Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 937 Invisible Barrier

Chapter 937 Invisible Barrier
The speed of shipping was faster than Duan Yun expected. One week after Zhao Xuewu returned to China, Duan Yun received a notice from the customs, informing him that the goods had arrived and he was asked to go to the bill of lading immediately.

After learning the news, Duan Yun was very happy, and immediately took Li Guosheng, Zhao Xuewu and others to Shenzhen Customs.

In the afternoon of the same day, the container containing the production line equipment had already been transported to Duan Yun's electronics factory, and here, Duan Yun's two apprentices, Da Jun and Er Hu, had already waited at the gate of the factory with the people from the machinery factory. After the goods were unloaded, they were sent to the new factory building.

The assembly of the production line is a very meticulous job. After the workers carefully put all the equipment into the factory building, the assembly work officially started.

After Zhao Xuewu unpacked the above package, he began to check the situation carefully to see if there was any collision or damage during transportation.

After checking that the equipment was in good condition, Duan Yun and Zhao Xuewu took out the production line installation drawings that had already been designed and directed the workers to install them.

All the workers who participated in the installation of the production line were transferred from the machinery factory. They are basically masters with experience in equipment installation. They are also very excited to participate in the installation of the production line. After all, they can It is also an honor for them to participate in the installation of imported equipment with their own eyes.

In addition, there are also technicians from the electronics factory involved in the installation. At present, the technicians of Duanyun Electronics Factory are all hired from Guangzhou with high salaries. They must have at least a high school degree. There are still many things, and it can even be said that you have to learn from scratch.

Through Duan Yun's previous discussion with Zhao Xuewu, the new factory building was divided into 14 areas, each area is a production link, separated by paint lines and baffles, and the factory building was initially designed for modular production.

However, Duan Yun's modular production line is still at a very preliminary stage, and it has not yet reached the real modular production. It lacks many key production equipment, and these require Duan Yun to spend a lot of time and money on research and development. Modified, the current division is just to leave enough space and area for the future transformation and upgrading of the production line. The entire upgrading process may take several months or even years.

Whether Duan Yun's modular production line idea can be completed depends on whether the product technology research and development center to be established is efficient enough.

Even with technology that surpasses the times, it is not possible for one person to complete a certain industrial technological change. Duan Yun needs to continuously introduce domestic high-level talents to strengthen his scientific research team, and strive to reach the commanding heights of domestic electronics industry technology.

Assembling the production line is a very meticulous and heavy work. That night, Duan Yun and others worked overtime until 11 o'clock, and Duan Yun arrived at the workshop at 2 o'clock the next morning, and started a new day's work with Zhao Xuewu and others .

For several days in a row, Duan Yun and others worked overtime at noon and night, with no more than 8 hours of rest every day, and spent almost all day in the workshop.

Considering that Zhao Xuewu was relatively old, Duan Yun didn't want him to work overtime too, but this old man was obviously a bit stubborn and not convinced by his old age. He mixed with young people like Duan Yun, and he was the first to come and the last to leave every day. Duan Yun is still a little moved by eating and working overtime in the workshop and not enjoying any special treatment.

After a whole week, the entire production line was finally installed. After testing, the entire production line was operating normally, and this production line produced the first tape recorder. Duan Yun directly gave it to Zhao Xuewu as a souvenir. This made the old man very happy. He held the tape recorder like he was holding his own grandson, and he couldn't help showing an excited smile on his face.

However, this production line cannot be fully put into registered production for the time being, because it also involves the introduction of raw materials, product design, and employee training issues.

Although speakers and tape recorders are both electronic products, it is far more difficult to produce tape recorders than speakers. Although this production line of the original Japanese factory can produce good quality tape recorders, the cost is relatively high, and the technology of some parts is indeed We are lagging behind. For example, the motor noise of the tape recorder is relatively loud. Now many manufacturers use circuit boards to control the motor speed to reduce noise. This requires refitting of the corresponding equipment, so Duan Yun cannot use this imported production line for official production. .

In addition, good product quality does not mean that it is competitive in the domestic market. Compared with quality, if a new product wants to seize a certain share in the domestic market, it must fight a price war. In terms of price, it is a very big challenge to find a balance point so that the products produced are durable and relatively cheap.

There is also the issue of purchasing electronic raw materials. At present, the state-owned enterprises in Shenzhen's electronics industry have actually formed an internal alliance. Although Shenzhen has entered a market-oriented operation, the shadow of a planned economy still exists.

The electronic components they produce are the best in China, but they have different prices for different manufacturers. For example, selling to subordinate companies in the same department is the lowest planned price, and selling to other state-owned enterprises is relatively higher. Selling to private companies is the highest price, which is usually 1-2% higher than the lowest ex-factory price. This is actually an invisible commercial barrier. The price of raw materials obtained by private companies has always been high, which also leads to the production of private companies. The price of similar products is higher than that of state-owned enterprises, thus losing the competitiveness of certain capabilities.

Many private companies have to find ways to cut corners and materials in order to reduce product costs and prices, which is also an important reason for the poor quality of private companies' products.

Duan Yun has always hoped to build a complete industrial chain. The reason is that it can not only reduce product costs, but also resist the danger of being "stuck" by suppliers to a certain extent. He just wants to build a complete electronics industry. The industry chain is facing many difficulties. In the short term, Duan Yun cannot break through the barrier set by state-owned enterprises.

As for the problem of workers in the new production line, this is the best solution. Migrant workers from all over the south enter Shenzhen almost every day. There is no shortage of labor force. We only need to select strong and healthy workers for short-term training.

And after the Chinese New Year, several retired professors from Taiyuan Institute of Mechanical Engineering will come to Shenzhen one after another, and some graduate students will also go to Duan Yun's company for internships. The technical framework of Duan Yun's company will be established soon. Completed, the development of new products, new technologies and new equipment will also be fully launched...

(End of this chapter)

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