Chapter 906
"In fact, not all of my speaker products use this kind of chip. Only the high-end series of audio products use this kind of chip, and the mid-range audio products use ordinary electronic components." Duan Yun explained.

"I see." Zhao Xuewu nodded, pondered for a while and said to Duan Yun: "Manager Duan, when I develop products in the future, I may also use some chips..."

"You can tell me what kind of chip you need, unless it is too advanced, and the sale of foreign products is strictly prohibited, then I can't help it. There is no problem with general commercial chips." Duan Yun said straightforwardly.

In fact, Duan Yun is very happy for Zhao Xuewu's request, because in terms of the current domestic situation, there are not many experts who are skilled in chips, and most of them are concentrated in high-end military enterprises and departments. Zhao Xuewu The chip is needed for experiments, which shows that he still has related technologies in this area.

"That's great!" Hearing what Duan Yun said, Zhao Xuewu's face suddenly flashed with excitement.

You know, when he was working at the Taiyuan Institute of Mechanical Engineering, because he was in that special era, the state did not pay much attention to intellectuals, and even suppressed them for a while, which caused many of the institute's scientific research work to enter a "frozen period". After the reform and opening up, the country began to re-recognize and improve the social status of intellectuals, and the scientific research environment naturally improved. However, until his retirement, the laboratory where Zhao Xuewu worked could only be described as rudimentary. The college only has 100 students a year. In addition to the fixed expenses such as various teaching staff salaries, water and electricity bills, and teaching facilities, there are very few funds actually used for scientific research projects, and the degree of hardship is unimaginable for future research institutes.

So much so that it is popular in the current society to say that those who sell atomic bombs are not as good as those who sell tea eggs, and those who hold scalpels are not as good as those who hold razors. This is the true portrayal of the society in the early 80s.

And Duan Yun is willing to spend a lot of money to hire these retired professors, which is already very rare, and will also spend a huge amount of money on product technology research. How can such working conditions not make Zhao Xuewu feel overjoyed.

"Professor Zhao, my goal is to establish a first-class product R&D team in China. If you know more experts and professors who are as talented as you, you can introduce them to our factory. The salary and treatment will definitely let them Satisfied, as long as they have real skills!" Duan Yun frowned, and then said: "At present, I will arrange an office for you in the factory, and in the spring of next year, I will build a building here in our factory The building will be used as a product research and development center, and a professional laboratory will be set up. At the same time, a large number of highly educated technical personnel will be hired from all over the country with high salaries..."

"Your idea is very good, but scientific research still needs to be down-to-earth and a little down-to-earth. My ability is also very limited. I can only say that I will do my best." Zhao Xuewu said.

"By the way..." Duan Yun suddenly remembered something, so he said to Zhao Xuewu: "Professor Zhao, I might go abroad to Japan next week, would you like to go with me?"

"Going abroad to Japan!?" Zhao Xuewu was stunned when he heard this.

"Yes, I'm going to Japan this time mainly to buy a tape recorder production line. I'm going to inspect three Japanese manufacturers. I've already negotiated with the foreign trade company, and the procedures for going abroad can be handled as soon as next week. Alright, if you are willing to go with me, I will ask them to go abroad for you now..." Duan Yun said.

Zhao Xuewu is an electronics expert hired by Duan Yun with a high salary. From next year, Duan Yun plans to develop and produce domestic Walkmans. If Zhao Xuewu is willing to go abroad with him for inspection this time, he can also make some references for him. It can also improve his vision.

Many domestic technical experts have always been in a state of sitting in a well and watching the sky. They don't understand the development of foreign high-tech industries. Although they know that there is a gap with foreign countries, they don't know how big the gap is. If Zhao Xuewu and Duan Yun can go to Japan together for inspection It is also very beneficial to his future technical research work. After all, Japan’s technology in the household electrical appliance industry is at the world’s leading level. It is also important to grasp the development trend of the world’s advanced electronic technology and understand the gap between the domestic electronic industry and the world’s top level. very necessary.

"Going abroad...isn't it easy?" Zhao Xuewu said with a frown.

It is very difficult to go abroad in this era, and as a university professor, Zhao Xuewu also had an experience of going abroad in the early 60s. He went to the Soviet Union at that time and was invited by the Moscow Institute of Dynamics for academic exchanges. At that time, Sino-Soviet relations were very good, and they were still in the honeymoon period. The experience of visiting the Moscow Institute of Power was unforgettable for Zhao Xuewu, and it was also the first time that he truly realized the huge gap in industrial technology between China and the Soviet Union.

But in the following 20 years, until Zhao Xuewu retired, he never had the opportunity to go abroad. After all, it is very difficult for the public to go abroad in this era, and it can even be said to be an unattainable dream.

After all, Zhao Xuewu naturally hopes to have the opportunity to go abroad for investigation, and he has always wanted to know what level the electronics industry in developed countries in Europe and the United States has reached.

Now Duan Yun, who is a private entrepreneur, actually said that he would have a chance to go abroad for inspection, which made Zhao Xuewu a little unbelievable.

"I am going abroad at my own expense, and the relevant procedures will be handled by the foreign trade company responsible for contacting the sales production line. If you are willing to go, I can help you with the procedures." Duan Yun said.

"Yes, I am willing!" Zhao Xuewu nodded repeatedly.

"Then it's settled." Duan Yun smiled, and randomly took out another 10 or so "Unity" from his bag, and stuffed them into Zhao Xuewu's hands.

"This... Manager Duan, what are you doing?" Seeing that Duan Yun stuffed nearly 200 yuan into himself, Zhao Xuewu was surprised.

"This is the settling fee for you, you can use it first." Duan Yun patted Zhao Xuewu's hand, and then said: "I also said when I was in Taiyuan before, after you come to Shenzhen, I will give it to you first. 500 yuan per person for settling down, and all the fares and travel expenses are also reimbursed. I only have so much money on me now. I will ask Dajun to make up the rest of the money for you. During this time, you stay here first. , familiarize yourself with the environment of our Shenzhen factory, and when the procedures for going abroad are completed, we will immediately go to Japan to visit the factory and discuss the production line of the tape recorder."

(End of this chapter)

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