Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2204 Social Attributes

Chapter 2204 Social Attributes

It can be said that Tianyin Group is becoming more and more mature in automobile research and development. Not only is the team's tacit understanding and technological upgrading, but also the research on domestic automobile consumers has become more and more thorough. This kind of experience and ability cannot be achieved by a research and development team in a short time. To master it, he needs to accumulate technology for a long time and explore the market. Tianyin Group's strong automobile technology background and the fast and timely product feedback from automobile 4S stores all over the country allow them to have a team that is comparable to other domestic automobile research and development teams. It has a unique advantage, and this advantage is difficult to be surpassed in the country in the short term.

But in general, compared with foreign car brands, Tianyin Group still has a certain gap. Whether it is technology or brand awareness, Duan Yun still has a long way to go to catch up.

Walking and chatting with Chen Qiao, they came to the new car testing workshop. Here, Duan Yun saw the modified Shen Xing sedan that was being tested.

From a mini car to a small car, the technological leap is actually bigger than expected. Although the three major parts have not improved much, the rigidity of the car body and the design of the interior space are all very challenging. Team foundation.

In fact, whether it is Tianyin Group or a well-known foreign car manufacturer, no company can produce a mature and perfect product at one time. In other words, there is no perfect car model in this world. It can only be said that the product needs to be gradually improved. , Generation after generation, and establishing its own characteristics and advantages in the market competition, this is the research and development characteristics that mature automobile companies need to possess.

"Compared with Tianjin Xiali, the cost of our Shenxing sedan is 4% lower and the fuel consumption is 5% lower, mainly due to our current lightweight design of the body." In the test workshop, Chen Qiao had a look on his face. Feeling a little proud, he went on to say: "As for other performances, such as power, our products are basically the same as Tianjin Xiali, but the storage space in the trunk will be larger, and the rear legroom will also be longer. Son."

"Very good." Duan Yun nodded in satisfaction upon hearing this.

For a long time, the Shenxing brand sedan has been benchmarked against the Tianjin Xiali sedan, so from the very beginning of the design, Tianyin Automobile R & D team has conducted in-depth research on the following cars in Tianjin, and in terms of car improvement , and as far as possible on paper data, it is stronger than Tianjin Xiali.

Although the 4% cost advantage seems to be small, in fact, as an automobile product, it is the 4% cost advantage that makes the price advantage of Shenxing brand cars compared to Tianjin Xiali far greater than what you see, and For automobile manufacturers, this 4% profit is also very important.

As for the 5% fuel consumption, it is not so obvious in the actual experience, because there are many factors that determine the fuel consumption of a car. In addition to the design of the car itself, the driver's technology and operating habits can also make the same car There are different fuel consumption performances, but this 5% fuel consumption can at least confirm that the Shenxing brand sedan will not be inferior to the benchmark Tianjin Xiali sedan in terms of fuel consumption. , is also likely to be a decisive factor.

As a person from a previous life, Duan Yun is also well aware of the psychology of Chinese car consumers. In addition to practicality, Chinese people currently pay great attention to the issue of face when buying cars.

In later generations, the penetration rate of automobiles was relatively high. According to statistics, almost every 2-3 households would own a car. It has also become popular, so unless it is a luxury brand with millions of dollars and a relatively high reputation, the interface of ordinary BBA cars is very common, and no one will take a second look.

But in this day and age, if you drive an ordinary Mercedes-Benz, BMW or Audi, the rate of return is very high. Everyone will think you are a very powerful boss. Young people who drive a BBA casually will definitely attract people. The eyes of all the girls, this sense of superiority, is unimaginable for future generations.

In fact, even if you drive a domestic car, you will still attract the envious eyes of many people, because people who can afford a domestic car in this era are definitely not ordinary families. Kang Yun and Shen Xing produced by Tianyin Group Although the car does not have such a strong return rate as a joint venture, imported cars, but owning such a car, you can also gain a lot of envy and admiration. In any part of the country, there is no doubt that you are considered a rich person. .

Therefore, besides using a car, it still has social attributes, and Chinese people have always believed that the bigger the car, the more expensive it must be, the more things it can hold, and the more face it has.

It is precisely because of this that in later generations, many joint ventures did not directly bring their European and American models to domestic sales, but made some localized improvements, more or less lengthened and widened the body , This has the L model.

The so-called L car is the extended version.In later generations, there were many extended models on the market, such as Audi a4l, Audi a6l, Audi a8l, Mercedes-Benz s450l, BMW 320li, BMW 530li and so on.The extended version has more spacious legs and a longer wheelbase. Correspondingly, the price may also be higher.

In fact, from the point of view of use, the body is short and narrow, which is more suitable for the operation of the car and the convenience of parking. However, for Chinese people, face is sometimes more important than practicality. The psychological touch is relatively accurate, and the feedback from the market has also confirmed the correctness of their business strategy.

With so much previous life experience to refer to, Duan Yun naturally cannot waste it, so this time he came to Shenyang, he planned to arrange his own research and development team to lengthen and widen the car to a certain extent under the improvement of the original model.

However, any model cannot be lengthened and widened without limit. When the three major parts of the car remain unchanged, if the body is lengthened and widened, there will be a feeling of "small horse-drawn cart", which will have a certain impact on the reputation of the car. , so the length and width of the vehicle actually need repeated verification and reasonable design.

After visiting the workshop with Chen Qiao, Duan Yun immediately held a meeting with all the R&D backbones of Zhao Di at the headquarters of the R&D center to discuss the next improvement of Kangyun Car and Shen Xing Car.

This meeting lasted for a whole day, from 10:7 am to [-]:[-] pm. Even the lunch was simply settled by Duan Yun and the others during the meeting. Almost every core technical backbone put forward their own improvements. Duan Yun reviewed and discussed the plans one by one, and finally determined a new car improvement plan after repeated discussions.

(End of this chapter)

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