Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 327 0 Food

Chapter 327 Snacks
Duan Yun came to the office building with the bag of snacks and the briefcase with the CNC circuit board, and walked directly to Cheng Qingyan's office.

At this time, Cheng Qingyan was cleaning the office, wiping the filing cabinets.

"It's quite early." Seeing Duan Yun enter the office, Cheng Qingyan greeted him with a slight smile.

"This is for you." Duan Yun put the bag of snacks on Cheng Qingyan's desk.

"What is this?" Seeing the bag of snacks Duan Yun put on the table, he asked curiously.

"My mother came back from her hometown yesterday and brought some local products from her hometown. This bag contains hazelnuts and pine nuts. My mother asked me to bring you some." Duan Yun said with a smile.

"Ah, thank you so much." Cheng Qingyan's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she stepped forward to open the package.

Most girls like to eat snacks, and Cheng Qingyan is no exception, but the so-called snacks here in Daxing are fried melon seeds and the like, there are no particularly delicious snacks that don't take up your stomach, so I saw the snacks brought by Duan Yun Snacks are still nice.

"You're welcome, you gave my mother food for more than half a month, and she will remember you as the first one she has." Duan Yun said with a smile.

"These are enough for me to eat for a long time." Cheng Qingyan grabbed a handful of hazelnuts and said to Duan Yun: "When I was young, when I went back to my hometown, I liked to eat this kind of hazelnuts the most, but the shell was too hard and I needed to smash it with a small hammer... ..."

"Squeeze through the door." Duan Yun said, grabbed a hazelnut, put it on the side of the door, and then pulled it lightly. With a click, the hazelnut shell split open instantly.

"That's easy to secure the door." Cheng Qingyan reminded.

"This door is very strong, it can't be broken." Duan Yun replied disapprovingly, then broke open the hazelnut, handed it to Cheng Qingyan's mouth, and said, "Open your mouth!"

In his previous life, Duan Yun often fed his girlfriend snacks like this, so he got used to it and didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

"Eh..." Cheng Qingyan saw that Duan Yun was about to feed her hazelnuts, a blush flashed across her pretty face, but she still moved her mouth slowly.


At this moment, a dry cough suddenly came from outside the office.

"Dad..." Seeing her father Cheng Changlin standing at the door, Cheng Qingyan showed embarrassment and greeted him in a low voice.

"Hello, Mr. Cheng." Duan Yun also saw Cheng Changlin at this time, and quickly withdrew his hand to greet him.

"Are you..." Cheng Changlin glanced at the large bag of dried fruit on the table, and asked with a sullen face.

"Ah, my mother came back from her hometown yesterday and brought some special dried fruits, and asked me to bring some to Qingyan. In the past, Qingyan sent my mother food, and my mother was very grateful." Duan Yun explained.

"That's it..." Cheng Changlin's face relaxed when he heard the words, and then he said to Duan Yun, "Come with me."

"Yes." Duan Yun heard this and followed Cheng Changlin out of the office.

"I asked for leave for three days, have you done what you should do?" Cheng Changlin asked Duan Yun as he walked in the corridor.

"I've already made the electronic control board." Duan Yun said, and opened the handbag he was carrying, revealing a brand new electronic control board.

"Very good!" Cheng Changlin's eyes lit up when he saw the electronic version, and he said, "Well, you give me this control panel, and I'll go to the workshop to install it now."

"Okay." Hearing this, Duan Yun took out the electronic version and handed it to Cheng Changlin.

Duan Yun knew that Cheng Changlin wanted to install the control panel himself in front of the workers and workshop leaders.

In the past two months, Cheng Changlin has been questioned in the factory. Now when the factory talks about technical matters, Duan Yun is the first to be mentioned. Compared with Duan Yun, who has only been in the factory for half a year The apprentice didn't have much sense of existence, which hurt Cheng Changlin's self-esteem, and made him suffer a lot of doubts and pressure.

In fact, many people who are engaged in technical work will encounter such problems. Some technologies are promoted quickly and eliminated quickly. Once new equipment technologies are available, those technicians who rely on old equipment technologies for a living will have to relearn. Without the development of new technologies, we can only accept the ending of being gradually marginalized in the factory.

If it is an ordinary technician, it is okay to say that there is no problem in continuing to eat big pots in the factory, but as the chief engineer of the factory, Cheng Changlin has no way out, especially this kind of CNC gear hobbing machine, which is very important to the current factory production. If there is any problem that he can't solve, it will undoubtedly deal a huge blow to his reputation and status in the factory!
So the last time the two had a dispute in the office because of Zhao Dongsheng, if it was someone else, with Cheng Changlin's temper, he probably would never deal with him again in this life, and would keep his daughter at a distance from him, but for Duan Yun, Cheng Changlin would I have to be more 'magnanimous', and sometimes I even need to lower my profile and ask Duan Yun for help...

Duan Yun naturally knew this well, and he also couldn't turn his back on Cheng Changlin. After all, he was Cheng Qingyan's father, and he was also his superior, so he couldn't do anything too extreme.

After Cheng Changlin left with the control panel, he immediately went to the workshop.

But Duan Yun didn't follow, he already disdained to compete with Cheng Changlin for such a chance of gaining fame.

After returning to his office and having nothing to do for a while, Duan Yun slipped away from the work unit again...


For the next few days, Duan Yun lived a peaceful life.

On Wednesday, Duan Yun finally got Cao Dong's individual business license from Jiang Zhipeng.

When Duan Yun handed over the individual business license to Cao Dong, the young man who had often stolen and beaten before and had never shed a tear burst into tears. He invited Duan Yun and his brothers from Quangongfang to the city that night. A table of the most expensive banquet was set up in the restaurant in the hotel, and there was a lot of wine and wine during the banquet. The celebration continued until the restaurant proofreading, only to be forcibly persuaded by a group of waiters to leave...

In addition to the individual business license, the house on the other side of Youfang Lane was finally vacated.

After Duan Yun changed the locks of the house, the next step is to renovate the house.

This time, Duan Yun directly approached Xu Fugui, the Party Secretary of Majunying Village.

There are many masons and strong laborers in Majunying Village, and the most important thing is people.

In a word from Xu Fugui, all the masons in the village were mobilized. Except for the purchase of bricks and cement, Duan Yun will be reimbursed, and all labor costs will be charged to the village plastic factory. It is estimated that within a week at most, Duan Yun's house in Youfang Lane will be renovated.

In addition, Duan Yun also arranged for Master Jing and several of his apprentices to make counters and shelves. In addition, considering that the shop would have people guarding the goods at night, Duan Yun asked them to build a set of simple furniture.

The day when Duan Yun's store opens is getting closer...

(End of this chapter)

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