Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 203 Superior Leadership

Chapter 203 Superior Leadership
At two o'clock in the afternoon on NO.30 of the next day, the entrance of the gear factory staff club was decorated with lights and festoons, and the sound of gongs and drums was loud.

The factory was closed one day in advance, red flags were planted in front of the factory and on both sides of the street, and a red banner with the words "Celebrate National Day" was hung at the entrance of the club early.

The gongs and drums team and the Yangko team organized by the propaganda department of the factory are on the square at the entrance of the club

"Boom boom boom! Clang clang clang!"

The sound of gongs and drums was deafening. Dozens of female workers in the factory were all dressed in festive colors and doing fan dances.

On the bulletin board at the entrance of the club, the headshot photos and profiles of this year's model workers have been placed, and the photos were taken the day before yesterday.

Although Duan Yun said that he was average-looking, he was indeed quite photogenic, and the other model workers in the bulletin board were all middle-aged and elderly workers, so it seemed that Duan Yun was full of heroism.

In the afternoon, all the employees of the factory held a commendation meeting in the club. Duan Yun and other model workers had lined up at the entrance of the club half an hour earlier, waiting to enter together.

Duan Yun is dressed very energetically today, after all, he is going to give a speech on stage, so since last night, Duan Yun called off work early, took a bath, cut his hair short, and put on a pair of shiny new ones in the morning. The leather shoes, black straight trousers, and the sky-blue Chinese tunic suit were specially made by his mother for him.

Duan Yun gently touched the big red flower on his chest, and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. It has been more than two months since he was reborn in this age, but what he experienced was like a dream .

There are more and more employees gathered at the entrance of the club. Dressed smartly, the young and somewhat handsome Duan Yun standing among a group of older model workers is indeed very conspicuous. In addition, his salary and bonuses in the past two months are astonishing. , and he is about to be allocated a new house, so many young female workers who are watching cast a fiery look at him.

Duan Yun is not the kind of young boy, the girl looked over, and Duan Yun's expression was always very natural, but to be honest, it might be due to Duan Yun's aesthetic problems in later generations, he didn't think that these female workers were good-looking, Compared with the Yu Shulan and Cheng Qingyan he knew now, she was far behind in terms of body and appearance.

Speaking of Yu Shulan, since I sent her home once last month, I haven't seen her again.

"Everyone stand aside and let the model workers in first." At 02:30, an officer of the publicity department of the main factory signaled for the crowd standing at the club's entrance to back off, and then shouted to the people below: "Xiao Qi, Get the team together and we're about to enter the arena."

"Hey." After hearing the words, another middle-aged officer of another agency in the audience turned his head and shouted to Duan Yun and the other model workers: "Comrades, model workers, line up in two lines and prepare to enter the arena."

Everyone heard the words, and then they all looked at the team, their faces were full of excitement.

"Boom boom boom, clang clang clang!"

Seeing the door of the club opened, the drums and gongs on both sides were loud again, and several huge loudspeakers located on the edge of the club room also played the song "The Most Glorious Work", and the scene suddenly became lively.

Duan Yun, who was standing at the end, followed other model workers slowly into the staff club.

After entering the club hall, Duan Yun and other model workers were arranged to sit in the front row of the stage. On the stage, there was a row of tables with microphones on them, obviously the leadership position.

It didn't take long for Duan Yun to sit down, and other employees who attended the meeting also took their seats according to the areas divided by each workshop, and the scene suddenly became noisy.

"Be quiet, everyone. Let's applaud and welcome the leaders of our Red Star Gear Factory and the leaders of the Municipal Light Industry Bureau to come to the stage." At this time, a staff member adjusted the microphone and said to the audience.

As soon as the staff member finished speaking, factory director Qin Gang, secretary Zhao Dongsheng and some other leaders came up from the side of the stage, and there was a burst of warm applause from the audience.

Duan Yun also slapped his hands and looked at these people seated on the stage.

Duan Yun naturally knew all these leaders in the factory, and at this time the leaders sitting in the middle of the long table on the rostrum immediately caught Duan Yun's attention.

In the middle is a middle-aged man with a thin face and wearing a gray Chinese tunic suit. The name plate in front of him reads "Duan Yang, Director of Daxing Light Industry Bureau", and beside him is an old man with gray temples. With the name of 'Kong Guoqiang, Deputy Mayor of Daxing City'.

The Red Star Gear Factory is still an enterprise affiliated to the Ministry of Light Industry. It is normal for the director of the Light Industry Bureau to come to the National Day Model Worker Commendation Conference of the subordinate enterprises, but this time the deputy mayor of Daxing City can also be present, which is somewhat unexpected. Duan Yun's expectation.

Daxing is a well-known coal capital in the country, and it is also one of the first prefecture-level cities in the country to become the first batch of "80 large-scale cities" in the 13s. Its population and economic scale are also ranked first in the country. The mayors and deputy mayors of these cities are all department-level cadres with high administrative levels.

And now the deputy mayor of Daxing City is willing to "condescend" to hold this model worker meeting at the Red Star Gear Factory. For the gear factory, it is indeed a flattering thing.

However, Duan Yun soon noticed something unusual. He found that among several leaders on the stage, the deputy mayor Kong Guoqiang was undoubtedly sitting in the middle 'position C', and the one sitting on the left was the city youth. Ruiyang, director of the industrial bureau, on the right should be the factory director Qin Gang or the secretary Zhao Dongsheng, but at this time the deputy factory director Yu Jianguo is sitting in that position.

This may seem like a small detail, but Chinese people have always had a strong "official standard" thinking, and such a dislocation of rankings is actually a bit sensitive.

What surprised Duan Yun was that the leaders on the stage were all smiling, and the factory director and secretary couldn't see the slightest displeasure on their faces. Instead, they turned their heads and smiled and said something to Yu Jianguo.

But soon, Duan Yun reacted.

Earlier, Duan Yun had heard about Yu Jianguo, the deputy director of the factory.

Yu Jianguo was a college student in the 62nd class. At that time, university admission was a combination of recommendation and examination. Yu Jianguo was considered a genius in their village. Yu Jianguo was the first in the county in the college entrance examination that year, and he had already passed the university admission. But in the end, because of his mother's bad background, the political trial was blocked by the local county government.

In the end, thanks to the then county magistrate, that is, Yu Shulan's grandfather, after learning about the situation, he made a special approval, and Yu Jianguo finally entered the university campus.

And Yu Jianguo, who went to university, reported his kindness. Every summer and winter vacation, he would buy things and visit the county magistrate, and finally became the old county magistrate's son-in-law.

After graduation, Yu Jianguo was assigned to the Red Star Gear Factory. With his excellent education and management skills, he was promoted to the deputy factory director in only six years, and his old Zhang Zhang was also promoted from the deputy county magistrate to Daxing City. vice-mayor.

So over the years, the factory has removed and replaced several leaders of the main factory, but Yu Jianguo's position as the deputy factory director is quite stable. The chief Qin Gang is still the secretary Zhao Dongsheng, and he will give him enough face. Although he usually doesn't take care of things in the factory, as long as he speaks and makes a decision, Qin Gang and Zhao Dongsheng will generally not refute, relying on his relationship in the city .

Now it seems that the man named Kong Guoqiang sitting on the stage should be Yu Jianguo's father-in-law!
(End of this chapter)

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