Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 974 Product Analysis

Chapter 974 Product Analysis
"...At present, the output of tape recorders in our country is increasing year by year, but the proportion of the overall output of home appliances is declining. The price competition is fierce, and the performance is improving day by day, but most of them are low-end products, and the variety is varied, but there is no major breakthrough..." Duan Yun first commented The current situation of the domestic tape recorder market has been summarized, and he went on to say: "So we want to switch to the tape recorder industry, and we face relatively great difficulties. If we can't innovate, we will have no market competitiveness and the profits will be quite meager. So this It is the task of new product development and finalization that is very important. I hope that each of you can have an overall view of the market and look at product development from a commercial perspective. Products without market competitiveness are tasteless to us. To be clear..."

Unlike those enterprise R&D personnel in later generations, these retired professors and college students hired by Duan Yun with high salaries basically have no experience in developing commercial products, especially several old professors including Zhao Xuewu. In the National Defense Science and Technology Commission, the Ministry of Ordnance Industry and other departments, it mainly focuses on the research and development of military products.

When Zhao Xuewu and the others developed military weapons, they basically didn't need to consider the cost issue, because the most important goal of military products is safety, followed by quality and stability, and cost is the last consideration. Suitable for commercial product development.

It is precisely because of this that Duan Yun focused on the term product commercial competitiveness at the beginning of the meeting, in order to remind them to change their habits and ideas of product development.

"Manager Duan is right. The products we produce must be of high quality and low price. The most important thing is that they can bring huge profits to the company. It doesn't make sense to develop things that don't make money. This is the market economy." Xue Wu also added.

He went abroad to Japan twice before and after, which greatly touched Zhao Xuewu. After seeing the developed electronics industry in Japan, Zhao Xuewu learned a lot and changed a lot of ideas, which gave him a new understanding of commercial products. .

"But the Japanese production line we imported is for the production of tape recorders. We can't use this production line to produce other products, right?" Yang Xiuchun, who was sitting diagonally across from Duan Yun, said suddenly.

Yang Xiuchun is the only female professor among the five retired professors. She and Zhao Xuewu are both from the Department of Electronics. They have very high attainments in radio and have participated in the development of new domestic radars.

"Yes, this production line can only produce tape recorders, and our main goal of developing new products is to make product differentiation. The products have advantages over similar domestic products in terms of quality and price." Duan Yun paused , and then said: "Our tape recorder products can be regarded as half-way monks, which are incomparable with those well-known domestic tape recorder manufacturers, so the development of new products in this production line is very difficult, but I am very confident in everyone... ..."

"Do you have any good ideas for that manager?" Yang Xiuchun asked again.

These retired professors all had dinner with Duan Yun, and they also know that Duan Yun is not a layman who knows nothing about electronics, and his level is not low. At least he can develop such an innovative subwoofer audio system. products, this is not something that ordinary people can do.

So Yang Xiuchun said this because he really wanted to listen to Duan Yun's suggestion.

"I went to Japan with Professor Zhao Xuewu some time ago, and I also talked about some topics about the tape recorder market with the representatives of the local manufacturers. As far as the current development of the tape recorder industry in Japan is concerned, from the perspective of style, the volume is moderate or slender. Bar-shaped and multi-color split boxes, that is, most of the products with a pair of speakers can be separated. Among the 21 new portable radio recorders manufactured by Sanyo Corporation of Japan last year, 11 were slender and small and medium volume recorders, and 8 were The speaker box can be separated. Sony’s 14 new products last year also have 12 kinds of separate box-type products, and there are many tape recorders with various colors, such as silver, red, dark gray, golden yellow, brown and black, etc. Wait, this also represents the trend of the international market, so my idea is that our new products can also be developed according to this trend..." Duan Yun said seriously.

At present, the style of domestic recorders is relatively monotonous. Most of the manufacturers produce large-scale dual-card recorders that look relatively bulky. Big bum," lacking in personality and selectivity.

Duan Yun's goal is to produce a new product that is different from the current mainstream products in the domestic market. He wants to produce a tape recorder product with a changeable and personalized appearance and a small size. The speaker can be disassembled and is more convenient to carry around.

Duan Yun’s production of miniaturized tape recorders is also to prepare for the production of smaller Walkmans in the future, and in order to occupy a place in the current fiercely competitive domestic tape recorder market, Duan Yun must produce products that are more clearly differentiated from other manufacturers. In this way, he will have the opportunity to overtake on the curve and become the leader in this industry.

But Duan Yun also knows that it is not easy to develop such a new product, even if he has an electronic technology foundation ahead of this era, but in view of the current domestic electronics industry is underdeveloped and the industrial chain is weak, Duan Yun sometimes faces deliberate problems. impotence problem.

"Produce small tape recorders?" Yang Xiuchun immediately understood Duan Yun's meaning, and she continued: "At present, our domestic tape recorder production technology is very mature, but if we want to miniaturize the tape recorders, I'm afraid it will not be so easy. Reducing the size of the tape recorder requires changing a lot of structures, reducing mechanical parts as much as possible, and adopting new types of tiny components and devices, even including integrated circuits. Integrated circuits are very expensive, which may affect the cost..."

"Professor Yang is right! This is one of the most important difficulties in our research and development of new tape recorders." Hearing this, Duan Yun looked at Yang Xiuchun approvingly and said, "In addition to the style and appearance, the functions of our new products are also It should be as complete as possible. As far as I know, in the domestic and foreign tape recorder market last year, recorders with a dual-card structure accounted for 90%, while recorders with a single-card structure accounted for less than 10%. This shows that most consumers only recognize dual-card recorders. , In addition, the functions that consumers value most are the recording and playback function, the radio function, and the tape automatic rewind function. These are the key functions of our new product recorder..."

(End of this chapter)

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