Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 943 Unexpected surprise

Chapter 943 Unexpected surprise
"My production line has just been installed, and it hasn't officially started production yet." Duan Yun said with a smile.

"Manager Duan, let's have a good drink later!" At this time, He Shufen's face became more enthusiastic and attentive.

"Manager Duan is not an ordinary person. He not only opened an electronics factory, but also opened a machinery factory. He also participated in the Canton Fair and exported a lot of products. He is a truly capable person." Zhou Jianglong said from the side.

"Machinery factory?" Yang Cheng, who was sitting diagonally opposite, was startled when he heard the words, and then asked Duan Yun: "Manager Duan, what products does your machinery factory mainly produce at present?"

"Our machinery factory mainly produces and processes auto gearbox parts." Duan Yun said.

"This business is like a mountain. Manager Duan, how did you manage to open two companies?" Yang Cheng asked curiously.

"In fact, it's easy to say. Before I came to Shenzhen, I worked as a technician in a gear factory in Shanxi, but I like radio and other things very much. When I am off work, I often do some home appliance maintenance. I know something about processing or electronics," Duan Yun explained.

"That's it." Yang Cheng nodded, and then asked: "Manager Duan, the production of automobile gearbox parts seems to be technically difficult, right? I always think that the threshold of the automobile industry is quite high. Your technology is from the previous state-owned enterprises. Where did you learn it?"

"Well, I have a very good relationship with the leaders of our former unit. At present, my machinery factory orders mainly come from the old factory where I worked." Duan Yun said with a smile.

"Uh." Hearing this, the three present immediately understood.

In fact, doing business is all about contacts, and many private companies actually rely on state-owned enterprises for their livelihoods. If they have a good relationship with the leaders of state-owned enterprises, they will naturally get orders. He Shufen's electronics factory also relies on state-owned enterprises for a living. It is said that she One of her distant relatives is a senior manager of a large state-owned electronics factory in Shenzhen. In addition, He Shufen is very good at public relations, so her electronics factory has always been able to get sufficient orders.

"Manager Duan, can your machinery factory process molds?" Yang Cheng asked.

"Yes, our factory has imported CNC lathes, which can process various types of high-precision molds. If you have a need for this, we can discuss it in detail later." Duan Yun said.

Duan Yun’s machinery factory currently only has orders from the Red Star Labor Service Company, but eggs can’t just be put in one basket. He also hopes to expand some business in Shenzhen. Since Yang Cheng has a demand for molds, Duan Yun also expressed His willingness to take orders.

"Do you still have CNC lathes in your factory?" Hearing this, the three people at the same table were all surprised.

Even Zhou Jianglong and He Shufen don't know much about the machining industry, but they also know that CNC lathes are a very high-end equipment, including the state-owned enterprises they contacted before using ordinary lathes, even very large state-owned enterprises, They have never heard of using CNC lathes, and Duan Yun's small private company actually has such advanced equipment, which really shocked the two of them.

And the one who was most surprised was Yang Cheng. He just asked casually just now, but what he didn't expect was that Duan Yun really had a treasure in his hand.

The business of Yang Cheng's stainless steel kitchenware factory is still very good. Compared with the electronics factories of Zhou Jianglong and He Shufen, their stainless steel kitchenware factory mainly makes export OEM products for Hong Kong, and rarely sells domestically.

However, recently, as the demand for stainless steel kitchenware in foreign markets has increased, the requirements for product quality and tableware types have also increased a lot. In the past, the stamping dies for stainless steel products in Yangcheng Factory were purchased from large domestic machinery companies. Expensive, and the mold quality is average, and the production efficiency of these state-owned enterprises is very low. After ordering, they often have to wait in line for a period of time to get the mold. Production.

However, if Duan Yun's machining factory has advanced equipment such as CNC machine tools, then all problems can be easily solved, and the precision of the processed molds will be improved to a higher level, and the speed is fast and the efficiency is high. It takes a long time to get the product after ordering.

"I bought my CNC machine tools from Xiamen at a high price. The precision is very high, and it is also relatively advanced equipment in the world. If you want to do business in organic processing in the future, you can come to me. The price is easy to negotiate." Duan Yun said with a smile.

As soon as Xiamen was mentioned, the three people at the same table also quickly realized that Xiamen is adjacent to Taiwan, and many people in China have purchased a large number of in-demand electrical products such as TV recorders through special channels in Xiamen, as well as some products and equipment. This kind of thing is also a semi-open secret for coastal entrepreneurs.

"I have long seen that Manager Duan has great powers and is not an ordinary person." He Shufen said with a smile on her face.

"Manager Duan, that's all right. After I get the information about ordering molds tomorrow, the two of us will have a face-to-face meeting. I also want to drop by your factory." Yang Cheng said with a smile on his face.

"It's easy to say." Duan Yun nodded.

It was definitely a pleasant surprise for Duan Yun to be able to get an order for machining at such a reception. It also made him feel that there are many potential business opportunities in Shenzhen. It is obviously much easier to get an order here than in the mainland.

In the 80s when there was no Internet and more information platforms, business opportunities in all aspects were relatively closed, and most of the time only relied on the personal connections of the business owners. In this kind of business gatherings among peers, you can often get some unexpected surprises .

In addition, among the current entrepreneurs in Shenzhen, many of them are grouped according to provinces or regions. For example, businessmen in Wenzhou, Chaoshan and other places have their own industry circles. If they have business, they will not flow to outsiders. Although it will appear relatively closed, However, compared with other enterprises fighting alone, these Wenzhou Chaoshan enterprises do have strong competitiveness and the ability to resist risks.

Duan Yun’s main factory of Tianyin Electronics Factory is in Shanxi, and there are very few private companies in Shanxi in Shenzhen. Duan Yun can’t get together with companies from his hometown to keep warm, so he has always wanted to form a chamber of commerce with the bottom-level private electronics companies in Shenzhen. Baotuan competes with those joint ventures and private manufacturers.

But at the gathering of Duan Yun, Xiao Qiang and others last time, the other small and medium-sized enterprises were obviously unwilling to accept Duan Yun's shareholding plan and bow their heads. It is almost impossible for Duan Yun to achieve his goal in the short term.

But today.After seeing Ma Fuyuan at the reception, Duan Yun felt that in the next year, Shenzhen's electronics industry would definitely usher in a storm, and by then, Duan Yun would usher in an important turning point...

(End of this chapter)

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