Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 949 Additional Conditions

Chapter 949 Additional Conditions
"Your factory still wants to compare with the joint venture?" Hearing Duan Yun's words, Xue Changchun was immediately laughed angrily.

If a cadre of a state-owned enterprise said these words, then Xue Changchun would always explain to him patiently, but the owner of a small private enterprise wants to be compared with a joint venture, which makes Xue Changchun feel that Duan Yun is a little ignorant.

"Why can't it be compared?" Duan Yun frowned, and then said: "Our factory's annual net profit can reach tens of millions, and the Tianyin subwoofer audio produced is a well-known brand in the country and is very popular among domestic consumers. I like it, and compared with those joint ventures, we are born of the country anyway, as the saying goes, we can’t give all the benefits to foreign companies, but treat our domestic companies badly, right?”

Duan Yun actually didn't want to quarrel with Xue Changchun, but the current situation is that if Duan Yun doesn't make it clear and take the initiative to fight for it, then his application for industrial land will definitely be shelved, which Duan Yun can still see .

"Comrade Duan Yun, please pay attention to your attitude! What you mean by that means that our municipal government only takes care of joint ventures and not domestic enterprises? You must know that Shenzhen's taxation for enterprises is the lowest in the country, and its policies are also the most Relaxed, our municipal government has been actively solving various problems of domestic enterprises, what you say is outrageous!" Xue Changchun said angrily.

"Director Xue, don't be angry. I'm just talking about the facts. Our SZ city government is really doing a great job, and it really takes care of our private companies. We are very grateful for that." Duan Yun saw that Xue Changchun was agitated, so After a word of reassurance, he said: "Actually, my request is very simple, that is, I hope to get the same treatment as the joint venture. As far as I know, the industrial land of our joint venture in Shenzhen Industrial Zone has always been relatively large, far more than theirs. Domestic enterprises are all large. Of course, the municipal government must have considered many aspects in doing so. However, the current situation our factory is facing is that if we cannot get more land, we cannot expand our production capacity. This is very important for our factory. It is said that the loss is very huge, and it also seriously restricts the future development of our enterprise!"

When Duan Yun said these words, his tone was a little excited. He just wanted to express his attitude to Xue Changchun, that is, the application for land use for enterprises is very important, and it is definitely not a decision made on the spur of the moment.

"You are..." Seeing that Duan Yun was more excited than himself, Xue Changchun sighed helplessly, and then said: "Let me tell you clearly, our Shenzhen Special Economic Zone wants to develop rapidly and urgently needs foreign advanced technology. The technical equipment, talents and foreign exchange, joint ventures are all export-oriented enterprises, they can bring huge tax revenue and foreign exchange to our Shenzhen Special Economic Zone every year, and also introduce a lot of foreign advanced equipment and technology, because of this, our government this We must give others some support and care. This is also the instruction of our country's superiors, and we have to pay a price! Can your factory bring huge foreign exchange to the country? Can it introduce advanced technology to the country? How big are the people? You can eat as much food as you want in a bowl, and you always want to offer conditions to the government and the country, but have you ever thought about how much you have contributed to the country?"

At this moment, Xue Changchun has completely understood what he meant, which means that if you can't import foreign advanced equipment and export to earn foreign exchange, don't raise too many conditions.

"Our electronics factory also received an order of more than 300 million US dollars at the Canton Fair last year, and we just introduced an advanced production line from Japan some time ago..." Duan Yun said hastily.

"I understand the situation of your company, but the problem is that your last Canton Fair transaction of 300 million US dollars was recorded on the Department of Foreign Trade of SX Province. Your branch factory in Shenzhen has no record of export earnings. In addition, you I also understand the introduction of Japanese production lines. However, there are many companies in Shenzhen that have introduced foreign production lines, but not all of them have transformed the imported production lines into good production efficiency. What we need to look at is real money. Not those things on paper." Xue Changchun said with some disdain.

"But as long as you give us some more time, I promise..." Duan Yun tried to continue explaining.

"Okay, I can understand your mood, how about this, let me show you something." Xue Changchun interrupted Duan Yun, opened the desk drawer, took out a receipt from it, and put it in Duan Yun's desk. Yun Front said back and forth: "Actually, if you want to apply for industrial land, it's not impossible, but our city government has corresponding regulations. You can take a look at the application standards for industrial land..."

"En." Duan Yun responded, picked up the receipt and looked at it.

This document is Shenzhen's detailed regulations on the application of industrial land. It lists a row of tables and explains various standards in detail.

"In our Shenzhen application for industrial land, ordinary private enterprises with a registered capital of 5 to 20, the standard land is 20 mu, and the investment amount is 20 to 50, the standard industrial land is 20 to 50 mu... In addition, the output value per mu There are related requirements as well as taxes. The average value of industrial land per mu is required to be around 3 to 5 a year, and the core area of ​​the industrial zone requires an annual output value of 6. In addition, there are tax requirements..." Xue Changchun explained from the side .

"Then if I want to grant an additional 60 mu of industrial land, at least what standard do I need to meet?" Duan Yun asked directly.

"Then you need to ensure that the annual output value can reach about 200 million to 300 million yuan, and the tax revenue is at least 35 to 40 yuan per year..."

"It's simple!" Duan Yun was overjoyed when he heard the words, and continued, "The output value of our factory reached 5000 million last year, and the net profit was more than 1000 million..."

"I haven't finished yet." Xue Changchun frowned, and continued: "In addition to the output value per mu of industrial land and taxation, if private companies apply for additional land, there is also the requirement of exporting foreign exchange. Each mu needs to earn foreign exchange for our SZ city. 3 U.S. dollars, 60 mu of land needs to earn at least 180 million U.S. dollars in foreign exchange. Only when this is done, and other procedures are complete, can we approve your land use application. Of course, in order to support the development of private enterprises, we will leave enough for you For the operating time, you don’t need to complete the foreign exchange earning target in the first year, but if you fail to meet the foreign exchange earning target in the second year, then we will take back these additional industrial lands, and you may be fined heavily, so you must think carefully. "

"US$180 million..." Hearing this, Duan Yun frowned.

In fact, the additional land use standard set by SZ City for private enterprises is very high, not to mention the local private enterprises in Shenzhen, even if you look at the whole country, most state-owned enterprises cannot earn foreign exchange through export, and private enterprises can earn foreign exchange even more It is rare. To put it bluntly, the SZ municipal government did not intend to give extra care to private enterprises in terms of industrial land from the beginning. The foreign exchange earning requirement of 3 US dollars per mu is simply too high for many domestic enterprises, including state-owned enterprises. Night tales in general.

"If you can't do it, then I can't do anything." Xue Changchun said with his hands outstretched.

Although Xue Changchun knew that Duan Yun's electronics factory had the experience of earning foreign exchange through export, it was very difficult to ensure that it could obtain orders for export earning foreign exchange every year, and if it failed to meet this target, it would face heavy fines, so He felt that Duan Yun was unlikely to accept this condition.

"180 million US dollars is 180 million US dollars. Our factory can accept the request from the municipal government. We have to reserve the 60 acres of industrial land. Give me two days. I will try to submit the relevant application materials within this week. I'll bring it to you, and when the time comes, the boss, Director Xue, will show you your respect." Duan Yun said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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