Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 979 Technology Gap

Chapter 979 Technology Gap

The domestic price of a new Japanese tape player is at least 1000 yuan, but Duan Yun dismantled it as soon as he said it would be dismantled, which seemed a bit too extravagant.

However, this is the case with technology research, which requires a lot of cost. Before the research institute, Zhao Xuewu and the others had disassembled more than a dozen new domestic recorders. If they want to learn other people's technology, they have to pay tuition.

The Walkman that Duan Yun bought is a Walkman tape player newly produced by Sony at the end of last year. The first batch of this new product is just a single player, and the following batches of products have added a recording function, and the size is getting smaller and smaller. .

The Sony Walkman in Duan Yun's hands is just a single player, with a black aluminum alloy casing and a very good texture. It is definitely a technologically-sounding product in this era.

Gently disassemble the shell with a screwdriver, the mechanical part and the circuit part are perfectly combined together, although it looks complicated, but there is no messy feeling, the structure is quite compact, and almost every inch of space is used perfectly .

In fact, when Duan Yun was young, he also bought a domestic Walkman. That Walkman was bought in the late 90s and cost him a whole month's breakfast money.

However, Duan Yun's impression of the domestic Walkman was not very good. It was very power-hungry, and the two batteries could only listen for three hours at most, and the noise was relatively loud, and the sound quality was very mediocre.

A few years later, there was a problem with this Walkman. Duan Yun wanted to try to see if he could fix it, but after opening the plastic case, he found that the circuit board and structure inside were very rough, and the parts were basically welded by hand. The solder joints are a bit mottled, like lumps of chicken feces stuck on them.

The welding of the internal circuit board of this Japanese Walkman is very beautiful. The soldering points are bright and uniform. Obviously, it should be welded by a machine, and the entire circuit board is highly integrated. Many integrated chips are used on it, including power amplifier chips, power Control chips, infrared sensors and status switches, and electromagnets control the movement. These chips and components are currently not produced in China.

In fact, this model of Sony Walkman belongs to the third generation of products, and it is a leader in the world in terms of design functions and product performance.

If Duan Yun wants to switch from producing tape recorders to producing Walkmans in the future, he needs to solve many technical problems. The methods he adopts are roughly as follows:

The first is to use new micro-miniature components and new integrated circuits, which can greatly reduce the area of ​​the circuit board.

The second is to improve the structure, reduce mechanical parts as much as possible, and make each part multi-functional. For example, the cassette main shaft is used as a button, and the tape cassette is locked between the reel shafts, and the motor is directly driven.

Then there is the use of new assembly processes, such as Japanese products using the so-called rhc (radio, high-density circuit) process to assemble Walkmans, using thick film circuits, multilayer ceramic capacitor networks, and three-dimensional assembly on printed circuit boards.

The last is to use low-voltage power supply. Due to the reduction of the transmission mechanism, a low-voltage drive system can be used. Generally, a three-volt power supply is used, and some only need a small battery, that is, a 1.5-volt power supply.

However, these technologies were not realized in China until the mid-90s. Considering the current domestic electronic industry development technology level, it is almost impossible for Duan Yun to make a Walkman of the same high level as Sony Corporation of Japan.

In fact, the earliest Walkmans produced in China were simplified versions of single-players, because they could not produce highly integrated circuit chips, and the cost and price had to be reduced. Therefore, the domestic Walkmans produced by domestic manufacturers in the early 90s only had single-player functions. Common electronic components are used. Because they are not as light as integrated circuit boards, the whole machine looks very thick and heavy. In order to reduce weight, plastic shells have to be used, so that the quality is very poor and it will not be dropped.

If Duan Yun wants to produce domestic Walkmans, he can only use a large number of large electronic components to simulate the functions of Japanese integrated circuits, which is also helpless.

And if there are too many parts on the circuit board, it will be very difficult for workers to manually weld these parts. Not only is the efficiency low, but it is also very difficult to ensure the pass rate of the circuit board.

In addition, the mechanical transmission part of the Walkman and the magnetic head of the movement also have many technical details that need breakthroughs. Duan Yun still has a long way to go to complete the development and production of the domestic Walkman.

Duan Yun spent an afternoon dismantling and analyzing the Walkman, and then operated the computer to use CAD software to draw the circuit diagram of the Walkman, including the mechanical transmission drawings of the tape compartment.

After returning to his home in Shenzhen for dinner, Duan Yun went to his study and continued to study the Walkman.

His wife, Cheng Qingyan, handles factory affairs in another house.

Now the husband and wife have a division of labor. Duan Yun mainly focuses on product technology research and development and public relations with contacts, while Cheng Qingyan is in charge of the daily management of the electronics factory and machinery factory.

Like Duan Yun, Cheng Qingyan has been very busy these two days. She works in the factory in Shenzhen during the day and handles some daily chores in the factory. After returning home at night, she starts to study the establishment of Tianyin Electronics Manufacturers Association.

Enterprise chambers of commerce were a very common sales model in later generations, but in this day and age, it is not easy for Cheng Qingyan to implement the enterprise chamber of commerce system.

First of all, the product types of his electronics factory are relatively single. So far, Tianyin subwoofers only have three types: high, medium and low. Therefore, the competitiveness of Tianyin audio products is gradually weakening.

All companies in later generations who are capable of establishing chambers of commerce composed of exclusive distributors from all over the world have rich product categories, well-known brand effects, and excellent product quality, while Tianyin Electronics Factory only has three types of chassis, so few commodities The type cannot attract franchisees to join, and after the establishment of the chamber of commerce, the products provided to the franchisees must be cheap and attractive enough to make the dealers profitable, which is the key to the establishment of the chamber of commerce.

Moreover, the current domestic sales channels mainly rely on state-owned shopping malls and stores, and it is impossible for these state-owned shopping malls and stores to only sell the products of Duan Yun's company, so there are not many people who really have the financial resources and strength to become Tianyin Electronics distributors. This also means that Cheng Qingyan's plan to establish a chamber of commerce will be difficult to realize in the short term...

(End of this chapter)

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