Chapter 988
"Can this material be bought in the domestic market?" Zhao Xuewu asked.

"This kind of thing is treated as waste in domestic chemical factories. I have a set of technology to convert this material into bonded latitude-free tape. The related chemical equipment is very simple. It only needs a small pressure tank and a set of machinery. The equipment is fine, it doesn’t need a lot of floor space, and it basically doesn’t pollute. If we use this technology, our motors can save half the cost of adhesives...” Jiang Dongming said positively.

"That's great. I will hand over the motor adhesive production equipment to you. Write a report on what equipment is needed. I will hand it over to our manager Duan later and ask him to approve a sum of funds." Zhao Xuewu said excitedly .

"I'll draw the equipment drawings tonight, and I'll give you the report tomorrow morning," Jiang Dongming said.

"There's no need to be so anxious, it's almost dinner time, and you still have time to draw tomorrow." Zhao Xuewu said.

"Why do you have to put off until tomorrow what you can do today? Besides, you old guys work overtime, but I get off work on time every day, and I can't specialize." Jiang Dongming shook his head, and then said: " In the evening, also help me report an overtime meal, and I will not leave here tonight."

In fact, Jiang Dongming's physical condition is not good, he has mild asthma, but even so, seeing his old colleagues in the entire research institute working overtime every day, he was also touched by this atmosphere, as if he had returned to the passionate young In this era, I also want to be able to make my own contribution and prove my own value.

"Then all will report overtime meals today, and the progress set before must be completed." Zhao Xuewu said with a serious face.

Like Duan Yun, Zhao Xuewu also wants to start this new production line urgently. Duan Yun stipulates that new products must be developed within two months, but in fact Zhao Xuewu’s research progress is only one month, and the formula A strict R&D record sheet is established, and the progress requirements must be met every day.

After the brief meeting ended, Zhao Xuewu and others took their technicians to the workshop to start equipment debugging...


Time passed quickly, and 10 days later, a truck from Xiamen entered Shenzhen and arrived at Duan Yun's electronics factory.

This is the first batch of high-performance chips and equipment components that Duan Yun ordered from Xiamen Yuanfang Company through Xiamen Office. These are key components for making plug-in machines and motor winding machines.

Duan Yun, who had learned the news in advance, took a day off with the organizing committee of the Canton Fair, leaving his wife to stare at the booth alone, while he returned to Shenzhen to receive the parts.

Duan Yun took the checklist and compared the delivered parts one by one. After confirming that they were correct, he immediately had someone transport them to the new workshop.

Although Xiamen Yuanfang Company charges a lot, its reputation is still commendable. The parts shipped are indeed what Duan Yun wants, and some of them are not opened at all, and there are corresponding manuals in traditional characters inside.

Another batch of high-tech parts that Duan Yun urgently needs has not yet arrived, but according to the news from Zhao Changfeng, the snakehead on the other side has already taken over the business. Should be able to ship domestically.

Although it is not a formal way, in fact, these gray industrial chains have been developed in Xiamen for many years, and they are even more reliable than some formal companies in terms of credit, because once people like them screw up a business, they will lose money in the future. Even if it is completely broken.

At present, the new production line has been debugged twice. Only these key components need to be installed, and the whole production line can be officially operated.

The design plan of the new product has also been finalized. According to Duan Yun’s design requirements of miniaturized single motor and low cost, the design of the new product has been changed back and forth no less than 10 times in the past 10 days, including many details. In place, if it can be mass-produced, it should have strong competitiveness in China.

In addition, the plug-in and cylinder designed and produced by Duan Yun and Peng Changming have also achieved success. After a few days of testing, the connection between the cylinder and the plug operates precisely and stably. Although there is a certain degree of oil leakage, it only needs to Simple cleaning is enough every day, and has little effect on use.

This time, the cylinder part of the plug-in machine can be completed so quickly and smoothly. On the one hand, it is due to the fact that Peng Changming himself participated in the research and development of military tank diesel engines and has a high attainment in pneumatic equipment. High-precision automatic processing lathes, many skilled workers, and special steel materials ordered from HD Steel Plant, so all conditions are available, and it is a matter of course that the rapid development and success can be achieved.

At this point, Duan Yun's plug-in machine can be completed with the high-priced ball bearings and CNC chips in place.

There is a certain gap in performance between the plug-in machine made by Duan Yun and the plug-in machine produced by foreign manufacturers, but it can definitely be regarded as top-notch advanced equipment in the domestic electronics industry. In fact, until the 90s, there were only a few large domestic Only TV manufacturers have this kind of plug-in equipment.

In addition, Duan Yun will upgrade and modify this plug-in machine in the future, install more advanced sensors and computer control panels, and finally realize the digital control of the plug-in machine.

Duan Yun was busy until late at night that day. After successfully testing all the parts, he was relieved. On the second day, he went to Guangzhou to participate in the Canton Fair as usual.

After the end of the Spring Canton Fair at the end of April, Duan Yun came back with a good reputation again. He got an order of nearly 4 million US dollars for the electronics factory. It is enough for him to fulfill his promise and complete half of the US$300 million export foreign exchange earning task promised when the industrial land was approved last time.

The remaining 200 million US dollars foreign exchange earning quota, if nothing else happens, can be completed through this autumn Canton Fair, and the annual foreign exchange earning task of 500 million US dollars can be completed. Not only can the industrial land approved by him be kept, but such dazzling results, It is also enough to make him a shining pearl among private enterprises in Shenzhen.

In fact, after the Canton Fair ended, Deputy Mayor Liang Xiang personally called Duan Yun to congratulate him.

In fact, Liang Xiang himself still pays more attention to the development of private enterprises in Shenzhen. However, due to the pressure from the superior leadership of local state-owned enterprises in Shenzhen, Liang Xiang himself can only provide most of the resources to Shenzhen locals after weighing the pros and cons. The joint ventures and state-owned enterprises in Shenzhen do not give special consideration to private enterprises. Generally speaking, the development of private enterprises in Shenzhen is not optimistic...

(End of this chapter)

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