Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2183 Deep Cooperation

Chapter 2183 Deep Cooperation
A few days after Duan Yun finished this internal meeting, the ICBC expert team from BJ arrived as scheduled, and they began to conduct an overall assessment of the e-commerce project currently under development by Tianyin Group.

This is the number of evaluation teams sent by ICBC, which is somewhat beyond Duan Yun's imagination, including leaders of relevant departments of ICBC, and experts in various fields. There are as many as 67 people in total. attention to this project.

In fact, since the year before last, the country's banking system has already begun to plan the online transaction system of state-owned banks. Internet applications are not popular, but starting this year, the number of Internet users in China may exceed 10. It is precisely because of this that the establishment of Internet online payment functions in China has been put on the work schedule by many banks.

At Shenzhen Airport, Duan Yun brought his own public relations team and a luxury motorcade to greet the arrival of ICBC and his group, and personally stepped forward to greet them warmly.

The leader of the visit to Shenzhen this time is Yang Weiguo, Vice President of ICBC, Guo Rui, Director of the Electronic Banking Department, which has just been established for more than a year, and the others are experts from relevant departments.

In fact, at the beginning, ICBC did not plan to send so many people here, but many internal people have always been very interested in Tianyin Group, and some people just want to take this opportunity to travel to Shenzhen at public expense. So as soon as the news was released, there were many people who took the initiative to sign up. After a round of screening, there were still more than 60 people left.

Knowing that Duan Yun did not book a hotel for their group, but arranged them in the company's guest house, some of them felt a little dissatisfied. However, when they came to the guest house at Tianyin Group headquarters, they were immediately impressed by the luxury of the guest house. The decoration and accommodation and entertainment environment were stunned.

In fact, the guest house of Tianyin Group is not inferior to any five-star hotel in China. The group company is rich and powerful, and Duan Yun himself attaches great importance to the reception of VIPs. Specially considering the situation of being connected to the outside, some rooms have been designed in an exotic style.

In addition, the hotel's restaurants are also divided into Chinese restaurants, Western restaurants and cafeterias. The chefs are generally recruited from well-known domestic hotels with high salaries, and even introduced state banquet dishes. Looking at the entire Shenzhen, this level of restaurant It is also unique.

Duan Yun spent so much money on a guest house because he understands a truth. In China, whether it is officialdom or business, small business can be negotiated in the office, but 80% of big business is negotiated at the wine table. .

Duan Yun often deals with the leaders of state-owned enterprises and government departments. He has rich experience, and he has a highly professional public relations team. Therefore, whether it is dealing with inspections by superior leaders, receiving domestic and foreign businessmen, and negotiating business, Duan Yun has almost never been able to do business. It is often unfavorable.

So after the ICBC team arrived, they took a brief tour of the group company in the afternoon, and in the evening, they hosted a banquet for these team members.

"Vice President Yang, speaking of it, I have always been grateful to your Industrial and Commercial Bank of China." At the wine table, Duan Yun was all smiles, and then said: "More than ten years ago, I hadn't come to Shenzhen at that time, but I was in Daxing, Shanxi. I opened an electronics factory. At that time, I was in urgent need of a loan. Your bank gave us a huge loan as an exception. With this money, my business grew bigger and bigger until I came to Shenzhen to start my own business. , I still maintain a very close business relationship with Guihang. With the mentality of reciprocating, I set up the account of our group company in your bank. This is actually the basis of our long-term cooperation, and it also shows my respect for your bank. respect and trust.”

"Mr. Duan said very well. Our bank also attaches great importance to the cooperation with your Tianyin Group. Your company is indeed a respectable private enterprise. In Shenzhen and even the entire Guangdong region, Tianyin Group is the most important member of ICBC. An important enterprise-level customer." Yang Weiguo smiled slightly, and continued: "Visiting your company today is an eye-opener for us. The title of China's No. [-] private enterprise is definitely well-deserved. I have gone abroad many times before. Compared with the large foreign companies, your company is not inferior in any way, and it is definitely at the forefront of the country in terms of enterprise scale and production modernization."

"Thank you, Vice President Yang, for your affirmation," Duan Yun said.

"I also visited your R&D center and logistics company today, and I was quite impressed. In fact, as early as two years ago, our commercial bank was planning to set up a domestic electronic payment platform, but due to various technologies The problem has not been fully completed yet, but judging from the visit to the R&D center today, our team members are also very inspired, it seems that there are many aspects that we still need to learn and cooperate with your company." Yang Weiguo said modestly.

The visit this afternoon really left a deep impression on Yang Weiguo. In the early years, he had only heard about it in newspapers and media, and had seen some things about Tianyin Group and Duan Yun. After visiting the Shenzhen headquarters today , something was simply unbelievable to him.

On the one hand, there is the logistics center of Tianyin Group located in Shangbu Industrial Zone, where hundreds of thousands or even millions of electronic products and parts are sent to all parts of the country every day. The sorting plant is highly automated and the fleet is huge. As well as the professionalism of the staff, the visiting team of ICBC was shocked.

In the R&D center, Yang Weiguo and the accompanying experts witnessed the powerful R&D capabilities of Tianyin Group. Their software team is definitely the top in the country. In BJ's server room, it is more than worse, and Tianyin Group's software design concept is also quite advanced, especially the security principle of the online payment system, which inspired these experts deeply.

"I also attach great importance to this project of being able to cooperate with your bank, and we have very rich experience in software research and development. We have participated in many national-level projects before, including domestic operating systems, all of which were completed by the team of our group company. Duan Yun smiled slightly, and continued: "As for your bank is also developing an online payment system, we can send technical personnel to assist in the development, so that our cooperation can be further improved."

(End of this chapter)

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