Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 2230 Make a mistake

Seeing Duan Yun, who was a little drunk and unconscious, Li Yun, who was sitting next to him, suddenly had a soft light in his eyes, reached out and gently stroked his face, and after a while, slowly helped him up.

It was already ten in the morning when Duan Yun was sent to her home. Li Yun had her own room elsewhere. , Beautiful and soft, those are the records of her best moments.

At this time, Duan Yun was already a little drowsy, lying on Li Yun's bed, not wanting to move at all.

Next, the lights in the room suddenly went out, and Duan Yun felt a gentle body leaning against him in a haze.

"I only like you..."

A soft voice suddenly reached Duan Yun's ear, making people feel intoxicated.

At that moment, many hallucinations appeared in Duan Yun's mind. Although the alcohol paralyzed his nerves, it didn't affect his instincts at all.

He felt the soft and slightly cool lips, and the body fragrance that made him intoxicated, but what appeared in his mind was the scene of him and Ruixue embracing each other.

The emotion that has been going on for a long time seems to suddenly erupt at this moment. The strong alcohol in the body is more like a catalyst. The primitive instinct makes Duan Yun start to indulge. In just a moment, the two young bodies are completely intertwined... …


I don't know how long it took, when the passion gradually receded, Duan Yun, who felt deeply exhausted, fell asleep again, and on the other side of the bed, Li Yun accidentally saw a wallet dropped under the bed.

That wallet belonged to Duan Yun. Li Yun originally wanted to put the wallet into Duan Yun's trouser pocket, but when she picked it up, she accidentally saw a photo inside.

It was a close-up photo of Ruixue.

Ruixue's current reputation in China is no less than that of Duan Yun. Even in the United States, after returning to China occasionally, Liyu can still see news footage of Ruixue on TV.

And as early as seven years ago, Li Yun had already met Ruixue. At that time, Ruixue was just a college student. It was also at a banquet with Duan Yun. The two talents met for the first time, and Li Yun quickly I learned that this girl's status is extraordinary, even if she is such an excellent girl, she still feels inferior to Ruixue, no matter in terms of talent, learning, or appearance, the two of them have a lot of similarities. gap.

Even now that Li Yun herself has become a rich woman with a net worth of over [-] million, in the context of Ruixue's own fame and family background, she is still not on the same plane.

At this moment, Li Yun suddenly understood why Duan Yun suddenly called Ruixue's name just now. A woman's sixth sense is keen and accurate. He seemed to have suddenly understood why Duan Yun was still single after all these years of divorce. Because with his identity and status, there is no shortage of women around him.

Although her heart was a little bitter, Li Yun was willing to do what happened with Duan Yun before, because even if the two of them couldn't get together in the end, she was still willing to give him her first time.

After being dazed for a while, Li Yun finally put the wallet back into Duan Yun's trouser pocket gently, and then turned to look at Duan Yun who was close to her.

At this time, Duan Yun was still asleep, sleeping very quietly with the faint moonlight shining through the window, while Li Yun's eyes were complicated, and after a while, he couldn't help but gently stroked his face...


Feeling that the sunlight was a bit dazzling, when Duan Yun opened his eyes again, it was already noon.

The soft bed made Duan Yun feel a little lazy, but when he saw the neatly arranged clothes and pants beside the bed, he woke up instantly, and then sat up suddenly from the bed.

"This is..." After glancing at the layout of the room, and then seeing the photo of Li Yun on the bookcase, Duan Yun realized in an instant.

Maybe it was the first time that Duan Yun drank so much alcohol since he was a child. Even when he drank the hardest time in college in his previous life, he was not almost completely unconscious like he is now.

The only reason could only be because the stamina of that glass of wine was too great, beyond Du Yun's imagination.

However, this time when he was drunk, Duan Yun made a very serious mistake.

Putting on his clothes quickly, Duan Yun opened the door and walked out of the bedroom. After walking down the stairs at the door, he saw Li Yun who was cooking in the kitchen downstairs.

The moment the two looked at each other, Duan Yun shrank back first, a look of embarrassment flashed across his face, he didn't know what to say.

"You just sit there and wait, the meal will be ready soon." Li Yun said lightly.

"Um." Duan Yun replied dumbly, and after hesitating for a while, he still sat at the dining table in the living room.

This small villa belongs to Li Yun herself. Her parents' house is in the front row of the community. Although she is not married yet, Li Yun does not want to live with her parents. She prefers to live alone.

The yard in front of the living room is full of flowers. Even in the winter in Shenzhen, it is still very beautiful here. Usually, Li Yun is not in the country, and there will be a special nanny to clean up here. The decoration of the whole room is also very elegant and exquisite, which is very in line with Li Yun’s consistent character.

Three stir-fried dishes, one pot of soup, Li Yun's cooking skills are quite good, and the dishes are also Duan Yun's favorite. After all, Duan Yun often ate at Li's house in the past, so Li Yun knows his taste quite well.

"What happened yesterday..." Picking up the chopsticks, Duan Yun wanted to explain. At this moment, he was very disturbed, because he didn't know if what happened last night had caused great harm to Li Yun.

"What happened last night didn't happen to you." To Duan Yun's surprise, Rio seemed to be very calm about it, she just said something lightly, and then filled Duan Yun with a bowl of soup.


"I said, nothing happened last night, so you don't have to worry, I'm fine, and no one will know." Li Yun said again.

"Okay." Hearing this, Duan Yun could only nod helplessly.

Duan Yun still couldn't see through Li Yun. Even though they had been together for so many years, Duan Yun still couldn't understand what this girl sometimes did.

Even though Duan Yun knows so many social elites, Li Yun is still the most special one. She has her own way of doing things, some of which are completely beyond the recognition of social traditions and rules. You can say that she belongs to the new era Women, it can also be said that she is full of personality and cannot be measured by common sense.

But in any case, what happened last night had a great impact on Duan Yun's thoughts. He had never thought of such a thing before, and in his cognition, since he had already done such a thing, he must be responsible.

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