Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 990 Test Machine Success

Chapter 990 Test Machine Success
The moment Duan Yun pressed the button, the motor started, and the conveyor belt slowly gathered the circuit boards and components from the two intersecting lines to the middle.

"Crack! Kick! Kick!"

Under the power of the cylinder, the plug quickly and accurately clamped the parts on the upper transmission board, and then instantly inserted into the corresponding hole on the circuit board. The three plugs operated simultaneously, and it took less than 5 seconds to complete the More than a dozen electronic components are accurately inserted on the circuit board.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes flashed with excitement. Except for Duan Yun and Zhao Xuewu who had gone abroad together before, it was the first time for them to watch the work of the plug-in machine live.

Immediately afterwards, the second, third, and fourth circuit boards were all plugged in quickly, and the finished products slid down the conveyor belt into the finished product box. The efficiency was astonishingly fast.

The next moment, Duan Yun and Zhao Xuewu walked quickly to the finished product box, each picked up a finished circuit board and looked at it.

"The accuracy rate is very good, and it looks very beautiful." After checking several circuit boards continuously, Zhao Xuewu showed a satisfied smile.

"The follow-up welding work also needs a printing table and a tin furnace, so that a complete finished product can be made." Duan Yun picked up a few boards and looked through them, then nodded.

After the most critical plug-in tool is completed, the remaining circuit board soldering is relatively simple in terms of technology, that is, the method of dip soldering is used to place the PCB board with the electronic components installed on it a few millimeters above the printing table with rosin alcohol solution. , The lower part of the rosin alcohol solution is blown and foamed, and the rosin alcohol solution is applied to the PCB board, and then the PCB board is placed on the suction furnace for dip soldering and left to cool. This is also a common soldering method in many electronics factories in the future market. It is simple and Efficient and suitable for mass production.

However, compared with the plug-in machine, the printed board and suction furnace for welding are much simpler, and can be purchased directly from China, and the price is also very cheap.

"Crack, clap!" Seeing the completion of several PCB boards, there was a burst of applause at the scene.

"I really didn't expect that we really made this plug-in machine." Zhao Xuewu said with some emotion.

"It's all thanks to Professor Peng. If he hadn't made the cylinder and transmission device, we wouldn't be able to handle this machine at all." Duan Yun turned to look at Peng Changming on the other side while speaking.

At this time, Peng Changming was concentrating on the operation of the cylinder of the plug-in machine, and he didn't seem to hear the conversation between Duan Yun and Zhao Xuewu.

In fact, Peng Changming has not completely relaxed at this time. Although he is very confident in the cylinder he made, it cannot prove that the cylinder he made is successful without a long-term test.

"Manager Duan, can you put in some more original parts for testing." Peng Changming turned his head and said to Duan Yun after seeing the last circuit board plug-in completed a few minutes later.

"It's too late tonight, and there is no one in the workshop. My suggestion is that everyone go back to rest first, and start the second round of machine testing tomorrow." Duan Yun stepped forward and patted Peng Changming on the shoulder, and said to him with a smile: "If there is no problem with the operation, the follow-up rosin printing table and tin furnace for soldering will also be handed over to you. You have really worked hard these few days."

"The printing table and the tin furnace are easy to talk about. I have seen those things before. The technical content is not high. We have ready-made raw materials and machine tools. I can make them in up to three days, and I guarantee that they can be used with this plug-in machine." Peng Changming said confidently.

With Peng Changming's technical attainments, it is not a problem to make printing tables and tin furnaces. The only difficulty is how to perfectly connect with this plug-in machine and use it to complete the entire circuit board component soldering tool.

"Congratulations, Manager Duan!"

"That's great."

"It seems that the new production line will be put into production soon."

At this time, everyone present came forward to express their congratulations to Duan Yun.

For more than half a month, everyone in the research institute has been working overtime every day, almost in a state of forgetting to eat and sleep. Now they have finally completed the test of the most critical equipment of the entire production line. This is a morale booster for the entire R&D team. Great encouragement.

As for Zhao Xuewu and others, they traveled thousands of miles to Shenzhen for this moment.

"Everyone is very tired today, let's go back and rest first, thank you for your contribution to the factory all the time, here I have decided that after the new product is officially put into production, I will give you a big reward, and I promise that everyone's efforts will be rewarded in return." Duan Yun said to the crowd.

"Everyone has worked hard, let's go back first." Zhao Xuewu also said at this time.

They are all retired and elderly people, and they have been working overtime for more than half a month. Everyone is very tired. Zhao Xuewu is also worried about his colleagues' health, so he quickly arranges them to go back to rest.

"Then let's go."

After everyone heard the words, they left the clean room one after another. Everyone had smiles on their faces and looked very excited.

Duan Yun and Zhao Changfeng were the last to leave. When they left the door of the workshop, a cool wind blew in their faces, and the sky was filled with stars, making it extremely quiet.

Duan Yun took out a cigarette and handed it to Zhao Changfeng. After the two lit the cigarette, they let out a sigh of relief.

"My dad is right, you are indeed not an ordinary person, and you will definitely make a career out of it." Zhao Changfeng took a puff of cigarette, turned to Duan Yun and said.

"You are the father who has no sons. Without your help, my new production line would not have gone so smoothly. You have made great contributions this time. Speaking of which, when I was in the factory, Secretary Zhao was the one I respect the most. People, it's a pity that they won everyone in the fight, but lost in time and age in the end..." Duan Yun also said with some emotion.

"People of their generation are like animals in a cage. Even if they have great abilities, they can only spend their time in a small circle..." Zhao Changfeng took another puff of cigarette, and then said: "But we have a wider sky, I can see that a person like you will never be willing to be a rich little boss, I feel lucky to be a boss like you..."

"My success is inseparable from your help. We are a team, and no one can leave. I also hope that you can stay in the company and help me." Duan Yun said with some sincerity.

Duan Yun still prefers Zhao Changfeng. Among the backbones around him, Zhao Changfeng should be the most capable, and he is still very young. Even though there are many talents joining now, no one can replace Zhao Changfeng. Duan Yun's position in the team.

(End of this chapter)

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