Chapter 2224

"Actually, I think Li Yun is a very good girl, and there are really not many young men who are worthy of her." Duan Yun thought for a while, and then said: "Speaking of which, our group company also has many excellent young men. If you have a degree, you need talents, you have talents, and there are many very good families. I can pay more attention in the future. When I meet some suitable conditions, I will show the information to Uncle Li. If you think it is good, then you can Arrange for him to meet Xiaoyun, with Xiaoyun's conditions, there is absolutely no choice, except for the man who is blind, I think everyone will like Xiaoyun."

"I'm really ashamed to say it. I never thought that my daughter would not be able to get married one day." When he said this, Li Guosheng was a little emotional on the way, and he just listened and said: "My daughter has been very smart since she was a child. When I was in Shenzhen, many boys would hang around her. This is everyone’s favorite. Over the years, there have been many boys chasing her. When we came to Shenzhen, many people in our unit approached me. I hope Letting their son and relatives stay with Xiaoyun, I was already dazzled at that time, including Xiaoyun's mother, who was terribly annoyed by this matter every day..."

"Hahaha." Duan Yun laughed when he heard this.

In fact, Duan Yun has heard about these things Li Guosheng said, but it is also reasonable. Even if Li Yun in the early years was not as rich and well-dressed as he is now, at that time, he was still one in a thousand. Girl, in terms of figure, appearance, education, all aspects are very high-quality, and ordinary boys can't fall into her eyes at all.

Moreover, in the past few years, there was also a very good technical backbone in the company who had been chasing Li Yun madly. This pursuit lasted for several years, but in the end he still failed. Even so, he failed.

In fact, if it were any girl, it would be difficult to refuse that young man's long-term pursuit. After all, he has very good qualifications, handsome, a college student, and a good family background. It's a pity that the object of his pursuit is Li Yun.

In Duan Yun's view, there may be only two reasons for this situation. One is that Li Yun's careerism is too strong, and this young man is not his type at all. There are no other locations.

However, Duan Yun has never carefully analyzed Li Yun's real thoughts on this, because he was very busy at that time, running around the country every day, and went abroad for research from time to time. After the divorce, because the child was not with him, he almost put All the energy is devoted to his own career, and there is no time for others.

But this time when Li Yun returned to China, Duan Yun suddenly felt that he had to deal with this matter. After all, the relationship between Duan Yun and the Li family has been very good all along, and he has always hoped that Li Yun can truly find his own happiness in the future. Moreover, Li Yun is currently an indispensable leader for me. If she can't handle her affairs well, she may encounter setbacks and losses in the future, both for her own heart and the interests of the company.

"Actually, if Xiaoyun is willing to lower some standards, I think she can still get out of the order at any time." Duan Yun pondered for a while, and then said: "If she really has a guy she likes, as long as it is from our company, I will definitely If it is from other places, I will help as much as I can. In fact, Uncle Li, you know that I am not a professional matchmaker, but I will do my best to help Li Yun. The key is not It's on our side, but what Li Yun herself is looking for, so I think Uncle Li and Auntie should have a good talk with Xiaoyun to see what he thinks."

As Duan Yun said, in terms of relationships, outsiders can provide very little help, and the key depends on the person involved. Duan Yun's thoughts are on this matter. Li Guosheng and his wife have to talk to their daughter carefully. After his thoughts, things will have a direction later.

"Actually, we have talked to her before. She always changes the topic, or seems very impatient, and doesn't answer at all. To be honest, this child has a deep heart since she was a child, and we can rarely guess her thoughts and thoughts. , unless she says it herself, otherwise, there is nothing you can do with the child." Li Guosheng said helplessly.

"Is that so..." Hearing this, Duan Yun also fell into a brief thought.

"Let's eat."

At this time, Li Guosheng's wife came in with food, and Li Yun, who had been in the kitchen just now, also followed behind with a smile on her face.

At this moment, Duan Yun felt a warmth that he had not seen for a long time. When he came to Shenzhen to start a business, his mother was not around. Only when he went to Li Guosheng's house for dinner could Duan Yun feel a bit like home.

It's just that things are impermanent. Now, Duan Yun has divorced his ex-wife. Although he is used to loneliness, some feelings can never be found again.

Being human for two lives, a failed marriage experience made Duan Yun live an extremely clear life, but he is still not an expert in the relationship between men and women, and he has more social experience.

Seeing the satisfying meals, Duan Yun couldn't help being moved again, because the few dishes on the table were all Duan Yun's favorites, and it was obvious that he put a lot of thought into them.

"Try it, my mother will help me with my cooking today." Li Yun said to Duan Yun with a smile on her face.

"Eh." Duan Yun was stunned when he heard the words.

In Duan Yun's impression, Li Yun basically never cooked at home before. When working in China, Li Yun's mother was in charge of the logistics of the family, shopping for vegetables, cooking, and cleaning up the house, while Li Yun herself did all the work. She is more chic, and often goes to McDonald's, KFC or some more expensive western restaurants to eat some western food, and occasionally goes to coffee shops to pass the leisure time, like that standard new era fashionable girl.

Even after she came to work in Hong Kong and the United States, she seemed to prefer Western food. Because her income was very high, it was enough to support her to eat in some high-end restaurants, and occasionally in her residence, mainly Western food.

But at this moment, Duan Yun found that the food on the table was very well cooked. Judging from the knife skills alone, it should have been practiced for a long time. That is to say, Li Yun did spend a lot of time and energy on learning. Cooking, this skill, is no worse than her mother's.

With Li Yun's personality, she would definitely not be willing to be a housewife, so Duan Yun was really surprised to be able to make such a meal today.

(End of this chapter)

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