Chapter 555
During the few days Ruiyang was working in the capital, he was able to fulfill his responsibilities as a husband and father.

The passion of the newlyweds has long since disappeared, and all that is left to Ruiyang in this family is warmth and comfort.

It seems that he felt a little guilty for his wife after being away for a long time. During these few days in the capital, Ruiyang would go home every morning, go to the market to buy good vegetables and meat, and cook for his family by himself.

The virtuousness of his wife makes Ruiyang always feel that he is a lucky person. No matter what he wants to do, Zhou Qi will silently support him behind him. He does housework alone and tutors his children with homework without a single complaint.

Seeing the two children grow up now, Ruiyang is very gratified. His son is now in high school at the High School Affiliated to Peking University, and his daughter is just in the second year of junior high school. When I was young, I skipped one level, and my grades have always been the first in my grade. I have participated in two city-wide primary and secondary school Mathematical Olympiads and won the championship. I have always been a "prodigy" in the eyes of teachers and classmates.

However, Ruixue doesn't take the word "child prodigy" seriously. In her opinion, she is not a child prodigy. Only Ning Bo, who was admitted to university at the age of 13 and stayed in school to teach after graduation, is the real child prodigy.

Ruiyang wanted to help the two children with their homework during the few days at home, but he soon realized that doing so was unnecessary.

In the study next to the bedroom, 12-year-old Ruixue and his elder brother usually do their homework and read books. The study is not big, surrounded by wooden cabinets. These were arranged by Ruiyang in his early years. He himself is also a very fond of reading. People, so there are a lot of books at home.

Today is Sunday, my son made an appointment with his classmates early in the morning to go shopping outside, and his wife also went out to buy groceries, only Ruixue was in the study alone.

"Dad." Seeing her father walk into the study, Ruixue turned her head and greeted with a smile.

Ruixue is obviously more like her mother in appearance. The 12-year-old girl has not yet grown up, but it is obvious from Ruixue's eyebrows that she is a beauty. He brought a bit of the heroic spirit of his youth, his brain reacted quickly, and his conversation was very logical, and some of them had a sense of maturity that children of this age did not have.
"What are you writing?" Ruiyang asked casually when he saw that his daughter Ruixue was standing by the desk writing something with a brush.

"I have nothing to do, just practice calligraphy." Ruixue replied casually.

"Let me see." Ruiyang walked to the table with great interest.

And when Rui Xuyang saw the calligraphy written by his daughter, his eyes lit up.

Ruixue's calligraphy is not brilliant, but it has an elegant and soft beauty. The pen and ink are fluent and free, somewhat casual and carefree. It is already very good for amateur calligraphy lovers to write such calligraphy.

And this poem written by Ruixue is also very special, which made Ruiyang recite involuntarily:
"The paper is full of absurd words, full of bitter tears! It is said that the author is crazy, who can explain the meaning... What kind of poem is this?"

"This is a poem in "A Dream of Red Mansions". I thought it was very good, so I wrote it down casually." Ruixue said to her father with a smile.

"It seems that you usually like to watch "Dream of Red Mansions." Ruiyang nodded and said.

"Dream of the Red Chamber is very well written, it feels more like an encyclopedia of the humanities in the old society, but I don't like the hero and heroine in the Dream of the Red Chamber, they don't try hard to fight for anything, they only feel sorry for themselves, and I feel quite aggrieved watching it. "Rui Xue said.

"Hehe, it makes sense." Ruiyang smiled when he heard this.

Compared with Ruixue, his son Ruihe seems a little mediocre. In fact, Ruihe is also a very good boy, both in character and academic performance, but he is far less precocious and intelligent than his younger sister Ruixue.

Ruiyang turned his head to look at the surrounding bookshelves, and found that the bookshelves were already filled with many books, Pu Songling's "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio", Zhuangzi's "Zhuangzi", Wang Guowei's "Human Cihua", and some translations The pages of the famous foreign books such as "Hamlet" and "Les Miserables" are old, and they are obviously turned frequently.

At this time, there was the sound of a car engine from a boat outside the yard, and then an old man walked outside the gate.

"Dad!" Seeing through the window that the old man was his father-in-law, and his wife followed behind, Ruiyang walked out quickly and greeted him affectionately.

Today is Sunday, so Ruiyang wanted to invite his father-in-law to have dinner at home, and to see his grandson and granddaughter by the way. It is not an easy task for the whole family to have a meal together.

"Dad, sit down, I'll pour you some tea." After Ruiyang invited the old father-in-law into the room, he motioned for him to sit down.

"I'll pour tea for grandpa." Ruixue answered at this time, walked to the side with a smile and picked up the thermos.

"This girl..." The old man looked at Ruixue with loving eyes.

After all, they are relatives of the next generation. Although the old man has always been strict with Ruiyang, he has always been very fond of his granddaughter Ruixue.

"Grandpa drinks tea." Ruixue said with a smile as she gently placed the poured tea in front of the old man.

"Yeah." The old man nodded with a smile on his face, and then said to Ruixue, "Xiaoxue, let me talk to your father..."

"Then I'll help my mother wash the vegetables." Rui Xue nodded obediently when she heard this, and when she turned to leave the room, she gently closed the door.

"Dad, how is your body feeling recently?" Ruiyang asked the old man with concern.

"That's it." The old man took a sip from his teacup and said to Ruiyang, "How many days do you plan to stay at home this time?"

"I'm going back the day after tomorrow. There are still a lot of things to do at the city bureau. I can't stay in the capital forever." Ruiyang replied.

"Have you been to the houses of your father's old colleagues?" the old man asked.

"I've been there. I gave them some Daxing souvenirs, and they were all very happy."

"Yeah." The old man nodded when he heard the words, and said to Ruiyang, "You've been running a lot in the ministry lately..."

"It's mainly about work. Our Daxing City Light Industry Bureau has several factories whose products participate in the national quality appraisal. I will send over the product samples for the exhibition. By the way, I will learn about the current situation and new policies of the Ministry." Ruiyang said .

"I heard that you also specifically sought out the person in charge of the national quality evaluation expert group?" the old man asked.

"There is such a thing." Ruiyang nodded.

"It's a big taboo for you to do this, do you understand?" The old man's tone suddenly became serious.

"Dad, I just want to get to know them..."

"You don't need to explain to me, I'll just tell you a little bit about the national quality appraisal, but there are many eyes staring at it from top to bottom, no matter what you ask the heads of those expert groups to do, as long as you see It’s hard to talk about it if people see it.” The old man frowned, and then said: “This kind of national-level quality evaluation is not the kind of small-scale evaluation in your city, it is related to the interests of many people. Interests, even if you are looking for someone to talk to, don't show up in person, you shouldn't make mistakes on such a sensitive matter, do you understand me?"

(End of this chapter)

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