magician in town

Chapter 123 Letter from Mother

Chapter 123 Letter from Mother

Chapter 120 Two

Du Zhengyi slept until almost noon, took a shower, found a piece of clothes in the closet and changed into it, and it was almost twelve o'clock when he went downstairs.

The main room downstairs was empty. He looked into the yard and only saw Mahjong and Guan Xinyue basking in the sun. Mahjong was continuing to analyze the data left by Guan Yushan. A boring mage history book.Mages record history as dryly and boringly as shampoo ingredients.

"Where is Roach?" He frowned and asked puzzledly. He didn't feel that Roach was upstairs just now, and thought that Roach was talking to them downstairs.

"Only in this town, Yunshen doesn't know where it is." Mahjong said while drinking tea and staring at the data.

Guan Xinyue raised her head from the book and smiled at him, "Another great horse has come down."

Du Zhengyi didn't understand what he meant, so Mahjong and Guan Xinyue smiled at each other tacitly.

The yard looked a little different from the previous few days. Du Zhengyi looked around in a daze, "Who dug the hole in the yard then?"

Guan Xinyue sneered, Du Zhengyi was already familiar with it now, it was Guan Xinyue's signature voice specially used to laugh at mages.

"What did Luo Qi do?" Du Zhengyi was a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, "What whimsical idea did he suddenly have? He dug a hole and didn't fill it, and he caused trouble for you again?"

Guan Xinyue curled her lips and said slowly, "He's not the only unreliable mage."

Du Zhengyi was really taken aback this time, and looked at Mahjong silently.

Mahjong let out a "damn" and said, "I did it, what's wrong?"

"Have you eaten too much? Doctor?" Du Zhengyi asked him, his face still serious as usual, as if he was seriously asking for advice.Guan Xinyue laughed out loud as she watched from the side, and then picked up the book to cover her face.

"I got up early in the morning to loosen the soil in the yard. I originally wanted to plant flowers. I activated an automation magic and stood here watching." Mahjong said.

"You became addicted to digging later?" Du Zhengyi asked sternly.

"Later, your family Roach came to talk to me. What he said surprised me so much that I forgot what I had done. The magic never stopped until after dinner... hey, you Do you want to eat?" Mahjong said.

Du Zhengyi was not disturbed by him, and looked at the depth of the pit, "Could it be that Roach proposed to you and surprised you like this?"

"Roach said he dreamed that you were dead." Mahjong said back, seeing Du Zhengyi's expression change slightly with satisfaction, "Maybe your breath of death is too strong, and it smothered him."

Du Zhengyi looked at him silently, comprehending the complicated meaning in his gaze, but he had nothing to say.Avoiding Mahjong's gaze, he turned and walked towards the corner gate of the yard, trying to take a shortcut to get out.On the one hand, he said with some reproach, "I went to look for him, but you are too irresponsible. You know that he is still a dynamite with a weak insurance, and you know that he is restless, and you still let him go all morning?"

"He said he dreamed that Li Xu told him that he killed you." Mahjong said behind him. "Kill you, kill, past tense."

Du Zhengyi hesitated for a moment when he heard the words, and turned around to look at Mahjong, "It's not that Li Xu doesn't have the ability to do it, but it shouldn't be. Some details don't match up."

"Yeah." Mahjong said, "We chatted for a while, and I also think so. Roach said some evidence, which can indeed prove that Li Xu didn't attack you three years ago. I also believe Roach's this inference."

"Then why did Roach have such a dream?" Du Zhengyi asked doubtfully, "Is it really a dream?"

"As far as I know, it may be a variant of some consciousness." Mahjong said, "It's a pity that mages can't interpret dreams much better than aunts who tell fortunes at the entrance of human temples."

Du Zhengyi couldn't help but said, "At least you should give Roach more thought and care about him."

"Why don't you come and do the decoding work? Come here, I'll give you the ear studs." Mahjong suddenly became angry.

Du Zhengyi couldn't say any more, turned his head and walked out.

"You haven't told me what the hell happened to the West State trip!" Mahjong said behind him.

"Let's talk later." Du Zheng walked out of the courtyard as soon as he spoke.

Behind him, he heard Guan Xinyue say softly, "Uncle, why are you going to quarrel suddenly? It's not like you."

"Too worrying, annoying."

"What was Du Ge talking about just now, why did he sound like he had died before?" Guan Xinyue said.

"Have you ever died? You have a rich imagination. Can a dead person talk? Can he be as annoying as him?" Mahjong said frizzily.

"Cut, it's okay to talk properly, I'm going to feed the cat, you remember to fill the hole! Such a deep hole can trip people and fall to death at night!"

Du Zhengyi walked down the alley, gradually losing their quarrel.The houses in the ancient town are tall and surrounded by water. If you walk inside, you can’t see the outside when you look up, so you don’t think the town is small. In fact, the ancient town today is the leftover part of the original town, which is less than half of its original size.

Roach didn't leave the town, and there were indeed few places to go.An empty house and an empty yard become ghostly when they lose their popularity. Luo Qi's favorite place to stay is the open space by the Zhenkou River.That place turned out to be the cat's favorite place to stay.Because the open space is large, it is most suitable for basking in the sun.

As soon as Du Zheng walked south along the alley east of the house, he saw Luo Qi's back when he walked out of the alley, sitting hunched over by the river, wrapping himself up like an old monkey.There were a few cats scattered beside him, and the black cat was indeed more obsequious than the others, snuggling close to Roach's lap for a nap.

Du Zhengyi walked over and sat down beside Luo Qi, looking at the river and basking in the early spring sun.

Roach turned his face away from Du Zhengyi.

Du Zhengyi was secretly startled at first, thinking carefully that he had just woken up, it seemed that he would not be so angry with him.Or is it because he is so dead that Luo Qi can't stand it anymore?

He waited quietly for a while before realizing that Roach's eyes might be red, so he didn't want to be seen by him. Roach still had a stuffy nose when he spoke.

"I got a letter from my mother," Roach said.

"Oh." Du Zhengyi understood, "Do you want to see your mother? I can..."

"I don't want to see her!" Luo Qi interrupted Du Zhengyi suddenly and fiercely.

Du Zhengyi was slightly taken aback, but he didn't say anything.After waiting for a long time, Roach turned his head and stared blankly at his own shoes.

"Your on your father's side?" Du Zhengyi asked hesitantly, "But sooner or later they will realize that they respect their children's choices."

"I know, I'm not blaming their position, nor what they did to me." Roach said in a low voice, "My mom said she was disappointed in me, and she said I couldn't understand my dad. She Said that my parents are all for my own good, and they made the best arrangements for me, I always make them worry about it, and I am always so ignorant."


"Do you know what I saw in that perverted memory in his mind?" Roach interrupted Du Zhengyi again strongly, "I saw him being domestically abused when he was a child, but his mother always thought He got beat up by his dad because he couldn't live up to his dad's demands. You know what he's been longing for in that desperate situation? You can't imagine. He doesn't even long for his mother to protect him, he just I long for his mother to love him, even if it is just once."

(End of this chapter)

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