Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 920 Meeting Notice

Chapter 920 Meeting Notice
After signing the contract with Japan Honjo Co., Ltd., Duan Yun immediately prepared to arrange the dismantling of the production line from Japan and the domestic installation.

This time, Duan Yun handed over the supervision of the dismantling of the Japanese production line to Zhao Xuewu. When he visited the Japanese production line last time, he already had a relatively detailed understanding of this production line and recorded all the equipment, so he was sent this time. Going to Japan is the most suitable.

In addition to Zhao Xuewu, Duan Yun asked Wang Shi to arrange a Japanese translator for him. Considering that he was relatively old, Duan Yun asked Wang Shi to arrange a staff member of a foreign trade company for him to take care of his daily life. and assist him in his work.

Duan Yun plans to appoint Zhao Xuewu as the chief engineer of the electronics factory in the future, so he must participate in the whole process of introducing the Japanese production line this time in order to better familiarize himself with the imported production line.

The main reason why Duan Yun did not go abroad with Zhao Xuewu to supervise the Japanese dismantling production line was because there were still many things to be done in China before the introduction of this production line.

He first summoned Li Guosheng and his two apprentices, and the two tigers held a meeting to discuss the installation of the new production line after it was shipped to China.

At present, there are two workshops in the electronics factory, both of which are closed workshops. Considering that the production line equipment in Japan is relatively sophisticated, he needs to clear an open space in the new workshop of the electronics factory, and pour a few pieces of equipment on the ground. Platform for installing important equipment.

Duan Yun assigned tasks to all three of them. Li Guosheng was in charge of handling the formalities of equipment entry, Dajun was in charge of refitting the factory building, and Erhu was going to assist his elder brother to mobilize some manpower from the machinery factory to start the installation. .

On January 1, Zhao Xuewu and his translator Wang Liang got on the plane to Japan again. Duan Yun took a taxi and took them all the way to the airport.

"Master Zhao, you have a heavy responsibility this time. Whether our factory's production line can be successfully introduced depends entirely on you. In addition, you must also take care of your health. After the equipment is shipped back to China, I will hold a celebration party for you." Before Duan Yun left, Zheng Se said to Zhao Xuewu.

"I will definitely complete the task. This production line is very important to our factory. Even if I risk my life, I must ensure that this production line can be successfully shipped back to China." Zhao Xuewu said with a serious face.

Zhao Xuewu is well aware of the importance of this second-hand Japanese production line to the company. A few days before leaving the country, he has already started to stay up late to study the production line information sent by the Japanese, and even every parameter of the equipment and parts. The components have been firmly remembered in the heart, all in all, Zhao Xuewu still feels a lot of pressure on his body.

Engaged in academic research for many years, Zhao Xuewu has developed a very rigorous work style and is meticulous in everything he does. This is also an important reason why Duan Yun trusts him and entrusts him with such an important task.

After the two talked for a few more words, Duan Yun left the airport.

When Duan Yun returned to the Guangzhou office, Li Guosheng greeted him immediately.

"Manager Duan, just now I received a call from the Secretariat of SZ City Mayor Liang Xiang, informing you to go to the SZ City Government for a meeting tomorrow afternoon." Li Guosheng said.

"Let me go to the SZ city government for a meeting?" Duan Yun was stunned when he heard this.

"That's right, the staff of the secretariat said that this meeting was hosted by the Shenzhen Electronics Industry Planning and Development Coordination Committee. Regarding the development of Shenzhen’s electronics industry, the specific content of the meeting can only be known at the meeting.” Li Guosheng replied.

"Shenzhen Electronic Planning and Development Coordination Committee?" Duan Yun pondered for a while, and then said, "It seems that I have never heard of such a department in Shenzhen before. Have you heard of it?"

"I've never heard of it before. I guess it's a newly established department of the SZ city government." Li Guosheng paused, and then said: "Manager Duan, you said that the city government held this meeting to rectify our electronics companies." factory?"

At present, the scale of electronics factories in Shenzhen Shangbu Industrial Zone is uneven, and there are many loopholes in management, especially the problem of environmental pollution of enterprises is very prominent. Many small and medium-sized electronics factories discharge sewage randomly and illegally, which has caused certain problems in Shenzhen. In addition, many companies have a certain degree of tax evasion, which has become an open secret in Shenzhen, so Li Guosheng suspects that the city government may conduct an inspection and rectification of Shenzhen's electronics industry.

"It shouldn't be a rectification. Since the SZ city government has set up such a new department, it must be a big move." Duan Yun thought for a while and said.

In Duan Yun's view, the small and medium-sized electronics factories in Shenzhen are currently in a difficult situation and are still in a relatively brutal competitive environment. If they are strictly rectified, it is very likely that some enterprises will not survive. The development of Shenzhen's electronics industry and local taxation have a certain degree of influence, and the current environmental protection issues in Shenzhen are not the most important issues for local governments. To sacrifice a certain environment for development is also something that local government departments have no choice but to do at the beginning of the reform and opening up. Therefore The municipal government will not easily carry out large-scale rectification of these enterprises, even knowing that there are some gray areas in them.

However, a department like the Electronic Industry Planning and Development Coordination Committee suddenly popped up in the SZ municipal government, which attracted Duan Yun's attention. Judging from the current situation in Shenzhen, the electronics industry is taking up an increasing proportion of Shenzhen's industrial system. In terms of scale and tax revenue, it has already accounted for nearly half of the scale. From this point of view, it is logical that the municipal government has established a special electronics industry planning and development coordination committee. This is also a positive signal that the SZ municipal government is preparing to vigorously develop the electronics industry.

"Big move?"

"It seems that the city government is preparing to vigorously develop the electronics industry this time, and this meeting is probably about these things." Duan Yun pondered for a while, and then said: "This is a good thing. Taking this opportunity of the meeting, we can talk about these things." The leaders of the city government are familiar with each other, and they also know some of our colleagues in SZ City..."

"Going together?" Li Guosheng's disdain flashed across his face when he heard the words, and he only heard him say: "The several large state-owned and joint-venture factories here in Shenzhen are getting more bullish one by one, and they don't even look down on small factories like ours. Before the Canton Fair, I also attended such a meeting. I wanted to get to know the leaders of those big factories, but they didn’t even give me a straight look, and they would just ignore me when they talked..."

(End of this chapter)

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