional video recorder market.

Although the licensing price offered by Duan Yun in the end was very reasonable, only 3800 million US dollars, which is much less than the 2-3 million patent purchase fees, but it also means that they will have to work with the same authorized patents in the future. Sharp Electronics competes fiercely in overseas markets.

"Mr. Ozawa, there is an old saying in China that it is easy to lose your fortune and lose your horse." Duan Yun seemed to have seen the disappointment of the novel Ichiro, so he patted him on the shoulder lightly, and then said: "I know you are right I am a little dissatisfied with the way I split the authorization, but I can assure you that you will thank me in a short time..."

(End of this chapter)

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