Chapter 962
"I want to see your imitation Santana gearbox." Duan Yun said.

"Okay, I'll take Manager Duan to have a look." Jia Zhiqiang said to Duan Yun.

"You should change your words, you are the manager, and I'm just your factory's technical consultant." Duan Yun said with a smile.

"Didn't I call it Shunkou?" Jia Zhiqiang said with some embarrassment.

After all, Jia Zhiqiang has only been the manager for less than half a year, but the management work is mainly in charge of the secretary Jiang Jianhua, and Jia Zhiqiang's main work is technical, so when facing his old boss, he can't help but call Duan Yun the manager.

"Actually, Manager Jia worked very hard during this time. He worked overtime almost every day, and continued to draw pictures in the dormitory at night. After you left, he put a lot of pressure on him." Jiang Jianhua said with some emotion.

When Duan Yun left, Jiang Jianhua didn't think that Jia Zhiqiang had the ability to manage the labor service company, but this was the appointment of his superiors, and he could not disobey it.

In Jiang Jianhua's view, although Jia Zhiqiang is over 30 years old, his management experience and skills are far inferior to Duan Yun's, and he lacks some tact and adaptability. Jianhua originally continued to dawdle, but seeing Jia Zhiqiang working so hard, he was also a little moved, and took the initiative to undertake the management work in the factory, so that he could devote himself to technical work.

"It should be, it should be." Jia Zhiqiang said repeatedly.

I don’t know Chai Migui if I am not in charge. I think when Jia Zhiqiang first came to the group, he looked down on Duan Yun in his heart. He didn’t even call Duan Yun the manager, but called him "Xiao Duan".

But after getting along for a while, after Duan Yun left, Jia Zhiqiang, who became a manager, felt a lot of pressure. He always thought that being a manager was a very simple thing, nothing more than holding occasional meetings and supervising the work of the workers. In fact, he found that the workers in state-owned enterprises are not easy to manage, the rules and regulations are difficult to strictly enforce, and people who don't understand the world can't command people at all.

Fortunately, with the help of Jiang Jianhua, he was able to secure the position of manager, but thinking of Duan Yun's high reputation in the labor service company at such a young age, the more he thought about it, the more he admired him, so this is after meeting, He also showed a little more respect to Duan Yun.

The three left the office and came to the workshop.

At this moment, the workers in the workshop were surprised when they saw Duan Yun. They stopped their work and greeted Duan Yun with smiles on their faces.

This moved Duan Yun somewhat. No matter what, front-line workers in this kind of state-owned enterprises are still full of human touch. On the contrary, the employees working in the institutions are very powerful, far inferior to these workers working in the workshop.

In fact, this is also easy to understand. Once people are free at work, they like to ponder, ponder over their superiors, ponder about their colleagues, and intrigues happen from time to time. On the contrary, workers get paid for their work, and there are not so many troubles of intrigue. I can remember everything, of course, things are not absolute, but in general, front-line workers do have a "conscience" than the staff of the agency.

In a control room next to the car, Duan Yun saw several finished sample gearboxes placed on the fitter's table.

"This is the finished product that we imitated the gearbox of the German Santana car." Jia Zhiqiang pointed to the two finished gearboxes on the table and said to Duan Yun.

"Eh..." Duan Yun took a look, then stepped forward and began to fiddle with the gearbox.

Jiang Jianhua called two workers to come over to help, disassembled one of the finished gearboxes, and neatly placed the gears inside on the bench for Duan Yun to watch.

"Here are the drawings and technical parameters of the original Santana gearbox." Jia Zhiqiang took out the drawings and materials from the file cabinet and put them in front of Duan Yun.

Duan Yun picked up the blueprint and glanced at it, then picked up the caliper and began to inspect the various parts.

"The accuracy is not bad..." After a while, Duan Yun put down the tool in his hand and nodded.

"In order to make these two samples, we have spent a lot of effort. The machining accuracy of our factory's machine tools is not enough. Several important gear parts are ground out bit by bit based on the experience and technology of the master, and are scrapped. There are several sets, and the fatigue resistance and hardness of the gears are not up to the standard. There is a big gap with the original gearbox parts. The service life is only less than 1/5 of the original parts. Especially in the high temperature environment, the wear is very severe. , We have repeatedly tried and improved the heat treatment process several times before, but we still can't meet the parameter requirements of the original gearbox..." Jia Zhiqiang said with a frown.

At first, Jia Zhiqiang thought it would be easy to imitate the Santana gearbox, because Duan Yun’s imitation of the German Lada car gearbox was very smooth, and after a little improvement, it became the best-selling Longteng gearbox series in Southeast Asia, so Duan Yun Immediately after leaving, he devoted most of his time and energy to the development of Santana car transmissions.

However, after a few months, the progress of research and development was very slow, and the difficulty of the work was far beyond his imagination.

The biggest problem is that there is no money in the factory.

State-owned enterprises are usually not short of money, and all products are purchased and sold in a unified manner. Although the labor service company can export and earn foreign exchange, most of the profits are taken away by the state, and the enterprise itself retains very little. When Duanyun was developing the leading gearbox series in the past, Most of the time, he spends his own money on research and development, and Jia Zhiqiang is not as rich as Duan Yun. Every sum of his research and development funds has to be approved by his superiors. If the money is not in place, the research and development work can only be temporarily suspended, so the efficiency is very high slow.

Another Santana car gearbox.The technical content is one level higher than that of Longteng gearbox. This is an advancement from low-end products to the main products of international brands. Although skilled workers can make gearbox products with similar precision, making samples and mass production is completely a matter of course. Two different things, and there is still a distance of [-] miles. Handmade things are expensive, low in output, and have no market competitiveness at all.

As for the heat treatment process and raw materials, it is also a difficult problem to solve. There is no domestic manufacturer that can produce the steel used in Santana’s gearbox gear, and even the steel used to make the Santana’s gearbox shell is not available in China, so Jia Zhiqiang can only use the previous Duan Yun. The special steel ordered from HD Steel Works, but this steel is obviously not comparable to the material of the Santana gearbox.

As for improving the heat treatment process, it is a matter of burning money. Jia Zhiqiang and his college students all graduated from mechanical majors, but improving raw materials and heat treatment processes requires talents and experts in the material department, and there are no such talents in the factory.

Among the five retired professors Duan Yun hired before, there is an associate professor of the Department of Materials, but such a talent is impossible for Duan Yun to borrow easily, because he himself is planning to develop new products for Longteng Machinery Factory in Shenzhen.

(End of this chapter)

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