magician in town

Chapter 137 A Beginner's Nightmare

Chapter 137 A Beginner's Nightmare

Roach calculated, like a big bird in the world of consciousness, he slowly approached the stranger.

At this moment, he didn't think too much, his consciousness was like a trickle, the ins and outs, he could see more and more clearly.

It became easier and easier for him to control his consciousness. In the world of consciousness, some people like to carve their own image, but Roach didn't bother with that.He started out as a slime and has always been a slime.

He doesn't mind the appearance of his amoeba prototype at all. The biggest feature of slime is that it has no fixed shape, just like the form Roach pursues in the conscious world.

Roach stretches out his tentacles casually and stickily to strangers, skillfully, like a natural.He steadily penetrated into the world of the strange magician's consciousness, and he didn't think too much about how it would affect his consciousness if the other party suddenly made a space jump at this time.

He has a faint sense of self-confidence, and being immersed in the conscious world seems to have given him more confidence. He vaguely feels that although he has not tried it yet, as long as he penetrates into the other party's neural network, he will definitely be able to teleport before the other party plans to teleport. disrupt his behaviour.

At this time, there was a message of unease flickering in a certain part of his consciousness. Like a slime, he slipped into the consciousness of a strange mage, and only used a little consciousness to analyze the unease.

The first thing he felt was a rush of exhilaration and joy, which came from himself, as he realized a new way to play.He can divide his consciousness into two parts, he is like an inverted tree, a tree structure.He is the root node, and then he copied a subset of himself, a sub-node of the tree structure, and allocated a lot of logical thinking ability to this part, and then sent this sub-consciousness to the depths of consciousness to think about his subconsciousness. Something made him uneasy.

In this way, he is equivalent to having two Roches, and the two Roches work at the same time and perform parallel calculations.It's just that the second Roach lacks the part of being human, it's just a copy of consciousness, and he can freely merge this part of consciousness back into his own body.Dissolving the same parts and merging different parts, those parts that are different are actually new discoveries, even new knowledge.

Luo Qi was excited again, thinking that he might be smarter and more knowledgeable than Du Zhengyi.Comparing a dozen Roach with a Du Zheng, isn't the chance of winning a bit better?

Thinking of this, he realized that he can actually differentiate more child nodes from the root node, and even child nodes can also differentiate into child nodes.To be on the safe side, he'd better not allocate too much at the beginning, just allocate one more experimentally.For example, three is a stable structure, and three Roach must also be a stable combination.

He is now in the world of consciousness, as if he is in the depths of time. The speed of time here is much faster than the natural speed of the outside world. He has enough time to complete this series of operations at the same time. For this strange mage, it may be just a short time For a brief moment.

Roach created a new sub-node and placed it in the field of vision of taking care of Du Zhengyi.He was satisfied to see Du Zhengyi and the three of them staying in one place for a short time at the same time, probably Du Zhengyi was checking the traces.

Just when he had just finished his work, his previous child node had already returned the result of his thinking to him.He merges this child node, receiving the analysis result:

The strange mage leaped almost the entire forest, crossing from the national highway area where humans passed sporadically on one side to the national highway area on the other side;

There is a public station in the forest, and the area where the public station is located usually has an abnormal energy field;

Du Zhengyi said that in areas with abnormal energy fields, because of the complex and changeable parameters, ordinary people cannot travel through space at all. Even if Du Zhengyi is talented in this area, he can only travel in a small range.

Roach was aware of the abnormality marked by the contradiction, but he was busy too quickly. When he realized that the situation might be more complicated than he expected, he had already completed the final step of slipping into the consciousness of the strange mage.

He panicked, knowing that he might have tossed into the deep water area.

But it was too late.

A whole new world accommodated his consciousness, and Roach cautiously and slowly stretched out his slime form.Using the same method as entering Guan Xinyue's conscious world, carefully isolate most of the consciousness of his body, he doesn't want to drown here.

At that moment, he realized a problem, and he didn't encounter any defensive barriers in the mage's mind.The mage opened his brain like a human being, and he had no idea in his heart. This is unlikely. The ontology is a high-energy mage who can initiate the space travel path.The lack of defense in front of him may be just an appearance, a complicated situation that he, a beginner, has not encountered yet.

But this is still only a moment, even in the time flow of Roach, at the same time he discovered the problem, his consciousness has been connected to the superficial consciousness of the strange mage.

He will see what others see, hear what others hear, feel their heartbeat, breath and even pain.

But he never expected that a world would explode towards him. His ears were filled with white noise, and before his eyes was a hideous and strange world with highly saturated colors. Roach felt that his optic nerve was about to go blind.

He was like a novice swimmer who plunged headlong into deep water just as he learned to catch his breath.It's not even just deep water, it's a maelstrom just upstream of the falls.

Roach was terrified in this strange world, a pair of huge eyes looked at him from a pillar, and he screamed silently in horror.The pillar was twisted and spliced ​​together in a way that did not conform to the principles of geometry, and there were planes everywhere, and on each plane there was a pair of eyes staring at him.

Roach didn't know what it was, and he didn't know what he had encountered. He also felt the fear and anger of this world in his fear, as well as the endless desire to attack that this world was full of.

His perspective suddenly changed, the pillars and eyes disappeared, and he seemed to see the forest, an endless and deformed forest.The forest is intertwined, overlapped and spliced, playing geometric tricks, Roach seems to have seen an Escher print.

All of a sudden, eyes grew on all the tree trunks, and the huge eyes blinked together. He couldn't escape, and he was firmly fixed.Roach was about to throw up in panic.

He started to run, and it took a while for Luo Qi to realize from his own consciousness that it was not he who was running, but the main body was running.It took him a while to listen, moving slowly, and Roach calmed down a little.

At this moment, he heard a strange scream in the distance: "I'm going to kill Roach."

Luo Qi was shocked, and it took him a while to realize that the main body stopped completely, and a strong malice overwhelmed him.At the same time, the part of consciousness nodes monitoring Du Zhengyi sent him new information. 重A 舻舻飧飧飧偶呵?

Roach trembled, and suddenly had an idea that he might finally understand the situation in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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