Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 997 Shekou Law Firm

Chapter 997 Shekou Law Firm
"The motor production process and equipment have been improving and upgrading. Recently, I proposed a plan to upgrade the winding machine to 6 plugs. In addition, I also plan to use a new process to make the motor stator. Recently, we have been meeting to study the design plan... " Zhao Xuewu said.

"Very good." Hearing this, Duan Yun showed a satisfied smile.

Although these retired professors are relatively old, they are quite enthusiastic about their work. They don't need Duan Yun to arrange work deliberately, they can find the problems that need to be solved by themselves.

"At present, there is still a lot of room for new products to improve quality and lower prices. After the new products are put into production, I will formulate a one-year R&D target plan and submit it to you." Zhao Xuewu said.

Zhao Xuewu, the chief engineer of the electronics factory, is quite conscientious. In terms of product development, he is more attentive than Duan Yun, and he himself is a more rigorous person. Duan Yun asked him to manage the research institute, which is considered the right choice. people.

"That's hard work, Master Zhao." Duan Yun nodded and said.

"No hard work, is there anything else Manager Duan can do?" Zhao Xuewu asked.

"Not for the time being, go get busy." Duan Yun waved his hand, indicating that Zhao Xuewu could leave.

After Zhao Xuewu left, Duan Yun took a sip of water, got up, put on his suit jacket, and left the office.

He has another important thing to do today, which is to go to the Shekou Law Firm.

Duan Yun’s electronics factory has been in development for more than a year, and has also encountered some contract disputes with distributors. In order to ship goods quickly, Duan Yun only collected a part of the deposit and sent the goods to the distributors. Several dealers have been in arrears, although the amount is only a few hundred thousand, but personally, they have made a very bad start.

In fact, in the mid-80s, the triangular debt problem of domestic enterprises was very serious. Losses, have come to the brink of bankruptcy.

Duan Yun's private enterprise, the owner of a private enterprise like him has gone bankrupt, so he can only sleep on the road.

However, it is impossible for Duan Yun to devote a lot of time and energy to litigation with these dealers who owe money, so he must have his own legal department dedicated to collecting money and litigation.

And with the development of the enterprise, Duan Yun needs to use more and more legal places, including contract formulation, economic disputes, and business cooperation, all of which require the assistance of professional lawyers.

But it was not easy to hire a lawyer in the 80s. It was not until 1980 that the "Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Lawyers" was officially promulgated, and it was implemented on January 82, 1. At this time, the lawyer system was restored and entered the level of system operation.

However, the law firm in the early 80s used the name of the Legal Advisory Office. At that time, the Legal Advisory Office was an administrative unit, and the subsequent law firms were also public institutions. At that time, lawyers were defined as national legal workers with administrative establishments. And level, get the state salary, and even lawyers in some places can wear police uniforms, handcuffs and pistols, and there are still traces of the planned economy era on their bodies.

Some lawyers are very high-ranking. When an old lawyer went to a certain place in Shanxi to provide legal services, the three leadership teams of the local municipal government came to welcome him. The reason is that the lawyer’s rank is higher than that of the local mayor. .

In fact, until the early 90s, it was a very face-saving thing for some companies to be able to hire lawyers as legal consultants. Some companies even spared no expense in advertising in newspapers. This shows how important lawyers are in this era. "Golden precious".

Duan Yun is going to visit the Shekou Law Firm this time to see if he can hire a lawyer with a high salary as the company's legal counsel.

In fact, before the establishment of the Shekou Law Firm, there were already two law firms in Shenzhen, both of which were lawyers from Hong Kong. The agreements and articles of association for foreign investment, and the procedures for buying and selling factories were all handled by these two Hong Kong law firms. However, after the opening of the Shekou Law Firm founded by domestic lawyers, it did not receive a single business for several months. The main reason was that there were not many lawyers doing business at that time. It is unbelievable for many local companies in Shenzhen to be engaged in personnel work and suddenly become lawyers. Because they do not trust their professionalism, naturally no one will sue them.

It took Duan Yun more than half an hour to take a taxi, and then he came to the left side of the gate of Seaview Plaza, in front of an old yellow house by the sea. This is the first law firm in Shenzhen, Shekou Law Firm.

The Shekou Law Firm looks very simple, with an upper and lower floor covering an area of ​​more than 4 square meters. There is an office downstairs, a reception room, and a typing room and a kitchen rest upstairs. The equipment is very simple, and the inside There are only [-] members, two full-time lawyers, an English translator, and a typist and accountant. The first two are transferred from the Personnel Department of Shekou Industrial Zone.

After Duan Yun got off the car, he walked straight into the law firm.

After entering the reception room, a middle-aged man in a blue suit, red tie, and black-rimmed glasses greeted him immediately.

"Hello sir, what can I do?" The middle-aged man greeted Duan Yun with a smile on his face.

"you are……"

"Ah, I'm Yao Feng, a lawyer from our firm. Do you need any help?" The middle-aged man asked after introducing himself.

"So it's Lawyer Yao, hello, hello!" Duan Yun immediately extended his hand with a smile on his face, and said, "I'm Duan Yun, the manager of our Shenzhen Tianyin Electronics Factory. Nice to meet you."

"Tianyin Electronics Factory?" Yao Feng was taken aback when he heard the words, but he shook hands with Duan Yun and said politely, "Manager Duan, please sit down."

Although the Shekou Law Firm has been established for nearly two years, its main business comes from joint ventures and large state-owned enterprises in Shenzhen. Basically, Yao Feng, a major local state-owned enterprise in Shenzhen, knows something about it, but this is the first time he heard about it. To the factory name of Tianyin Electronics Factory.

"Does Lawyer Yao smoke?" Duan Yun took out a cigarette and handed it over.

"Ah, I don't smoke." Yao Feng politely declined Duan Yun, and then asked, "Manager Duan looks so young. Which department is Tianyin Electronics Factory under?"

"Tianyin Electronics Factory is a company founded by me personally, and it is a private enterprise." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and then said: "Lawyer Yao, have you seen the advertisement of Tianyin subwoofer audio on CCTV before?".

(End of this chapter)

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