Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2136 Internet Tide

Chapter 2136 Internet Tide

After dinner, Duan Yun returned home by car.

Although he discouraged Li Yunpeng from eloping with his girlfriend abroad, in fact, Li Yunpeng's actions gave Duan Yun a lot of thoughts.

In fact, he can completely understand Li Yunpeng's mental state of being desperate for feelings. He and Ruixue are in a relationship now. Choose to escape abroad with Ruixue.

But Duan Yun also knows that if he really does this, Ruixue's future and reputation will definitely be ruined. Ruiyang's status is no small matter, if he is angered, this kind of situation will definitely happen.

So Duan Yun still needs to be patient now, because what he wants is true and complete happiness, which means that he needs to wait for the opportunity and has made more efforts.

For the next two days, Duan Yun still waited for the gate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs every day, and dated, ate, and walked with Ruixue. This was a rare leisurely time for the two of them.

On the morning of the third day, Duan Yun promised that his private plane left BJ and returned to the Shenzhen headquarters.

After he returned to Shenzhen, the first major thing he started to deal with was to establish a large enterprise database with the assistance of IBM in the United States.

After paying millions of dollars, IBM shipped the most advanced server to Shenzhen by air, accompanied by more than 30 technicians from IBM headquarters. Their goal was to help Tianyin Group Establish the largest enterprise database in mainland China, install and debug related equipment, and strive to make the equipment run smoothly within two months.

The server rooms selected by Duan Yun are respectively located in the headquarters of the group company and the R&D center in Baoan County. The reason why some servers are placed in the R&D center in Baoan County is because this has actually become the core of the R&D department of Tianyin Group. The gathering place of the team has a large number of foreign technical personnel and experts. In addition, IBM's management consulting team is also here. The server is set up here. On the one hand, it is convenient for the IBM business management consulting team to establish an electronic network similar to IBM headquarters For the management department, another point is that the project results developed here can also be stored and managed very conveniently. This is also an important reason why Duan Yun introduced IBM servers at a high price.

In addition to the servers being used for LAN management, Duan Yun also plans to use these servers for the next step of business layout, which is to welcome the Chinese Internet era that is getting closer and closer.

By the beginning of 1995, the Internet had connected more than 4 networks, 380 million computers, and 154 countries and regions around the world, and they could exchange e-mails through the Internet. It can be said that the development of the Internet is changing with each passing day, and it has come to change the world's technological progress and even the pattern. In the early stage, almost all large multinational companies have already used the Internet, making the whole world infinitely open. For all Internet users, the world has never been so open and so close.

And this year, the distance between China and the world has finally reached the stage of mutual acquaintance. Since May 5 last year, the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences has set up the first web server in China and launched the first set of web pages in China. , in addition to introducing China's high-tech development, there is also a column called "Journey to China", which has become China's first window to the world in the Internet age.

In September last year, the General Administration of Telecommunications of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and the U.S. Department of Commerce signed an agreement on the Internet between China and the United States. The agreement stipulates that the General Administration of Telecommunications will open two 9k dedicated lines through a telecommunications company in the United States. One of these two dedicated lines is in BJ , and the other one is in Shanghai.

In the eyes of future generations, the 64k network transmission speed is so slow that it can be ignored, because for many ordinary users who come into contact with the Internet for the first time in later generations, the network speed is often 514k or even 1mb, while a country only has a network with 64k traffic The transmission speed seems a bit unimaginable, but it was actually the case at that time, because the Internet at that time did not have as many full-featured and powerful application software as the Internet of later generations, and the performance of ordinary home PCs was also very low-end. , more often just looking at some websites or transmitting some e-mails, it is difficult to transfer even larger pictures.

But despite this, some domestic netizens with a keen sense of smell have already planned to make some articles in the domestic Internet industry.

Among China's earliest netizens were Jack Ma, who later founded e-commerce site Alibaba, and Wang Zhidong, who founded Sina.Wang Juntao and others from 2 Company, which founded the first b8848c website, have already started the Enlightenment Movement of China's Internet.

By this year, the first group of pioneers to devote themselves to the Internet industry appeared in China. In March, Tian Suning, a Ph.D. from Texas Tech University, moved the AsiaInfo company he founded in the United States to China. .

Tian Suning believes that the rise of Internet technology is a huge business opportunity for the communication between China and the world.He has won more than 2000 American information service providers including Dow Jones as users, and at the same time wants to develop thousands or even tens of thousands of business users in China.

But he soon discovered that he couldn't do it at all. The first reason was that Chinese consumers had no knowledge of the Internet. The second reason was that the technology could not be realized at all. AsiaInfo purchased the first set of network equipment and formulated the Internet transmission system. The Chinese Ietf standard, and the network routers used in BJ and Shanghai at that time only had 32 dial-up ports in total, and one port can only support 10-20 users, which means that the network established by AsiaInfo can support up to 500 users .

In April in Hangzhou, Jack Ma created the China Yellow Pages website. He claimed to be the first online Chinese business information site. He had almost the same idea as Tian Suning. Jack Ma also wanted to create an Internet business model for enterprise services. What he thought of at the time The money-making model is to encourage companies to post their business information on the Internet. Dr. Tian, ​​who returned from Liuyang, wants to be more local. Jack Ma directly translated the Internet into a Chinese name, Internet Network. It can be seen that Jack Ma is more than Dr. Tian has a better understanding of the current national conditions in China, and he has indeed spent a lot of thought on this project.

In addition to Ma Yun, Ding Lei, who founded NetEase, also started his entrepreneurial career this year.

(End of this chapter)

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