magician in town

Chapter 135 Possession

Chapter 135 Possession

Roach stood on the branch, straightened his body slowly, and pressed one hand on the trunk, trying to catch the faint sound just now.

The forest is silent, only the almost regular sound of wind blowing leaves.There must be a stream in the distance, the flow of the water is very small, flowing quietly in the gully hidden among the trees.Even with Roach's good hearing, he couldn't hear the animals moving.But there is nothing abnormal about this. This is not a real deep mountain. There are very few wild animals in a place so close to the range of human activities.

Du Zhengyi came here to use a little-known public station. As far as Roach knew, the energy field near the public station was often abnormal, so what he heard just now might just be the sound caused by the slight fluctuation of the energy field.

However, he was still a little uncertain, just now he really thought there was a snake nearby.But he has never been in close contact with a snake, nor has he stopped the sound of a snake crawling.So that kind of judgment is not so much that he heard the voice, but that he just had that feeling.He felt something approaching, and the feeling of thorns on his back was fleeting. He waited cautiously for a long time and didn't feel anything anymore.

Only in this way, the mountain forest became a little creepy, and the sense of psychological security that Du Zhengyi was not far away just now began to dissipate.Roach leaned against the tree trunk, focused his attention, and checked his surroundings first. In the world of consciousness, he did not check any active consciousness around him.

He opened his eyes, heaved a sigh of relief, and began to wonder if there was any way for him to find his way back quickly.He doesn't have the ability to distinguish directions in the wild. Magicians are now completely domesticated in the city. After leaving the human city, their ability to survive is not much better than that of ordinary humans.The worst thing is that his mobile phone was confiscated by Mahjong. In order to let him concentrate on the exam, he also forgot to ask Mahjong to get it back afterwards, so he can't even count on human tools.

Roach sat cross-legged on the branch, closed his eyes again, and after meditating for 10 minutes, he dared to slightly lower his shield of consciousness and entered the world of consciousness.A brand-new world opened up to him in his consciousness, his field of vision became vast, and the woods became noisy, and the simple consciousness scattered in his field of vision danced like fireflies.He knew they might be squirrels, birds, or other small animals.

He saw the existence of humans and mages in the distance, like coordinates in the void world.He seemed to be flying against the wind in the air of this world, looking down at the lighthouses guiding him on the ground, he could feel their real existence.

Roach disconnected from the conscious world, he opened his eyes, slightly dizzy.It is easy for him to confirm their existence in the conscious world, but in the real world... Roach thought annoyedly, there is no scale to convert, and he still cannot know their exact location.He raised one hand, leaned his elbow on his thigh, and rested his face on his hand, wondering what to do about it.

He remembered that when he was in Qionglin, he escaped from the mage by avoiding the recognized consciousness.If he instead relies on the sound of his consciousness to locate and shorten the physical distance, he needs to keep the world of consciousness open, but that is really dangerous.This place made him feel insecure. Anyway, Du Zhengyi will find him sooner or later. It would be really stupid for him to take the risk of completely opening the world of consciousness that he has managed to stabilize in order to find them quickly.

Nor can he risk using the animals here.Luo Qi knew about cats at first, and had practiced in the ancient town for many days, so he was able to use cats to follow Du Zhengyi.But now... He feels disgusted when he thinks of mice. I heard that squirrels and chipmunks are not very intelligent. The higher the IQ, the harder it is to control.Bird brains are inherently weird and even more inappropriate.

He thought for a while depressed, and suddenly a new idea popped up.In fact, he can use human eyes instead of cat eyes. He really knows people very well.As for the candidate... Du Zhengyi's consciousness barrier is so thick that it cannot be shaken. Mahjong himself is a telepath, so contacting his consciousness is not only difficult, but also dangerous for both of them.The remaining Guan Xinyue is a good choice. As a human being, she will not take the initiative to realize the existence of foreign consciousness.

But if you want to do this, it is too perverted. Doing such a thing while the subject is awake is just like the legendary ghost possessing.

Luo Qi calmed down on the branch for a long time, and repeatedly demonstrated the feasibility of doing so. After a while, he realized that he could completely isolate Guan Xinyue's thinking, and only accept the data collected in Guan Xinyue's brain, while Leaves her logical thinking area and memory area untouched.At least that's what he did with cats most of the time, so he didn't have the urge to eat mice and birds.Humans are more agile than mammals, and many parts of the brain are more developed, but the essential difference is not particularly huge.

If they discussed which direction to look for him, he could follow their wishes and meet as soon as possible.Even if Du Zhengyi had already come back and met Mahjong, he might have guessed that he would look at them through a certain pair of eyes based on his experience at the Heping Street Sub-district Office last time.He's so smart that he might repeat a meeting point over and over, drawing his attention to a place that could serve as a geographic coordinate.Thinking of this, Roach suddenly became worried. Maybe Du Zhengyi had already done this. Did he waste too much time? He should have done it long ago.

A gust of wind blew out from the depths of the mountain forest, bringing a cold and damp smell. The short hair on Roach's head was blown up, and the damp wind hit the skin on his neck, and he shivered.The ominous feeling was like a red tide spreading on the sea, and Roach couldn't help but turned around and looked behind the tree.

Behind the tree is still a tree, and beyond the forest is still a forest.The forests in the southern country are verdant and verdant, and the streams and mountains are coiled around the roots of the trees. It may be normal to feel cold and damp in the woods in early spring.This is an almost deserted public station. There are many places like this on this planet. Du Zhengyi chose this place at random, and the possibility of an ambush here is probably less than one in a thousand.

Luo Qi frowned and thought for a while, then retracted to the side of the tree trunk, forcing himself to relax, he began to recite the operation process silently, and flipped his fingers to draw the complicated operation in front of him for a while. Gradually, my attention became highly concentrated.

He closed his eyes, and the world of consciousness unfolded in his world again. He accurately found the only human consciousness within the range, as if descending from the sky towards the bull's-eye on the ground, he circled that consciousness and gradually invaded it.He hides his traces, reduces the activity of his conscious existence, and when he does this, he is extremely happy, with ease, as if he knows what to do by nature.

He melts into a man's consciousness like water into a river.He temporarily gave up the world received by his ears and eyes. He looked for Guan Xinyue's sight and hearing in his consciousness, and invested them in his brain, and the world became bright and clear again.

(End of this chapter)

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