Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 946 Acquaintances

Chapter 946 Acquaintances
Seeing that he couldn't talk to Ma Fuyuan, Duan Yun had no choice but to leave the wine table and prepare to return to his place.

"Manager Duan!" At this moment, a skinny man walked up to Duan Yun and greeted Duan Yun with a smile on his face.

"Manager Liu? Happy Chinese New Year!" Duan Yun took a closer look and found that the person who came was Liu Wanguang, the general manager of Huafa Electronics Factory, and immediately greeted him with a smile on his face.

Duan Yun has been in Shenzhen for so long, and the only leader of a large and medium-sized state-owned enterprise he knows is Liu Wanguang, the general manager of Huafa Electronics Factory. Duan Yun once asked them to manufacture some audio equipment for Huafa Electronics Factory, and the two companies have cooperated very well in the past six months. Happily, Duan Yun was able to deliver his products to foreign countries and cities in the south thanks to the efficient OEM of Huafa Electronics Factory.

In fact, Huafa Electronics Factory is at least 3 to 5 times larger than Duan Yun's electronics factory in Shenzhen. Their electronics factory has 4 rows of factory buildings and 2400 employees. times more.

Generally speaking, there are very few state-owned enterprises that provide OEM for private enterprises, because private enterprises have always played a supporting role in Shenzhen's electronics industry, and most private enterprises can only rely on OEM for state-owned enterprises with low-tech and meager profits. It is very rare for a private company like Duan Yun to use a state-owned company to make a living, and even in the eyes of many people, it is simply unbelievable.

But in fact, some state-owned enterprises are just like a horse dung egg. Because they have no core technology and no popular products, they only have an empty shelf, but in fact they are in a difficult situation of operating difficulties and making ends meet. If there is no superior unit behind In the case of blood transfusion, some enterprises simply cannot sustain themselves.

Huafa Electronics Factory belongs to such a company in trouble, but fortunately, Liu Wanguang, the general manager of Huafa Electronics Factory, is more pragmatic, and for the sake of the development of the company, he is willing to let go of a certain figure, so he can cooperate with Duanyun Electronics Factory , Relying on the Tianyin subwoofer, the net profit of last year exceeded 1 million for the first time, and the superior department also commended him to a certain extent.

At least for now, Huafa Electronics Factory still undertakes part of Duan Yun's OEM orders, and the cooperative relationship between the two is very stable.

"I saw you just now, how did you have a good chat with our Mayor Liang?" Liu Wanguang asked with a smile.

"Mayor Liang is too busy, so I just said a few words to him." A look of helplessness flashed across Duan Yun's face, and he continued: "Besides, Mayor Liang, a small factory like ours, doesn't like him either. Now, being able to say a few words is enough to give me face..."

"Don't say it's you, I have to make an appointment to talk to Mayor Liang about anything, he is too busy." Liu Wanguang spread his hands, and then said: "Come on, sit at our table for a while, I will introduce you A few new friends."

"Okay." Duan Yun was overjoyed when he heard the words, and followed Liu Wanguang to the wine table where he was.

Liu Wanguang was sitting on a wine table on the side in the second row. At this time, the people sitting around that table were some middle-aged people who were a bit fat, and they were drinking wine with each other, and all of them were flushed.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Comrade Duan Yun, the general manager of Shenzhen Tianyin Electronics Factory. Their Tianyin brand subwoofer speaker is now a well-known domestic brand..." Liu Wanguang said to several state-owned enterprise officials at the same table.

"Tianyin subwoofer audio? Is it the audio product advertised on TV?" asked one of the people at the same table.

"That's right, that's the product of their factory." Liu Wanguang said.

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you today." Duan Yun also greeted with a smile on his face at this time.

"Ah..." The people at the same table seemed to understand immediately, but they all just glanced at Duan Yun, and then turned their eyes to the side, as if they had no interest in him.

And judging from the expressions of this group of people, it was obvious that they had a bit of disdain, and they didn't want to talk to Duan Yun.

There is always a chain of contempt in the electronics industry. Joint ventures look down on state-owned enterprises, and state-owned enterprises look down on private companies. Although the audio products produced by Duan Yun are well-known in China, they still cannot catch the eyes of the leaders of these state-owned enterprises.

Logically speaking, doing business requires personal connections, but these state-owned enterprise leaders don't pay much attention to these at all, because their enterprises implement a planned economic system, and even if they don't deal with other manufacturers, they still don't have to worry about production and sales. Even if the factory's performance is not good, there is no need to worry about bankruptcy. The higher-level provincial and municipal departments will still allocate funds, and these leading cadres don't have to worry about personal income at all.

Therefore, even if Duan Yun runs a very successful private company, he is still unpopular in the circle of state-owned enterprises. State-owned enterprises have had a strong sense of superiority over private companies since a long time ago, and it has not changed until now.

"Comrade Duan Yun used to be the general manager of the Red Star Labor Service Company in SX Province. He was also a college student. He came to Shenzhen to start a business without pay. He has been abroad and has a very good relationship with the leaders of the SX Provincial Government. Its products have also been sold abroad..." Liu Wanguang seemed to feel that Duan Yun was getting cold, so he hurriedly continued.

"It turned out that Manager Duan came to Shenzhen to start a business without pay."

"You said that Duan Yun has a good relationship with the SX provincial government?"

"It's amazing. I left the country at a young age and went to university. I really didn't realize it..."

Sure enough, after hearing what Liu Wanguang said, the people at the same table turned their attention to Duan Yun again.

Few of the bosses of private enterprises are well-educated, and most of them come from poor backgrounds.

But Duan Yun is different. Duan Yun is a college student and has been abroad. He also worked as a cadre in a state-owned enterprise before. No state-owned enterprise leader dares to underestimate such a person. In addition, Duan Yun is very young. Although he left the state-owned enterprise, he wanted to go back. They can go back at any time, even if they develop within the system, they are still promising people. It is precisely because of this that these talents have changed their attitudes towards Duan Yun.

"You are all my seniors. It is a great honor to meet you here today. I would like to offer you a toast!" Duan Yun picked up a bottle of wine on the table and filled his own glass, then spoke respectfully to everyone. Said.

Duan Yun just came to Shenzhen Special Economic Zone to build a factory less than half a year ago, and he has not yet reached the stage of full-fledged development. Therefore, in the early stage of enterprise development, he still needs to establish good relations with these large state-owned enterprises and purchase electronic semiconductor raw materials and other spare parts from them. component products.

(End of this chapter)

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