Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 923 Shenzhen Electronics Industry Association

Chapter 923 Shenzhen Electronics Industry Association
Seeing that Deputy Mayor Liang and other leaders of the municipal party committee were all seated, applause erupted immediately from the audience.

Looking at the whole country, the efficiency of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone government is still very high. In the past two or three years, these leaders of the municipal party committee have often conducted inspections and guidance in the Shenzhen industrial zone, which has also given this group of Shenzhen leaders a high prestige in the local area. .

"Hi everyone." At this time, Liang Xiang, the deputy mayor of SZ City, picked up the microphone, glanced at everyone in the audience, and said, "I am very glad that the leaders of all enterprises in SZ City can participate in this meeting. On behalf of all the leaders of the municipal party committee, I would like to express my gratitude to all of you for your support in the work of our SZ municipal government..."

Although Liang Xiang, the deputy mayor, seemed to be a bit calm and arrogant, his speech and demeanor were very friendly, and the leaders of the well-known electronics factories sitting in the front row seemed to respect him very much. In the opening remark, he clapped his hands desperately.

"...In the short few years since the establishment of the special zone, Shenzhen's electronics industry has developed rapidly and achieved exciting results. This achievement has fully proved the "Shenzhen's Development and experience have proved that our policy of establishing a special economic zone is correct." The inscription is the highest evaluation of the achievements of Shenzhen's five-year opening and reform. This inscription not only greatly encouraged the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, but also made the people of Shenzhen more determined to continue "Pioneering, innovation, unity, dedication" spirit to build a better tomorrow for Shenzhen..."

When he said these words, Liang Xiang's face was a little bright, and the audience once again burst into warm applause. After all, the electronics industry in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone can get such a high evaluation from the state leaders. Everyone's face Both feel very shiny.

"...At present, our Shangbu Industrial Zone has hundreds of standard industrial plants with a total area of ​​more than 50 square meters, and has production lines capable of producing color TV sets, tape recorders, microcomputers, and electronic key telephones. The technology of software development and the production line of components. The annual output value is 13.75 billion yuan, accounting for about 49.7% of the city's total industrial output value, an increase of 1979 times compared with 113.5. 1.2%. The variety of products has also grown from less than 11 in 1979 to more than 10, and has formed the prototype of the electronics industry with "four machines and one machine". The manager's ingenuity and practicality!"

When Liang Xiang said these words, everyone present was a little surprised, because no one expected that Shenzhen's electronics industry has grown to such a scale, accounting for half of the industrial output value of the entire SZ city. This figure is still quite impressive. of.

In the past, the city with the strongest development of electronic light industry in China was undoubtedly Shanghai. As the largest economic center in China since the founding of New China, Shanghai has always been somewhat "mythical" in the country, so that in the eyes of the Chinese people at that time, Shanghai produced Electronic products and other products are of the best quality in China, and no other cities can compare in terms of technical strength or brand effect.

But now this situation has changed. Shenzhen electronics industry can be said to have sprung up suddenly. Relying on the funds and advanced technology introduced by a large number of Hong Kong-funded Sino-foreign joint ventures, coupled with the domestic deployment of large provincial state-owned enterprises, Shenzhen Electronics has settled in Shenzhen one after another. In just a few years, it has surpassed the former "big brother" SH City and has become the city with the strongest electronics industry in Mainland China. This is of course inseparable from the support of the state and the excellent tax policy and investment environment of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. .

Sitting under the stage, Duan Yun couldn't help but think a little bit. It was a very wise decision for him to establish a branch in Shenzhen, because although he has a very good relationship with the local government in Shanxi, if electronics companies want to Efficient development requires many external conditions. On the one hand, the integrity of the industrial chain cannot be realized in Daxing. Although the subwoofer audio electronic components produced by Duanyun can be supplied locally, the price is high-quality It is also very general and cannot be compared with the parts provided by Shenzhen Shanghai Electronics Factory.

On the other hand, Shanxi is an inland city, there is no port for export and import, and it is surrounded by mountains, so the transportation and logistics are very inconvenient, or the transportation fee is not a small amount to buy parts from other provinces, which also leads to The cost of products will increase accordingly, and it is precisely because of this that after the last Canton Fair, Duan Yun began to cooperate with provincial and municipal electronics factories in various provinces to outsource most of the products, so that the products are produced and sold all over the country. It can save a lot of logistics costs and after-sales sales problems, which is actually a helpless move.

Of course, it is also beneficial for Duan Yun to keep the electronics factory in Shanxi, because there are too many electronics factories in Shenzhen, and the competition is quite fierce. If Duan Yun registers his Tianyin Electronics Factory in Shenzhen If it is not, it will not attract the attention of the Shenzhen local government at all. If you want to participate in the Canton Fair, such a large-scale foreign trade chamber of commerce is even more impossible. After all, Shenzhen has too many deployments, provincial enterprises, and Hong Kong-funded Sino-foreign joint ventures. For a small private factory like Yun, this is the so-called "better be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix".

"...The leaders of the SZ municipal party committee have always attached great importance to the development of the electronics industry in this city. After the investigation and discussion of the municipal party committee, we have established an electronics industry planning and coordination development committee. The purpose of the committee is to help our city's electronics industry The electronics industry can develop in an orderly and healthy way..." Liang Xiang pondered for a while, and then said: "In addition to this electronics industry planning and coordination committee, our municipal party committee also plans to establish the first electronics industry association in the country in SZ City, that is, Shenzhen Electronics industry associations, as the government's assistants and bridges and links between enterprises, the industry associations not only serve enterprises after their establishment, such as holding various technical training courses, reflecting the requirements of enterprises to the government, organizing enterprises to go abroad for inspections, and participating in domestic and foreign events. In addition to expositions, exhibitions, etc., in assisting the government to implement macro industry management, a lot of work is also to be done, mainly reflected in assisting in formulating industry development policies, determining industry development plans and investment orientations, and setting up projects for new enterprises. Pre-trial work and so on..."

When Liang Xiang said this, he immediately attracted the attention of some sensitive entrepreneurs and managers in the audience.

In fact, the electronics industry managers and executives present this time are not very interested in the newly established Electronics Industry Planning and Coordination Committee in SZ City, because this itself belongs to the internal department of the SZ City Government. Generally speaking, it is only for the convenience of the SZ City Government To manage a local electronics business.

However, the establishment of the Shenzhen Electronics Industry Association has an unusual significance for the entrepreneurs present, because only through such an organization can some enterprises gain the right to speak in this industry, which is crucial to the future development of enterprises. important...

(End of this chapter)

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