Chapter 2172
Soon, the family sat around the table and started today's dinner.

Ordinary people may not be able to imagine that for such a high-ranking figure as Ruiyang, the daily life is actually very simple. If there are no outsiders, the family will always have four dishes and one soup, and meat dishes are not eaten every meal. Maybe this is not the same as the life of the Rui family. It is related to the habits of middle-aged and elderly people who like to keep in good health, and the meals are mainly cooked by Zhang Li, even though their family already has a nanny.

But today's meal is extraordinarily rich, mainly because Zhang Li celebrates her birthday today, and her daughter-in-law and Duan Yun are here again, so today's meal is extraordinarily rich, and the table is filled with large and small dishes.

"Happy birthday mom!"

After everyone sat down, Rui Xue was the first to bless her mother with a smile on her face, then picked up a bottle of orange juice and filled the glass in front of her mother.

These days, Chinese people have begun to pay attention to their birthdays. In the past, people just ate a bowl of longevity noodles for their birthdays, but nowadays, some traditional customs have become westernized, such as buying cream cakes for birthdays, lighting candles, and Make a wish or something, this is very popular in other families in China, but in Ruiyang's family, they never do this, but the food has become more abundant.

"Happy Birthday Auntie!"

"Mom, happy birthday!"

"I wish everyone happiness!" Zhang Li said to everyone with a smile on her face when she saw this.

"It is the greatest happiness for a family to be healthy and safe." At this time, Ruiyang also smiled all over his face. He picked up the wine cup in front of him, turned to his wife and said, "Honey, you have worked hard these years. I am away all year round. You have raised the two children so well, in this family, your contribution is the greatest, originally we are husband and wife who support each other, but I still want to thank you..."

When he said this, the corners of Ruiyang's eyes seemed to be a little wet, which surprised Duan Yun who was sitting opposite, because it was the first time he saw Ruiyang shed tears after knowing Ruiyang for so many years.

In fact, this is completely understandable. Although Ruiyang has excellent abilities in all aspects and has been promoted step by step in his career, he has always been in debt to this family. He also knows how much his family has paid for him over the years. , so at this time, Ruiyang was more or less emotional.

"I'm about to retire." Zhang Li's tone was also a bit emotional at this time, only to hear her continue: "Our son is quite promising, not worse than when you were young, and our daughter-in-law is also very good. , I have always been very satisfied, although these years have indeed been a bit hard, but it is all worth it, I hope our Xiaoxue can find a good family in the future..."

"Mom..." Ruixue blushed when she heard this, and then said, "I'm still young, it doesn't matter if I wait a few more years, besides, I'm so busy with work now, how can I have time to fall in love, so why don't you just wait for a while?" Don't worry about it."

"Your mother cares about you." Ruiyang glanced at her daughter, and then said: "Both colleges should be married, and female colleges should be married. Sometimes don't be too picky. Last time I heard your mother say, the last time you met The son of Vice Minister Li, that guy is really nice, but you said you went back to meet him, but the guy waited in the restaurant until it was closing time, but he didn't see you, and he called you later, but you didn't answer... "

"I told my mother that if I don't arrive before 7 o'clock, then forget about it. Who would have thought that he would be so honest and wait until late." Rui Xue was a little disapproving, and then said: "I don't think we are suitable. , so I don’t want to contact you.”

Sitting aside, Duan Yun silently watched the conversation between the father and daughter. This was the first time that Ruiyang talked about his daughter's marriage face to face. It can be seen that since his son Ruihe got married, Ruiyang The couple couldn't wait to marry their daughter.

"It's fine if you don't want to, and I won't force you, but next time you must make it clear to others, and if you don't want to call, you won't disappear, and your mother will explain to others for a long time." Seeing her daughter Ruixue's attitude, Ruiyang It seems a little helpless.

As a father, Ruiyang still knows his daughter very well. He also knows that his daughter is more assertive than his elder brother Ruihe. Ruihe is basically resigned to his parents, but Ruixue's incident I'm afraid ten cows can't be pulled back.

If it was a few years ago, the Ruiyang couple might still put some pressure on their daughter, but now, their ideas have also changed, mainly because it has become a fashion for young people in the capital to get married late, and many people live too late. After turning 30, she is still in no hurry to get married, and besides, Ruixue is now a well-known public figure. If she really wants to push her daughter into a hurry and do something irrational, it will probably cause a sensation in the whole country.

In addition, Ruiyang still has some patriarchy in his bones, and regards the son's marriage as very important, but for the daughter, the conditions seem to be much looser. It is precisely because of this that the Ruiyang couple also hope that their daughter can get married as soon as possible. , but it is far from being as important and urgent as it is after the son is married.

But this is indeed a good thing for Duan Yun, because he has now seen that Ruixue and her parents are playing a "drag" game, which can buy her and Duan Yun more preparation time, and On the one hand, during this period, Ruixue can also change some concepts and ideas of her parents, and look for opportunities for the future.

"Let's eat." Zhang Li also sighed softly at this time, and then motioned for everyone to eat.

Zhang Li obviously knows his daughter better than his husband, but as a mother, he naturally hopes that her daughter will be able to rely on her for life in the future, but the ultimate initiative in this matter is still in the hands of Ruixue, and she, a mother, seems a little helpless.

After this short episode, the atmosphere at the dinner table quickly became happy and harmonious. The whole family tried their best to put vegetables in Zhang Li's bowl, and told each other some interesting things they had encountered in work and life during this period. All showed happy smiles.

After the meal, several women cleared the table, including Rui He also went to help in the kitchen, while only Duan Yun and Rui Yang were left in the living room.

"I heard that you have made a big move in coming to BJ this time." At this moment, Rui Yang took a sip from his teacup and said to Duan Yun, "Did you discuss cooperation with the governor of the central bank before?"

"Uncle Rui, do you even know about this?" Duan Yun was surprised when he heard this.

He never expected that Ruiyang would know about his conversation with the central bank governor Dai before. After all, this was just a private meeting and would not be made public to the media.So it is extraordinary for Ruiyang to know about this.

(End of this chapter)

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