Chapter 977

"That's great!" Hearing what Duan Yun said, several other people present showed excited expressions.

Doing scientific research is definitely not working behind closed doors in the office as most people imagine, but requires going back and forth between laboratories and workshops, and repeatedly doing various experiments and tests. Both mental and physical workloads are very heavy, and it is a very hard job.

In the past, when these professors were in school, they took care of dozens of students by themselves, and basically did not need them to do physical work. Now that these professors have retired, they are already very old, and let them do product research and development work alone. , Physically it must be too much.

It is also in consideration of this that Duan Yun intends to recruit some young technicians in the research institute, led by these five retired professors, to form their own research and development teams, so that the research and development work can be more effective with half the effort.

Moreover, the research institute must always be replenished with fresh blood. After all, these retired professors are old. If they can no longer persist in scientific research work, then training these young technicians can also avoid the situation of lack of success. This is the benign development of a research institute. the trend of.

"Finally, I would like to say that Professor Zhao is currently the chief engineer at the electronics factory, responsible for coordinating various work of product research and development. You are also old colleagues from the same school. I hope that everyone can work together here and work together to make the Our new products will be developed as soon as possible." Duan Yun paused, and then said: "In addition, I will formulate a reward system for the research institute in the next few days. For those who have made significant contributions to our company, our company will All in all, I will definitely reward everyone for their hard work, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

Without rewards, there is no motivation. After all, this is a private enterprise, and we cannot rely on award certificates and slogans to boost the morale of our subordinates. After all, they came to Shenzhen from thousands of miles to make money, and everything else is nonsense.

In fact, before these retired professors came, Duan Yun had already formulated a reward plan. In order to retain these high-end talents, Duan Yu also planned to provide them with a house in Shenzhen as he did to Li Guosheng. If he does not leave within 5 years , this house will be officially given to them, this is also to prevent them from leaving their jobs midway or being poached by other companies.

However, Duan Yun has not mentioned this plan for the time being. The reason is very simple. At present, the product research and development center has not produced any outstanding product results. Duan Yun still needs to see if they are really valuable to the company. Well, if it's just the kind of person who just wants to dawdle, Duan Yun naturally wouldn't give away tens of thousands of dollars in real estate.

"Our company has always treated talents as honored guests. As long as everyone can contribute to the company, the rewards we provide will definitely satisfy everyone. Everyone can rest assured." At this time, Cheng Qingyan also said seriously.

"Okay!" Everyone smiled and clapped their hands after hearing this.

"Let's stop here for today's meeting. Let's take this set of production line information and study it carefully. After all the personnel are in place, we will start to modify the equipment." Duan Yun indicated that everyone can leave.

Seeing this, Zhao Xuewu, Yang Xiuchun and others picked up the file bag containing the drawings from the table and walked out of the conference room slowly.

"Master Zhao, wait a minute!" Seeing that Zhao Xuewu was about to leave, Duan Yun immediately stopped him.

"Manager Duan, what else do you need?" Zhao Xuewu asked.

"That's it. From now on, you will be the person in charge of our product technology research institute. I will raise the basic salary for you. I hope you can fulfill your responsibilities in managing the research institute..." Duan Yun said.

"This... okay." Zhao Xuewu nodded upon hearing this.

When he was in school, Zhao Xuewu was the leader of the teaching and research group, including Yang Xiuchun and others were his subordinates, and these retired old professors have long lost the spirit of their youth, and they don't care who is their leader. The thing is, after all, it is a private enterprise, and it is fine to work and earn money.

"You make a new product development schedule in the past few days. I can give you two months at most. It is best to make new products in advance. For each day in advance, I will reward 5 of you with 100 yuan each, but the premise is The product must satisfy me." Duan Yun said in a serious tone.

"100 yuan a day in advance!?" Hearing this, Zhao Xuewu was stunned in surprise.

If the new product can be completed one month ahead of schedule, it means that each of the five retired professors can earn 5 yuan more. In the past, it was equivalent to the total salary and bonus of nearly two and a half years when he was in college. 3000 people will spend 5 yuan, which is a bit exaggerated in Zhao Xuewu's opinion.

"That's right!" Duan Yun frowned, and then said: "When Master Zhao came to Shenzhen, he saw the slogan "Time is Money" written on the roadside billboard, right? If you want to make money in Shenzhen, you must pay attention to efficiency. , dawdling around, earning overtime pay is meaningless, and you can't bear to watch our factory's newly introduced Japanese production line remain idle, right?"

"Okay, I'll go back and make a plan to complete the new product development task ahead of schedule." Zhao Xuewu replied seriously.

"Then you will be busy then." Duan Yun said.

"Okay." After Zhao Xuewu finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Can a few of them really do it?" Cheng Qingyan, who was following behind, said worriedly.

"If this group of people can't do it, then we won't be able to find better senior talents in the whole of China." Duan Yun turned his head and glanced at his wife, and then said: "There is never a sure thing in business, there are too many There are too many uncertain factors, so to put it bluntly, it is a gamble, but I will try my best to increase the chance of winning, that’s all.”

"That's the only way..." Cheng Qingyan nodded lightly.

"We still have more than 2000 million yuan and one year of operation time. You can handle the affairs of the factory and the chamber of commerce, and I will handle other matters."

"Duan Yun... I've been thinking, what will happen if we fail?" Cheng Qingyan said with a worried tone.

"What else?" Duan Yun smiled, and continued: "But I never think about these things. I have always been a winner in the past, and I will continue to win in the future. You should have confidence in your husband. Alright, let's not talk about these useless things, I'll go to the workshop for a while, I think you don't seem to be in a good mood, you should go back and rest first."

After Duan Yun finished speaking, he quickly walked towards the workshop with the file bag in his hand.

While Cheng Qingyan looked at her husband who had left, a strange look flashed across her eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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