magician in town

Chapter 120 Interpretation of Dreams

Chapter 120 Interpretation of Dreams

Chapter 110 Nine

Luo Qi stared at Li Xu in Liu Li's office in astonishment. Li Xu's sweet gaze made his whole body ache, and all the pain he endured underground was once again revived in his memory.

"Who are you talking about?" Li Xu stood up behind the desk, "Who were you talking about just now?"

"I said Du Zhengyi." Roach murmured.

"Oh——" Li Xu dragged out a long tune, as if reminiscing about some beautiful lines on the tip of his tongue.

This scene was terrifyingly familiar, Luo Qi remembered this voice, he remembered Li Xu's voice, this was the second time he had heard Li Xu say this.What he was going to say next would make Roach desperate and terrified, and Roach resisted and wanted to throw his words back, as if the words he said were sharp arrows that left the string.

But just like the nightmare after being injured in his memory, Li Xu put away his joy and turned into a hypocritical compassion, "I killed him, but I can't help it. I don't want to kill the student."

"No—" Luo Qi yelled out of his mind, pouring out a storm of anger towards Li Xu, "Take it back, take this sentence back, or I'll kill you!"

Li Xu looked at Luo Qi happily and sympathetically, "Can you take back what you said? Can the dead be resurrected?"

Roach gasped in pain, his lungs were on fire, and he felt a strange strange emotion, a powerful faith.After all, his life is different. He is no longer a kitten relying on skills to survive. He suddenly realizes that he is the legendary dragon, a monster that even the parents who gave birth to him are afraid of.

Luo Qi remembered, "You are about to die, and now you are lying in the hospital unable to move. You didn't kill Du Zhengyi, he almost killed you. But I can kill you, so that you don't always have to Whispering in my dreams."

"Will you really come?" Li Xu looked as if he was looking forward to the arrival of his lover, and Luo Qi almost rushed up and smashed his face severely.

Li Xu laughed, "Come on, come to me, you know where I am. For those who keep looking at the abyss, the abyss will always look back at you."

"You are not Li Xu, you are just a memory. The morning after I met you at the bar, you appeared in my dream for the first time, and you said you killed Du Zhengyi." Roach said, "But It's all just your wish."

"Really?" Li Xu laughed, "Then why are you sad?"

When Luo Qi said this, he suddenly felt that he was indeed very sad, as if he had always been very sad.As soon as this thought came out, he immediately fell into grief, deep grief and despair, with the coldness of a world.

The cold sadness pierced his brain like a sharp knife, and the hole in the depths of his mind was like a monster, spitting out the pain and cold that he couldn't resist.

He suddenly woke up from the dream, gasping for breath, staring blankly at the ceiling above his head.After a long while, he reached under the quilt and grabbed the kitten out of his chest. The kitten came back and howled displeasedly.He just panted violently in horror, unable to tell whether it was because the cat was pressing on his chest and made him unable to breathe, or the nightmare just now.

The dawn on the window had not receded yet, the sun must have just risen, and he didn't sleep too long, not enough to counteract his tiredness.But he couldn't lie down anymore, he got up from the bed, put on his shoes hastily and went out.

The light in the corridor was still not very good, there were sounds of people moving downstairs, and the door of Du Zhengyi's room was closed tightly.Roach didn't hesitate, he couldn't even wait to send the cat to see it first.

He pushed open the door of Du Zhengyi's room, and the room was quiet. He looked anxiously at the bed, and at a glance he saw Du Zhengyi sleeping comfortably wrapped in a quilt.

Roach looked at it for a while, but still couldn't feel relieved.He took two steps on tiptoe, and then suddenly realized that next to the battle mage, what difference could there be between tiptoeing and stomping?

With a heartbroken heart, he walked quickly to Du Zhengyi's bedside. Du Zhengyi's eyes were still tightly closed, as if he didn't feel anyone approaching at all.Du Zhengyi was almost like a child when he fell asleep, and his harmless young face made it impossible for anyone to associate him with death.Luo Qi suddenly thought that when Li Xu took him away under the pretext of being a minor, why could everyone in Qionglin ignore Du Zhengyi who was doing dangerous work three years ago?

Does this kind of contradictory words and deeds mean that everyone has long been accustomed to Du Zhengyi's life and death?Whether he will not be able to come back next time, they don't even think about it.

Luo Qi carefully stretched out his hand to probe Du Zhengyi's breath.

"Roach, do you know that you are very weird?" Du Zhengyi said without opening his eyes.

Luo Qi breathed a sigh of relief and almost sat on Du Zhengyi's bed, "Then you should say something when I come in!"

"Why do you still add new problems every day?" Du Zhengyi rolled up the quilt and turned over. The bed sheet was a very stylish dark blue, which was not at all the same as Roach's.

"I dreamed you were dead," Roach said.

As soon as Du Zheng opened his eyes, he looked at Luo Qi in surprise, and asked hesitantly, "You owe a beating, don't you? Go, play mahjong with Guan Xinyue, and see you before twelve o' Imagine the consequences for yourself."

Luo Qi muttered a few words, but what else could he say, Du Zhengyi was so sleepy that he didn't even care about his words, and was disturbed by him making trouble so much that he couldn't sleep well.He was a little ashamed, and patted Du Zhengyi on the head in compensation, in exchange for Du Zhengyi yelling, "Get out!"

Luo Qi turned around and went out resentfully, closed Du Zhengyi's door, and when he turned around, he saw Mahjong going up the stairs.

"Damn it, do what you can," Mahjong said in a drawn-out voice, "You dare to touch Mrs. Du's boudoir to play hooligans?"

Roach shuddered.Guan Xinyue squeezed out from behind Mahjong, the stairs were too narrow, Mahjong wouldn't give way to her, so she rushed out to watch the excitement with great effort.

"Hush!" said Roach angrily. "Keep your voice down."

"Roch, does the bed sheet I picked for you look good?" Guan Xinyue said happily.

Luo Qi felt that Guan Xinyue's mental state was getting better and better here.

Mahjong pushed her down first, so that the two men could go downstairs in order. "The bed sheets and clothes are all bought by this rich third generation," Mahjong said. "I went to exchange money with her yesterday. After I told her how much money was in the account, she almost lost her mind. It took me a lot of effort to stop her from not wanting to buy it." Keep buying."

"You mages are simply sniffing," Guan Xinyue said.

"What is that?" Mahjong asked in surprise.

"It's a big rat looking for gold coins." Roach said sarcastically.

Mahjong laughed, "It's all credit points earned for social services, and we also have calculators to calculate social models."

"I don't understand, I'm an art student." Guan Xinyue said happily, and then asked, "Roch, do you like the bedding I picked?"

"It's your Darth Vader who gave me nightmares," Roach said listlessly.

"You were so scared that you ran into Du Zheng's room?" Mahjong said in astonishment, "Why is the nightmare so scary? I dreamed that Guan Xinyue was going to buy a giant statue of Peggy studded with diamonds?"

They had already returned to the main room on the first floor while they were talking, Roach said, "I dreamed that Du Zhengyi died."

"Bah," Guan Xinyue said, "bad luck, curse the boss in broad daylight. Besides, dreams are the opposite, what are you afraid of?"

Mahjong smiled, "This is interesting, tell me how Du Zhengyi died?"

(End of this chapter)

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