Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1931 Reassurance

Chapter 1931 Reassurance

"Secretary Zhang..." Duan Yun was stunned for a moment when he saw the old man, and then blurted out.

It turned out that the person who came was none other than Zhang Guoguang, a high-ranking official from SY City. Along with him, there were two other staff members, all of whom were carrying large and small bags.

"Duan Yun? Why are you here?" Seeing Duan Yun, Zhang Guoguang also had a flash of surprise on his face, so he asked casually.

"Ah... I heard that Mayor Wu had an accident abroad, so I came to the house today to take a look, mainly to help their family solve some difficulties in life." When Duan Yun said this, his face showed Feeling a bit sad, I just heard him go on to say: "Although I haven't come to Shenyang many times, I have become close friends with Mayor Wu, and he has also helped me a lot in developing the automobile industry in Shenyang. So something happened, and I'm really sad..."

"Hey... the world is unpredictable." Zhang Guoguang also had a sad face when he heard the words, and he continued: "I have worked with Lao Wu for more than ten years, and the relationship can be said to be quite deep. Last time I When we came to his house as a guest, we made an agreement together that when we both retired, we could go fishing together, play chess or something... It's a pity..."

When he said this, Zhang Guogang was a little choked up. He was obviously very sad. After all, the friendship of friends and colleagues for more than ten years would make anyone feel very sad.

"Old Zhang, come in and sit down." At this time, Wu Disheng's wife also quickly settled down.

The next moment, several people returned to the living room again.

"...It's some things donated by all the staff of our city government. The total cash is 20080 yuan. There are also some rice noodles. The things are too heavy. They are temporarily placed in the cafeteria. I will send someone to bring them to you tomorrow morning... ..." After Zhang Guoguang sat down, he said to Wu Disheng's wife: "In addition, you don't have to worry. Your family can live in the family area of ​​our city government forever. From now on, this house will be your family's private property. We have arranged for the real estate bureau to No matter what, Mayor Wu died for our work in Shenyang, and we will always remember this!"

"Thank you! Thank you, Secretary Zhang!" Hearing this, Wu Disheng's wife thanked him repeatedly, only to hear him continue: "Just now, Comrade Duan said that he would give my family a house, so I really dare not take it. He is also a Good intentions, but my old man said before that our family cannot accept gifts unless they are given by the country or the government, otherwise, even if the other party gives you a mountain of gold, you can't take it..."

"Old Wu's awareness is still high!" Zhang Guoguang couldn't help but praise, turned his head and saw Duan Yun again, and then said: "Xiao Duan, you are really generous, and you are going to give someone a house when you open your mouth?"

"I just think that Mayor Wu has been a righteous person all his life. Even if he leaves, he can't let his family suffer. That's what it means." Duan Yun said.

"You are very affectionate and conscientious, which is rare..." Zhang Guoguang glanced at Duan Yun with approval, and then said: "Well, you go back first, and come to my office tomorrow morning. There are some things I want to talk to you face to face."

"Okay, then I'll go first." Hearing this, Duan Yun got up and left the room.

Seeing Duan Yun leave, Zhang Guoguang showed a thoughtful look...


Early the next morning, Duan Yun arrived at the City Hall of Sy City by car.

When Wu Disheng was there before, Duan Yun always lived in the municipal government guest house every time he came to Shenyang, but this time when Wu Disheng had an accident, Duan Yun did not choose to live with the municipal government.

As for the reason, it is also very simple. Once the emperor and courtiers, the attitude of the new mayor in the future is still unknown, so Duan Yun must be more cautious.

When he came to the office of the senior city official, the door was open, Duan Yun knocked lightly on the door, and then walked in directly.

"Xiao Duan is here, sit down." After seeing Duan Yun, Zhang Guoguang immediately smiled and motioned him to sit down.

"Secretary Zhang, after learning about Mayor Wu's accident, I immediately bought a plane ticket and came to our Shenyang." Duan Yun pondered for a while, and then said: "In addition to wanting to know about Mayor Wu, the other is about Jinbei Automobile Factory I have always felt that the automobile industry is very important to Shenyang's industrial development and people's livelihood..."

"You don't need to say it, I understand all of this." Zhang Guoguang interrupted Duan Yun, only to hear him continue: "Don't worry, the decisions made by our SY city government have continuity, even if they change As a mayor, I have already made a development path and will not change it easily. The economic and industrial development of Shenyang cannot be separated from the support of you entrepreneurs. Of course, your career is also inseparable from us. Our policies and support, we all complement each other."

"Yes, yes, yes! The development of our enterprise is indeed inseparable from the support of the government." Duan Yun quickly echoed.

"So the promise and policy support that Mayor Wu Disheng gave you before will not be changed on our side." Zhang Guoguang smiled slightly, and then said: "Actually, this is what you want to hear the most, right?"

"Hehe." Duan Yun smiled and said, "Secretary Zhang, you are really amazing. It can be said that it is a great blessing in my life to have a leader like you."

"The amazing thing is you, I'm just older than you, and I'm far worse than you." Zhang Guoguang smiled, and then said: "I always thought you were a very shrewd businessman before, but yesterday you took the initiative to go to the market Not to mention anything else, this alone proves that you are a very affectionate person. In this society, there are not many people like this..."

"In fact, there are still many good people, but most of them don't have the financial conditions like mine." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and continued: "A house is nothing to me, but it can help friends and family members. But it makes me feel very happy.”

"The old warrior is gone, I hope it will not affect the investment and development of your group company in our Shenyang." Zhang Guoguang paused, and then said: "Another point is that you can deal with whatever happens to you in the Shenyang company in the future." Come to me directly, and in addition, no matter who the new mayor is in the future, I can be your strong backing, as long as what you do is beneficial to our Shenyang's economic and industrial development, I can give you the greatest support!"

(End of this chapter)

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