magician in town

Chapter 102 Chapter Family

Chapter 102

Chapter [-]

"What kind of work does my dad assist Pei Shu?" Luo Qi asked, reaching out his paws and pulling at the hair in front of him, trying to pretend not to care.

"I don't know." Du Zhengyi said sincerely, "I really don't know the technical details of the mind mage, and those experimental projects are kept secret. But I think it should be to improve the technology of the mind mage to ensure the latest mind The induction technology has always been mastered by Qionglin."

"That's why my parents can abolish my martial arts. The means are so superb that no one can find out." Luo Qi couldn't help but said gloomily, and bit his lips hard after speaking, as if he wanted to swallow this sentence back to his stomach inside.

"You have the right to be unhappy." Du Zhengyi said suddenly beside him.

Luo Qi raised his head and looked at Du Zhengyi in surprise, not understanding what Du Zhengyi was talking about for a moment.

Du Zhengyi said slowly, "What I mean is, you are unlucky, and you have every reason to be unhappy. You are not yet an adult, even if you complain a few words or take anger at others, that's nothing, no one will It's really your fault. So you don't have to swallow everything back, just keep pretending it's nothing."

Like a cat that had been slapped suddenly, Luo Qi stared stiffly at Du Zhengyi for a while, then gradually softened and lay down on the railing.

Du Zhengyi didn't speak any more, and looked up at a kid flying a kite on the other side of the river. The kite couldn't fly high enough. That stupid kid was running back and forth, panting from exhaustion.

Roach suddenly spat viciously into the river.

As soon as Du Zheng came back to his senses, he stared at the river for a while, "Oh, this is how you take revenge on the society? The harm is really not that great."

"I remember when I was a kid living by the river, my dad always wouldn't let me spit in the river."

"Then why are you spitting?" Du Zhengyi asked.

"I don't remember," Roach said.

Du Zheng nodded calmly, "Anyway, it's time to vomit now, isn't this a victory?" The symbolic resistance to the fullest may sometimes be the deepest resistance.

Roach turned around, facing the only person who didn't abandon him when he was at the end of his life, he didn't know how to express himself, and finally said vaguely, "You are such a good person."

Du Zhengyi didn't see Luo Qi's eyes. It is always difficult to express feelings between men. Luo Qi kept his eyes down.After a while, he was able to answer, with a hint of self-mockery, "Thank you for your comment, maybe soon most magicians won't think so anymore."

Luo Qi became annoyed all of a sudden, "Even if Fan Shi is Venerable, he can't just accuse you of being a bad person, can he? What you have done for so many years, I think it must be a very high honor and a very important thing to guard the Lonely Mountain." Is it your responsibility? Your points should be quite high, and without evidence, they can’t just clear the system casually.”

Du Zheng was very annoyed when he thought of those cruel acts, he shook his head and didn't want to think about these things again.

"What about the Venerable?" Roach kicked the post under the railing, "What's the big deal, it's a pile of rubbish!"

Du Zhengyi was still a little unaccustomed to hearing Roach say that. He had never heard anyone in his world speak so disdainfully of the Venerable. Even today, he himself could not fully trust the Venerable.But he changed his mind and thought that Roach's situation in his family probably angered the whole world. He probably trusted and admired his own father in the past, but with the development of the situation today, he probably feels uncomfortable with any authority.

He didn't want to talk about these things anymore, so he decided to change the subject, "Why is your spiritual induction turned out to be an open-mouthed freak?"

"Ha," Roach was optimistic by nature after all, and couldn't help laughing when this topic was mentioned, "I just want to imitate the clown in "Batman"."

"Is there any moral?" Du Zhengyi asked studiously.

Roach laughed and said, "It's super cool, but you don't understand, there is a cultural gap."

"From what you say, I seem to be three hundred years older than you, and there is a gap in age." Du Zhengyi said, "It's almost time to go back. Mahjong has been trying to contact me, so he probably knows something."

"Are you entangled with Mahjong?" Roach asked quickly, looking at the crystal pendant that Du Zhengyi hung in his clothes, "Do you also share a small piece of conscious relationship?"

"Doctor-patient relationship." Du Zhengyi said, he knew what Roach was up to, and blocked his way by the way, "I won't establish a connection with you."

"Why?" Roach said incredulously, "That would be much more convenient. I remind you that you don't have to rely on cats when you are in danger!"

"There's nothing wrong with relying on a cat, and you can still make calls. Haven't you all forced me to bring my mobile phone?" Du Zhengyi said.

"But... who else do you have tangles with?" Roach asked. "How many tangles do you have?"

"The guards of the Lonely Mountain share entanglement," Du Zhengyi said. This is another group of people who make him unhappy. I'm afraid he will have to deal with the guards of the Lonely Mountain to track him down.

"I don't know this kind of high-level technology yet," Roach said, his tone a bit brooding, "Boss, can you teach me?"

"No, I have already said, I will not establish a connection with you."

"Think again, don't be so out of gregarious."

"Don't make me want to beat you all the time."


When they returned to the ancient town, the mahjong was about to shatter the bricks in the yard. Guan Xinyue didn't know how serious the situation was, so she also waited desperately.

As soon as Du Zhengyi and Luo Qi arrived at the door, Mahjong greeted them from the inner courtyard, "Damn it, you two little heroes, it's almost dark, you don't see people alive or dead, I'll take a girl, where are you going?" You don’t even know if you go to find them.”

"Haha," Roach said, "it's not suitable for Madam to go out and show her face. Wait for a while, won't we come back?"

"Shut up," Mahjong said impatiently, and directly interrogated Du Zhengyi, bypassing Luo Qi. She didn't get any notice to see you at all, and she was also very worried, wondering what happened to you. Since you are all right, why don't you come back right away?"

Du Zhengyi hesitated for a moment, mahjong was about to act like a doctor, and then Du Zhengyi said, "I'm going to give Luo Qi's wild cat a shot and deworming bath."

Mahjong was taken aback, he didn't believe Du Zhengyi's words at all, and asked casually, "Why?"

"Because I saved his life!" Roach boasted immediately, "and then he paid my cat, fair and just."

"Bragging, don't listen to him." Guan Xinyue said from behind, "Roch! You ate the nuts I prepared to make yogurt, when will you give me back the nuts?"

"No, wait a minute," Mahjong said, "No matter what, why don't you contact me if you have nothing to do?"

Du Zhengyi kept his mouth shut, and Roach said, "Isn't it because you talk a lot of nonsense?"

Mahjong was so angry that he had no choice but to throw down a loud sentence, "You will know in the next life what message I deciphered today."

(End of this chapter)

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