Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 573 Conditions

Chapter 573 Conditions
Duan Yun explained in detail his plans for the export market in the future and Minister Yang Bo.

Duan Yun knew in his heart that only by becoming a major foreign exchange earner for the country would he be valued by leaders like Yang Bo, and it would be convenient for him to ask for various resources from the ministry.

"Your idea is very good." Yang Bo nodded and said with a smile. He obviously felt that the plans Duan Yun said were feasible. After all, the expert group had also evaluated the products in Duan Yun's factory before. He himself said that he learned the technology from German engineers, which is very reliable. From this point of view, it is completely feasible for their products to go to the international low-end market.

"The labor in developed countries such as Europe, America and Japan is very expensive. Although the equipment is advanced, the overall cost will not be very cheap. Therefore, I feel that if the same product competes with the low-end and mid-end products in Europe and the United States, it should have an advantage. Yes." Duan Yun paused, then continued: "However, our factory is also facing some difficulties at present. First of all, the unit I work in is a large factory-run collective. From an administrative point of view, we must obey the arrangements of the main factory. It is mainly for the main factory, and the scale of operation and my management scope are limited, and I cannot make decisions on many things by myself..."

Duan Yun has always wanted to get rid of the shackles imposed on him by the general factory. In the future, if Duan Yun wants to expand the factory building and build family buildings for the employees, he will need a lot of land. If a family building is built on a piece of land, it must be approved by the general factory, factory director Qin Gang and the secretary. Once the factory committee of the general factory rejects his decision, then Duan Yun has no right to build a family building on that piece of land. of.

Duan Yun wanted to separate his large group administratively from the Red Star Gear Factory, so that he would no longer be restricted by the general factory.

In fact, Duan Yun is already quite free on the side of the big collective. Because of the platform of Director Rui of the Municipal Bureau, Qin Gang, the director of the main factory, has actually let go of the big collective. After all, when the factory was established to run the big collective, It was just to arrange for the unemployed factory children and their families, and since Duan Yun could support these people, there was no need for more control over Duan Yun.

Although Duan Yun is free now, he also knows that he is just a manager of a large group run by a factory. In terms of action, he must obey the orders of the main factory. In addition, the main factory also controls the personnel appointment of the large group. Now although Qin Gang doesn't care about the big group, Duan Yun knows that it's because Ruiyang gave him a platform, and once Ruiyang is transferred, he and the leader of the main factory will have a deadlock, or the main factory will be replaced by a new one in the future. After taking the leadership, maybe they will be "picked peaches" by the main factory.

So taking advantage of this interview with Minister Yang, Duan Yun wanted to separate from the main factory administratively.

"It's really rare that you, a small factory run by a large group, can produce products that won the national gold medal. I will consider your desire to leave the main factory." Yang Bo said with a smile.

"Thank you, Minister Yang." Duan Yun said gratefully, and then continued: "In addition, our factory also faces many difficulties in the mass production of new products, mainly because the capital and equipment are not enough..."

It was rare for Duan Yun to meet Minister Yang, so he would never let go of this opportunity to ask for resources from his superiors.

At present, the labor service company is very profitable. Just relying on the supply to Daxing Automobile Factory, it can already maintain the normal operation of the enterprise, and there is still a lot of surplus.

In addition, with the help of Ruiyang, the previous labor service company had just expanded the factory building and introduced a batch of new equipment, but these were not enough for Duan Yun.

Duan Yun continued to apply for equipment funds from the Ministry, not because he was too ambitious, but because he understood that if he wanted to take advantage of the localization of Santana cars in the future, he must have stronger capital equipment and technical strength. And if they rely on their site to accumulate slowly, Duan Yun may lose a lot of important opportunities related to himself and the factory, but with just a word from Minister Yang, he can save a lot of time and energy, and greatly shorten the early stage of the factory. The process of accumulation.

At this time, Ruiyang, who was on the side, frowned slightly when Duan Yun opened his mouth to ask the minister for money and equipment, but he didn't say anything.

Ruiyang and Minister Yang are relatively familiar in private, and Ruiyang also knows that Minister Yang doesn't like others asking him for money and equipment in person. Well, it is impossible for him to open the back door for you.

As for the last time, it was the provincial bureau that asked for funds and equipment for Duan Yun's factory, but not Minister Yang, who has a very good relationship with his family, and it was precisely because of this reason.

"Didn't you say that the Municipal Bureau just allocated some funds and equipment to your factory? Are these funds and equipment not enough?" Sure enough, after hearing Duan Yun's words, Yang Bo frowned slightly and asked Duan Yun .

"At present, the new equipment in our factory is enough to produce the existing order products, but I think that if the factory obtains a large number of orders by relying on new products in the future, our production capacity will be limited, which will greatly restrict the benefit and development of the factory. In addition, it may also affect foreign exchange earnings from exports." Duan Yun said after a moment of pondering.

Now Duan Yun keeps talking about the four words "earning foreign exchange through export", because he also knows the importance of earning foreign exchange through export to the Ministry, and this is the most important basis for his factory's future to be valued by the Ministry.

"Then I think it's better..." Yang Bo did not directly agree to Duan Yun's request, but he continued: "The autumn Canton Fair will be in mid-October, and all high-quality brand-name products from the Ministry will participate in this fair. It is an opportunity for your factory. If the new car gearbox of your factory can really get overseas orders, the Ministry will support your factory as appropriate. But if there is no export order, we will also help you contact domestic ones. Automobile manufacturers, the Ministry will conduct sales, all in all, we will not let your factory's good products be buried."

The meaning of Yang Bo's words is very clear, that is this year's autumn Canton Fair, if Duan Yun can get foreign orders, then the Ministry will allocate funds and technology to him, as for the administrative matters will also be handled .

But if foreign orders cannot be obtained, the Ministry will also help Duan Yun's factory obtain domestic orders and sell them as ordinary products, but correspondingly, the Ministry will not allocate funds and equipment to Duan Yun's factory. The necessary administrative changes will naturally not be realized...

(End of this chapter)

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