Chapter 1921
In just one morning, more than 50 member dealers have applied for agency, of which 12 applied for provincial agencies, and the rest were municipal agencies.

In fact, for any member dealer of Tianyin Group, they are eager to obtain the local Sony agency, but if they want to obtain the agency, they must also undertake corresponding obligations. In addition to after-sales and promotion, the most important The most important thing is to be able to ensure sufficient sales, among which the provincial agency must achieve a minimum annual profit of about [-] million yuan. When there are several distributors competing for the provincial agency at the same time, it must be through bidding. The member who promises the highest sales and profit can get the agency right.

And first-tier cities like BJ, Shanghai, and Guangzhou must guarantee an annual sales of about 3 million to 5 million yuan. In China, there are not many dealers with such strength. As a result, many members of Tianyin Chamber of Commerce who want to represent Sony products can only choose to stay away.

However, even if they cannot obtain provincial-level agents, these member dealers can also directly purchase from other members who have obtained agency rights. Purchase, but the price must be higher than the provincial agency level.

In just one morning, Duan Yun had already reached preliminary agency intentions with these member dealers, and in the next two days, Gui and these dealers who obtained agency rights signed formal contracts.

From the beginning of Tianyin Group's establishment, the chamber of commerce of the group company has shown great potential. Over the years, the chamber of commerce has become more and more important. They have become the backbone and foundation of the entire group's product sales. The group company can It can be said that the Tianyin Chamber of Commerce has contributed a lot to its development to its current scale.

"We have now fulfilled our contractual obligations with Sony, and the next step is for Sony to fulfill their promise." After the chamber of commerce ended, Li Yun walked to Duan Yun's side and whispered.

"What do you think?" Duan Yun turned his head and asked.

"According to our original plan, open a company in the United States, merge with our R&D center on the west coast of the United States, integrate R&D and sales, and establish a branch of Tianyin Group in the United States." Li Yun said.

"There are too many things in China now, and I can't get away..." Duan Yun frowned slightly, and then said: "I plan to hand over the matter of establishing a branch in the United States to Liang Mengsong, who was originally our R&D center in the United States. The person in charge, and also familiar with the laws there..."

"Liang Mengsong is an expert in microelectronics technology, but he is not proficient in business. I think that setting up a branch office should be done by someone who is familiar with business." Li Yun pondered for a while, and then said: "If you If you can trust me, I will go to the United States to deal with this matter..."

"Are you going to open a branch in the United States?" Duan Jun was taken aback when he heard this, and then asked, "But the question is, do you understand the local laws and regulations in the United States?"

Duan Yun did not expect that Li Yun would recommend himself to help him establish a Tianyin branch in the United States.

You must know that the laws and regulations in the United States are very different from those in China, and establishing a branch in the United States is not just about completing registration. There are many things that need to be done, including the choice of company location, leasing of office buildings, and work The hiring of personnel, as well as the contact with Sony, all these things must be completed as soon as possible.

So Duan Yun's idea is that since he can't spare time to go to the United States to deal with so many things, he can only find someone who is familiar with the local conditions in the United States to do this, and the best candidate is undoubtedly Liang Mengsong, because Liang Mengsong has always been The person in charge of the U.S. R&D center has lived in the U.S. for more than ten years, and has strong personal connections and social experience, so it is best for him to do something.

However, there are also some problems, that is, Liang Mengsong is currently assisting in the technical research of the pass rate of mass production of 0.8-micron process flash memory chips at the Shenzhen branch, and once he leaves, the related scientific research work will inevitably be delayed, but at this time, Duan Yun can only take advantage of the two.

As for Li Yun, although her working ability is also very strong, and she has served as the branch manager of the Hong Kong branch for two full years, her ability and experience are also very strong, at least in the current Tianyin Group, no one can find her. A better management talent than him.

But the problem was that Li Yun had only been to the United States with Duan Yun before. Although he was good at foreign languages, he didn't know much about the United States. Duan Yun was still somewhat worried about letting a young girl like him take on such a big responsibility.

"Actually, when I was in Hong Kong, I met a lot of American businessmen and had exchanges and contacts with them. I feel that the business environment in the United States is similar to that of Hong Kong, whether in terms of system or business logic, it is similar to Hong Kong. They have a lot in common." Li Yun seemed to see Duan Yun's worry, so he continued: "Of course I can't do so many things alone, but as long as you give me authorization, I can quickly organize A company preparation team, of course, until there is no better candidate, I can be the general manager of the US branch."

"It seems that you are very confident." Duan Yun said with a smile.

"Confidence comes from strength. In fact, these years, I have been going relatively smoothly. Although there are occasional bumps, but generally speaking, I can always achieve the goals I set." Li Yun smiled slightly, and then said: " You should give me full trust in this matter. In fact, I have always hoped that our Western companies can create new brilliance in the United States, and in my thinking, conquering the American market is actually equivalent to conquering the whole world. This kind of thing will definitely bring me a great sense of accomplishment, I don't want to be a mediocre frog in a well..."

"In this case, I will entrust you with the full authority to establish a branch in the United States and cooperate with Sony Corporation." Duan Yun glanced at Li Yun, and then said: "As for the manager of the American branch, I will A well-known international manager will be hired, but until there are no suitable candidates, you can sit in the United States first."

In fact, for the current Duan Yun, it would be the best if Li Yun could really do this. After all, the company's chip technology research is at a critical moment, and he himself is not willing to transfer Liang Mengsong back to the United States.

"I will not let you down!" Hearing this, Li Yun curled up her mouth, then turned and walked away...

(End of this chapter)

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