Chapter 2147
For any business, as long as the profit distribution is negotiated, other problems will be easily solved. The leaders of SH City Government also expressed their support for Duan Yun's project in person, and they are going to implement related plans in the next step.

Although the negotiation went smoothly, for Duan Yun, the pressure on him is also very great, because he knows that this project can only succeed, not fail. Commitment and support will also be weakened accordingly, so Duan Yun must also speed up his plan to establish an e-commerce network.

After staying in Shanghai for three days, Duan Yun returned to Shenzhen by plane. At this time, Tianyin Group headquarters was undergoing an unprecedented reform. A new department and personnel reorganization plan was formulated, and the progress of this reform may last for about half a year.

In fact, many foreign management systems are not necessarily suitable for domestic companies, and they are very likely to face unacceptable conditions. Therefore, in response to the plan given by the foreign team, Duan Yun specially called these foreign experts to hold an internal meeting and conducted a more detailed discussion. discussion.

According to the opinion of the IBM team, Duan Yun already has a relatively in-depth understanding of some problems existing in the company. In fact, Duan Yun has always been aware of some defects and problems existing in Tianyin Group itself, but sometimes it is necessary to consider various aspects Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons in all aspects, he did not choose drastic reforms, but fully trusted the management of these companies.

But for the foreign teams like IBM, they have no sympathy to talk about. The set of human relationships and sophistication in the eyes of the Chinese people does not conform to their values. The members of these IBM teams completely regard this company as a company that can Precision machines that continue to generate profits, if any lines and connecting gears are not working smoothly, they will not hesitate to carry out thorough renovations and replacements.

"Manager Duan, I believe this company change is very painful and there are many problems that need to be solved, but only by doing so can the company's future development ceiling be higher and profits can grow rapidly." The person who lives opposite Duan Yun is Johnson, the representative of IBM consultants, is less than 50 years old, but his work field is very exciting. He graduated from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania in his early years and worked at the New York Stock Exchange. In the following ten years, he worked in many As a senior executive of a multinational company, he did not join IBM until 1991 and became a senior consultant to CEO Gerstner. He participated in the whole process of IBM's internal reform. Gerstner can make such a core The manager sent to Shenzhen can also see his sincerity for Tianyin Group's contract.

"Are you sure you want to lay off so many people?" Duan Yun carefully read the list of layoffs provided by Johnson, and his brows furrowed.

In the rectification plan submitted by the IBM team to Duan Yun before, in addition to the need to cut down some departments and integrate the remaining departments, there is also a layoff list of as many as 40 people, and among them, many are The founders of Tianyin Group, since Duan Yun came to Shenzhen to start Tianyin Company, these people have been with Duan Yun and have made great contributions to the company. In other words, if there are no such people , Duan Yun's entrepreneurial journey in Shenzhen will not be so smooth, nor will it develop so fast.

However, over the years, with the development of Tianyin Group growing stronger and stronger, some old members of the management team did have some laziness in their work and lived on the credit book.

China is a society of personal relationships. This situation is very common in domestic enterprises, especially in state-owned enterprises, where seniority is emphasized. No matter how talented and capable young people are, it is impossible to get promoted quickly, and they may even be suppressed. And this is obviously detrimental to the development of the company.

And Duan Yun himself is also a nostalgic person. On the other hand, Tianyin Group has developed very well in recent years. The high profits have covered up many problems, and if drastic reforms are carried out on the company, it is likely to cause unknowable problems. The negative impact will even affect the company's current good situation. Therefore, Duan Yun has always been cautious about the company's reform. As long as the departments managed by these people do not have major problems, he will generally not take care of them.

But IBM's foreign team doesn't care about this. They don't have any friendship with anyone in the company, and they are only responsible for Duan Yun. Therefore, after several months of investigation and evaluation of relevant departments and executives, they give This list of layoffs was released, and it was stated that some of the managers were seriously unsuitable for their current positions, and they needed to be laid off immediately and told to pack up and leave.

"Manager Duan, I don't know much about your Chinese thinking and management methods, but in our IBM company, such managers are unqualified." Johnson glanced at Duan Yun, and then said: "I am very impressed with your company's current management. I was surprised by the scale of the operation. This is indeed an extraordinary company. The projects and profits it operates are astonishingly high. It is already more profitable than most American companies, but this does not mean that this company is perfect. On the contrary, the management here is a mess. The managers of many departments do not follow the rules and regulations. They seem to have their own rules and ideas. This is intolerable and unimaginable in our IBM, because everyone must Rule-based, so as to ensure that a company or team can operate as precisely as an instrument, and the chances of problems and mistakes will be smaller."

Johnson was very sincere when he said these words. It is obvious that there are huge differences in management models and concepts between the East and the West. In general, many current Chinese companies are man-made, rather than completely in accordance with the rules and regulations. Come and go, although the western one is much less flexible, it is indeed a better and more advanced model for the company as a whole.

Although it is difficult for Duan Yun to accept the expulsion of some company veterans, if he does not agree with the reform plan of the IBM consulting team, then in the future, it will inevitably affect the mutual trust between himself and the IBM team. Duan Yun must think clearly about making his reform plan of comprehensive reform greatly compromised.

"According to what you said, within three days, I will remove these people from management positions." After thinking for a while, Duan Yun raised his eyebrows and said.

(End of this chapter)

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