chapter 954

At this time, Cheng Changlin was sitting on the sofa at home, drinking tea with his legs crossed, his expression was very indifferent.

"Old Cheng, I heard that Xiao Duan had already returned to the factory yesterday, and he will definitely come today. I will prepare more meals..." At this time, Yang Xiufang, Cheng Changlin's wife, walked into the living room and said to her husband.

"Is there anything to prepare?" Cheng Changlin snorted when he heard the words, and then said: "That kid has a lot of money, but he doesn't know how powerful he is. He didn't even go home during the Chinese New Year, which made our daughter stay at home alone and didn't make any phone calls. several……"

"Isn't Xiao Duan busy with his career now? It's not easy for young people. You used to like Xiao Duan's drive. How many children are more promising than our son-in-law?" Yang Xiufang Said.

"I don't think he's sensible!" Cheng Changlin said angrily, and then added: "I usually don't bother with him when he's running outside, but when it's Chinese New Year, it's still the first year of marriage, so I leave my wife at home Running outside alone, I think he just wants money and no family! He has no sense of family responsibility at all!"

During this period of time, Cheng Changlin was also full of grievances. Duan Yun did not go home during the Chinese New Year, which caused gossip in the whole factory area, and everyone said anything, which made him a little bit embarrassed in the factory, so this time Duan Yun returned to the factory. After arriving in Daxing, he wasn't going to give Duan Yun a good face either.

"You are really..."

"I just have this temper, what do I like!" Cheng Changlin said angrily.

At this moment, the sound of a car horn was suddenly heard downstairs.

In the gear factory area, Duan Yun was the only one with a car, including the factory manager Qin Gang, who can only ride a bicycle to work so far, so after hearing the horn, Cheng Changlin and his wife were taken aback, and Yang Xiufang walked to the window immediately.

"Quick, Xiao Duan is here, stop smoking." Yang Xiufang turned her head and said to her husband.

"Come here, I think I'm a big character." Cheng Changlin said disapprovingly.

"Bang bang bang." There was a knock on the door outside the house, and Yang Xiufang immediately stepped forward and opened the door.

"Mom, Happy New Year!" It was Duan Yun and Cheng Qingyan standing outside the door, and Duan Yun immediately greeted his mother-in-law with a smile on his face.

"Come in quickly, it's cold outside." Yang Xiufang said with a smile.

"Dad, happy new year." After entering the living room, Duan Yun hurriedly greeted Cheng Changlin who was smoking a cigarette with Erlang's legs crossed.

"The Chinese New Year is already over, how about celebrating the New Year?" Cheng Changlin replied angrily.

"Old Cheng, Xiao Duan is not easy..." Seeing this, Yang Xiufang frowned and said to her husband.

"Dad, I was in the south this year to deal with some things. I didn't come back in time for the New Year to honor you two elders. I have been feeling very sorry..." Duan Yun walked to the window of the living room while talking, facing Cui Lin and several others who were standing below. The porter beckoned.

The next moment, these people began to move out boxes of things from the two 212 jeeps.

At this time, the downstairs was already full of many neighbors on the same building. Now it was the rush hour at noon, and people were rushing home by bike. Seeing Cheng Changlin's two 212 jeeps parked downstairs, this immediately attracted his attention. All attention.

Duan Yun has been a prominent figure in the factory for the past two years, and he has been very topical in the gear factory area. Since he and Cheng Qingyan got married, the topic level in the factory area has remained high, especially some middle-aged and elderly women. Gossip is simply in their nature.

Some time ago, Duan Yun did not go home to celebrate the New Year. There were rumors in the whole factory area, and many people talked about it behind their backs. Maybe they will divorce Cheng Qingyan soon, this matter has been widely spread, and more than one person even claimed to have seen Duan Yun lead this woman to a certain restaurant or dance hall.

So when everyone saw the two 212 jeeps parked downstairs today, everyone knew that these two jeeps belonged to Duan Yun, and everyone immediately attracted them, ready to watch the excitement.

When Cui Lin and the others downstairs saw Duan Yun waving from above, they immediately unloaded boxes of goods from the car.

These goods included whole boxes of Wuliangye and Fenjiu, as well as whole boxes of Shanghai brand cigarettes and Zhonghua cigarettes, two large pork legs, and four boxes of hardcover Maofeng tea leaves.

The onlookers were stunned when they saw these items. These items would cost 2000 yuan at least. Many people would not be able to buy so many gifts when they got married. Duan Yun's generous offer exceeded everyone's expectations imagine.

"Dad, I'm really sorry that I didn't go home during the Chinese New Year..." Duan Yun took out a cigarette and handed it to Cheng Changlin at this time.

"Hmph, then don't come back, just earn money, why do you want a family?" Cheng Changlin snorted angrily, and then said: "Do you know what is most important for a man? That is to have a sense of responsibility, money How much you earn is another matter, but you have to take your family seriously! Those are the people closest to you!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Duan Yun nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and said with a smile on his face.

Duan Yun is definitely a filial son, and he also knows that his father-in-law is a good-looking person. If he does not go home for the first year of the new year, the old man must be full of anger, so Duan Yun is also very low-key this time. Cheng Changlin reprimanded casually.

"...I'm not talking about you. You and Qingyan just got married, so you should know something in your heart. Can you earn as much money as your family?"

"Brother Duan, where do you put this thing?" Cui Lin walked into the living room with a box of Wuliangye in his arms.

"Dad, calm down. I specially entrusted someone to buy this Wuliangye from a southern factory. It's a decent puree wine. You can try it..."

Seeing this, Duan Yun immediately said to Cheng Changlin with a smile all over his face.

"What do you mean? You want me to shut up by sending you a case of wine?"

"Dad, I didn't mean that..." Duan Yun turned his head and saw someone coming in with something from behind, so he continued: "Dad, this box is old Baifen. You used to drink this wine most. It was also when I returned to Shanxi that I went to Taiyuan Distillery to buy it at a high price, it is said that it was specially offered by the leaders..."

"This..." Cheng Changlin.Glancing at the old box of old Baifen, his throat squirmed, and his face immediately softened a little, then he said, "Come here if you come, what are you doing with so many things?"

"Dad, I bought you a box of Chunghwa cigarettes and a box of Shanghai brand cigarettes this time, and two pork legs." Duan Yun turned his head and motioned for the people behind him to put the things in the living room, and then from the last person He took an unopened VCR in his hand and said, "Dad, you and our mom used to like to watch the Spring Festival Gala and Japanese TV dramas the most, so this time I came back from Guangzhou and bought a VCR for your elder brother. A video tape, which contains the videos of the Spring Festival Gala over the years, as well as some Hong Kong and Taiwan movies, you can record any programs you like to watch in the future..."

"Eh..." Cheng Changlin was stunned when he saw the Japanese video recorder Duan Yun was holding in his hand. Cook a few good dishes, Xiao Duan finally came back, let's celebrate..."

(End of this chapter)

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