magician in town

Chapter 127 Exam Results

Chapter 127 Exam Results

Chapter 120 Six

Luo Qi stood by the pit, while Du Zhengyi, Mahjong, and Guan Xinyue stood on the other side of the pit, waiting for him expectantly.He stared at the few of them in shame, thinking ironically that he seemed to have returned to the day when he walked upright for the first time, and the whole family surrounded him expectantly, and he would be applauded by the whole family when he took a step.

Du Zhengyi told him the essentials. Yes, Du Zhengyi is a mage who is better at controlling objects with his mind than mahjong.Of course, Mahjong is a mage who is better at controlling his mind with his thoughts than Du Zhengyi.

Thinking about the fact that the secret comes from Qionglin's number one god of war, the most talented mage of this generation, Roach increased his confidence.Du Zhengyi's teaching methods are always more practical than those taught in schools. Probably the school textbooks pay more attention to the study of theory and the formation of habits, but Du Zhengyi pays more attention to the actual results achieved.Luo Qi stared at the pile of soil dug out by the pangolin, mahjong, analyzed and calculated the quality of the soil, the angle of the pile, and silently concentrated all his attention, imagining the appearance of the soil moving.

According to legend, the ancient mage could move the planet with his mind, and what he wanted to move was only a part of the planet.

Roach focused all his attention on the mound, imagining the force of the whirling wind engulfing the mound, he closed his eyes, and quietly let the force pour down, and the dust fell along the wall of the pit.

He opened his eyes, and Guan Xinyue was already squatting on the ground bored, with her head tilted and her chin resting on her own hand.He looked at the deep pit in front of him in amazement, it was still as deep as that idiot in Mahjong dug it out.He glanced at the mound in despair, which was still as solid as a mahjong grave.

"Where are Du Zhengyi and Mahjong?" Roach asked.

"It was shattered by the shock wave you sent out." Guan Xinyue said.

"Huh?" Roach's eyes widened.

Guan Xinyue rolled his eyes at him, "Du Zhengyi is drinking tea in the room, Mahjong may have gone back to take a nap."

"What?" said Roach. "They're desperate for me so soon?"

"It's been 10 minutes, boss." Guan Xinyue said sharply, "I thought you were a donkey who could sleep standing up."

"I didn't sleep, I was concentrating. You're an ass!" Luo Qi said angrily, cursing with Guan Xinyue across the pit.

Guan Xinyue has been fighting with him for a long time, and has already mastered the skills of fighting the enemy, so she does not accept his inferior scolding, and said disdainfully, "Give me a shovel, even if I am a sick and delicate girl, I will fill it up in 10 minutes." It's over. What's the use of a mage like you?"

"How can I rely on you to be so delicate?"

"Wait a minute, with such a small amount of soil, I feel like I'll flatten the mound with a spoon now." Guan Xinyue said with a smile.

"Luo Qi, stop talking nonsense, hurry up." Before he could reply, Du Zhengyi's voice came from the room.

Roach turned his head and saw that the four doors of the main room were all open. Du Zhengyi was sitting leisurely on a cushion on the floor at the door, holding a cup of hot tea in his hand.

Guan Xinyue got support invisibly, she stood up slowly triumphantly, stretched her waist, walked towards Du Zhengyi, and said, "That's right, if you don't hurry up, you'll still be pushing the soil here when your hair is gray. Do you feel like Mr. Dung Beetle?"

Luo Qi clearly heard Du Zhengyi laugh, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Du Zhengyi again, trying to catch this traitor.Looking back, she saw Du Zhengyi was lowering her head and covering her face with a teacup. The little girl Guan Xinyue walked up to Du Zhengyi's side, sat down on the beanbag she bought next to Du Zhengyi, and obsequiously leaned towards Du Zhengyi. One over there, "brother."

He even called me brother!Roach stared at her defensively.

"Brother, you always speak in such an old-fashioned way. You sound like an educated person. It's useless to go to the same school as Luo Qi. Brother, what is the word for the old that is right with Shao Guangxiang?" Guan Xinyue asked.

Roach frowned at her.

"The evening scene of Sangyu." Du Zhengyi replied lightly.

"Haha." Guan Xinyue laughed, turned her head and glanced at Luo Qi, stuck out her tongue, then picked up a mage's book pretentiously, and leaned back on the sofa to read.

Luo Qi turned around in anger, turned his back to them and continued to compete with Mahjong's grave bag.

"Brother," Guan Xinyue, who had nothing to do behind him, started chatting with Du Zhengyi again, "Brother, how do you plan to exchange information with the people who work in Qionglin? Do you still need to meet them? Every time you talk to them It's not a good thing to meet, can I make a phone call?"

"We don't make phone calls. Most of the time we rely on public post stations to deliver non-instant messages." Du Zhengyi replied.

"Instant? Instant messages are immediately visible like text messages and WeChat, right? Are non-instant messages like the letters we mailed in the past? I read about the public post in the book, but I don't quite understand it." Guan Xinyue was curious. asked.

"Public post offices are mage post offices all over the world, where you can leave letters in secret language, oral messages, images, and text. There are energy crystals in public post offices. There are an unknown number of public post offices in the world, forming a postal network. .” Du Zhengyi said.

"I'm reading the ancient history part." Guan Xinyue handed the book in her hand to Du Zhengyi, pointed to a passage in it and said, "Are all your books like this? The ancient history part is almost all myths, but I found that Many parts of mage culture have been established since the days of ancient mythology. Public houses, for example, seem to be mages who happened to discover their existence, rather than mages building them."

"It's written like this in all the books. The public station was created by an ancient mage." Du Zhengyi said.

Roach turned his head and said, "It may also be a purely natural product, but the mage just happens to know how to use this natural phenomenon."

"Roach, concentrate." Du Zheng said bluntly.

Luo Qi looked at Guan Xinyue resentfully, Guan Xinyue smiled slyly, then turned to Du Zhengyi and said, "Brother, do you want some tea? I bought a lot of varieties yesterday, do you want to try them together?"

"Don't eat durian flavor!" Luo Qi quickly turned around and told Guan Xinyue.

"Mum." Guan Xinyue said in a low voice.

Luo Qi turned his head again angrily, the most annoying thing was that he saw Du Zhengyi and Guan Xinyue looked at each other with a look of agreement.He turned around angrily and kicked on the mahjong grave.To his surprise, even Guan Xinyue gave a soft cry in the room behind him.

It was as if an invisible force swept across the mound in front of him, like a tornado, and threw the mound into the flower field opposite the pit where mahjong had sprouted.Du Zhengyi stood up and went out to look at the flower seedlings that had been smashed by flying sand and stones.

The window of a bedroom was pushed open with a "bang", and Mahjong's head was exposed out of the window. He frowned and looked around finding fault, "Why is there such an unstable flow of power?" Then he saw himself Hard-working land, "Roach! You fucking..."

(End of this chapter)

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