Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1929 Important Deployment

Chapter 1929 Important Deployment
Generally speaking, Duan Yun personally drove the test this time, and the experience is definitely not perfect, but as the first family car developed by Tianyin Group, it is already very impressive to be able to achieve this level in just over half a year. It is not easy, even compared with many domestic car companies, it is not known how much higher the technology is. You must know that most of the current domestic car factories are either imported mature foreign technology or smuggled assembled vehicles. It can be said that there are very few car bodies that are truly capable of independent research and development.

In addition to the riding experience, Duan Yun found that the appearance of this car is really not beautiful. Compared with the square models in Europe, America and Japan, the outer shell of this car is a bit round, especially the front lights , very similar to the old-fashioned Volga sedan in the past, which gives people a very old-fashioned feeling, like an old Shanghai car from the 80s and [-]s.

However, it is understandable that the car shell is designed like this. After all, these technical experts are mainly based on the three major parts of the car technology, and Russian cars pay more attention to practicality than appearance, so that the Soviet mechanical products in the early years give people a kind of It looks silly, thick and black, but the material is solid, and it is quite durable, but this kind of car-making concept is indeed behind the times in terms of commercial cars, so if Duan Yun wants to build a car with a novel appearance, he will Another designer must be found.

In terms of design style, Duan Yun prefers European designers. Whether it is Santana, Audi, or Volvo cars, the lines of the vehicles are relatively tough, and the wind resistance and space are considered more comprehensively.

Duan Yun thought about hiring an internationally renowned car designer with a high salary before, but he later changed his mind. Considering that he mainly produces and sells Volvo cars at present, in order to maintain the style consistency of the group company’s products, he plans to cooperate with Sweden’s Volvo Get in touch and invite their designer to help design the shape of a new mini car. With his business connection with Volvo and his relationship with their president, this matter should not be a big problem.

All in all, the appearance of a car is also a very important point for many people to buy a car. There must be no sloppy appearance. The appearance must conform to the aesthetics of the public. It can be eye-catching, but it should not be too exaggerated.

"Mr. Duan, in fact, this car hasn't been improved yet. Originally, we thought you would come over next month..." Chen Qiao said with some embarrassment.

In fact, Chen Qiao also understands in his heart that the current sample cars are indeed a bit crude. Except for the three major parts, other supporting electronic equipment inside have not been installed in time. In addition, the shock absorption of the engine and the sound insulation of the cabin have not been done. It will definitely feel uncomfortable inside. When Chen Qiao took this bus for the first time, he also felt very uncomfortable when he went around the venue.

However, it is relatively simple to increase the comfort of the car. For example, the seat cushion of the driver's seat is enlarged and thickened, just like sitting on a sofa. The air conditioner and audio are installed in the car, and sound insulation and shock absorption are done well. The experience will definitely be greater at that time. increase in magnitude.

"It's fine if you understand it in your heart." Duan Yun nodded, and continued: "In a word, try to make this car fuel-efficient, durable, and comfortable to ride. In addition, without affecting the car's performance and comfort requirements in all aspects, as much as possible. To reduce costs, you can refer to the Alto sedans on the market. Compared with this car, our car must have sufficient product advantages.”

In fact, in the 90s, a total of four companies introduced the Alto model, namely Changan Alto, Jiangnan Alto, Jiangbei Alto and Qinchuan Alto.

When Alto entered the Chinese market, it really drove a wave of sales. It also greatly lowered the threshold for Chinese people to own a car, and it is no longer exclusive to the top rich. In the trend of that era, taxi driver was definitely an enviable profession, with a very high income. Usually, it only took 2 to 3 years for Alto owners to pay back their capital.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. Within a few years, the four companies that first introduced Alto cars were killed or injured, and the Altos they produced were rolled off the assembly line one after another.

The first off-line is Jiangbei Alto, a Jiangbei enterprise with a history of 139 years. After 16 years of tossing, it only built 1.2 cars. The total number is only 1999.

Then there is Qinchuan Alto, which has worked very hard. At that time, Alto’s annual sales volume was always No. 2, but the No. 1, the market strategy of Chang’an Alto, which has survived until now, is too beautiful, and it can only choose if it loses for a while. Hastily went offline and sold 77% of the company's shares to BYD.

As for Jiangnan Alto, because of lack of capital investment, like an abandoned child, Alto’s year-on-year market share is the lowest. In order to change its situation, Jiangnan Alto came up with a way, that is, a big price war.

However, with the sharp price cut, the sales volume of Jiangnan Alto has indeed surged. If you had bought the shares of Jiangnan Group at that time, you would definitely have made a lot of money.

The price war was won, and Jiangnan Alto, who felt that he wanted to sit firmly in the country, began to drift away, and began to plan to develop a new brand car of his own. This made the after-sales personnel of Jiangnan Alto a little anxious, after all, the car broke down at that time It is a very common thing. Over time, due to the slack in service and after-sales, this star-like Jiangnan Alto is really like a star, and it will not light up after a few flashes.

Under the wind of the world, the Jiangnan Group simply broke the can, lost the Jiangnan Alto, and directly devoted itself to the research and development of new brand cars.

In the end, it is the winner of this dispute between the four families: Changan Alto, which has been retained until now.

Unlike Jiangnan Alto, where price wars are price wars, Changan Alto attaches great importance to quality and after-sales service.As time went by, Changan Alto became more and more famous.After all, cars were more or less expensive to buy at the time. If there was no place to repair them, not many people would dare to buy them.

In fact, from the current situation of these four companies, none of them is comparable to Tianyin Group, whether it is technology or financial strength, especially after they have fully introduced the Volvo 940 sedan production line, they have the most advanced auto parts in China. Compared with other second-tier car companies in China, the parts and assembly lines are a whole generation ahead.

In addition, Duan Yun has a network of 4S stores all over the country, which is not available to other domestic car companies, so as long as the mini car developed this time is not too stretched, Duan Yun can definitely get a big share from the domestic car market. a piece of cake……

(End of this chapter)

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