Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 930 New Project

Chapter 930 New Project

In the afternoon of the same day, Duan Yun came to Shenzhen Construction Engineering Company and signed a house construction contract.

Previously, the SZ city government only approved 60 mu of land for Duan Yun's two factories, of which the machinery factory covers 20 mu, and the electronics factory covers 40 mu. The land area is not large, but for a small factory like Duan Yun , is already pretty good.

The machine noise at the machinery factory is relatively loud, but the electronics factory is much better. In addition, the factory area is twice as large as that of the machinery factory, so Duan Yun plans to set up the R&D center at the electronics factory.

Duan Yun has planned an open space of nearly 8 mu in the backyard of the electronics factory, planning to build a three-story building here, with a small garden in front, and a canteen and bathhouse on both sides, making it an independent area.

Duan Yun will naturally treat high-tech talents and ordinary employees differently. Whether it is wages, board and lodging, they are much better than ordinary ordinary workers. This is also the most basic condition for recruiting high-end talents.

Duan Yun is also thinking of going to the SZ city government to grant more land, but this needs to rely on strength to speak, unless you can generate a lot of tax and foreign exchange income for the SZ city government, otherwise, you want to get more land in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone , is almost impossible.

This is actually an important reason why Duan Yun wants to occupy a high position and have more voice after the establishment of the electronic guild. Once Duan Yun becomes an important figure in the electronic guild, then he will make demands on the government. Leaders will definitely attach great importance to it.

This time, the house construction contract signed with Shenzhen Construction Engineering Company has only a short period of 3 months. This task is almost impossible to complete in the north, but the engineering team in SZ city is so efficient.

Before that, Duan Yun still needs to recruit more high-tech talents and continuously expand his scientific research team.

The contract amount for building this time has reached 35, including the interior decoration after the house is completed, as well as facilities such as bathhouses and canteens. This price is quite reasonable.

In addition, according to Duan Yun's budget, after the completion of this science and technology building, a large number of computer copiers, laboratory equipment, etc. will need to be purchased, which will cost at least another 30 to 50.

Recently, Duan Yun spends money like water, introducing production lines, and building buildings. If product development is carried out later, the investment will be even more bottomless. At present, Duan Yun relies on audio sales and can probably make a profit every month. About 200 million is still enough for the time being, but with the arrival of the new production line, the product equipment needs to be upgraded. In addition, if the tape recorder is produced, a large number of parts and components need to be purchased, so the money seems not enough.

Duan Yun's plan is to borrow money from the bank again. Last year, he got a loan of 1 million from Industrial and Commercial Bank of Daxing, which will expire after a year. So Duan Yun plans to go back to Daxing to discuss with the president. First, repay the interest, and then borrow 000 , about 1 million.

However, it is still unknown whether the loan will be successful this time, and everything will not be known until Duan Yun returns to Daxing.

The next morning, when Duan Yun arrived at the electronics factory, he saw Xiao Qiang already at the door.

"Morning Manager Duan!" Seeing Duan Yun's appearance, Xiao Qiang immediately greeted him with a smile on his face.

According to yesterday's agreement, Duan Yun will discuss the outsourcing contract with Xiao Qiang this morning, so in order to get the order, Xiao Qiang has already arrived at the gate of Duan Yun Electronics Factory at 5 o'clock in the morning, waiting eagerly for Duan Yun Cloud work is here.

It is not easy for Shenzhen's bottom-level electronics factory to survive. Every order is a life-saving straw. No. 80 people in the factory have to eat and receive wages. It is not easy for Xiao Qiang to be the boss.

"Come in." After Duan Yun saw Xiao Qiang, he motioned for him to follow him into the factory.

"Manager Duan is amazing. You can earn tens of millions a year with just such a few workers. I have also raised more than 80 workers, and I can't even make a fraction of your money in a year..." After entering the factory area, I saw Duan Yun's workshop There are only one or two hundred workers in the factory, so I couldn't help saying something with emotion.

"You think too much. My electronics factory has limited production capacity, and most of the products have been outsourced. With these people in my factory alone, they can earn at most 200 million yuan a year." Duan Yun said.

Duan Yun's current electronic branch factory in Shenzhen is not large. Due to problems such as land and approval, he cannot expand the factory quickly. In addition, there are problems with sales and after-sales outlets. In addition to OEM, Huahua Electronics Factory has also established cooperative relations with provincial and municipal electronics factories in many provinces.

In addition, Duan Yun didn't even think about expanding the scale of the electronics factory too much. He still wanted to rely on brand promotion and product upgrade research and development, take the high-end route of the industry, and make money from brand and technology. There is no problem with outsourcing orders.

After arriving at the factory director's office, the army who was looking at the technical drawings saw this, immediately gave up his desk, and poured tea and water for Duan Yun and Xiao Qiang with great insight.

Duan Yun and Xiao Qiang sat together face to face, after discussing the price, they signed an OEM contract soon.

For the first cooperation, Duan Yun gave Xiao Qiang's electronics factory an OEM contract of 3000 circuit boards, and the price was slightly higher than that offered by other electronics factories, which made Xiao Qiang very happy.

"Don't worry, Manager Duan, I will definitely process the products of this batch of orders with guaranteed quality and quantity." Xiao Qiang said to Duan Yiyun with a smile on his face after receiving the orders and the drawings of the circuit boards.

"If there is no problem with these two in this batch, we can cooperate for a long time in the future." Duan Yun also extended his hand with a smile.

The palms of the two were tightly held together, which also meant that from this moment on, Duan Yun and Xiao Qiang became business partners.

Afterwards, Duan threw another cigarette to Xiao Qiang, and the two chatted while smoking.

Xiao Qiang is an old man, he has traveled all over the world in business these years, and has very rich social experience. He told Duan Yun some of the local conditions when he first came to Shenzhen a few years ago.

Duan Yun is also very interested in what Xiao Qiang said, because in later generations, all he saw were relatively positive reports about the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in the 80s, and Xiao Qiang told him some of the early days of Shenzhen’s development. The brutal competition and gray areas of doing business here allow Duan Yun to see the other half of Shenzhen.

What Xiao Qiang said was very useful to Duan Yun. After all, Duan Yun had just come to Shenzhen not long ago. Under Xiao Qiang's narration, Duan Yun quickly learned many inside stories about Shenzhen's current electronics industry and other industries. , just like a "panorama of rivers and lakes" in Shenzhen...

(End of this chapter)

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