Chapter 140

"Run!" Roach yelled.

This is not feasible, Du Zhengyi and Mahjong both understand that running is not enough to run a space traveler.

But Guan Xinyue only hesitated for a moment, then rushed towards Luo Qi's direction.She ran desperately, the ground hitting her bones under her feet, she didn't care about the ridiculous bugs, the bushes that scratched her arm, her heart was beating wildly in her chest, everything about her The only thought left was to run.

Suddenly, Du Zhengyi chased Guan Xinyue enduring severe pain, and saw Luo Qi's figure appearing in the thick fog. They were still eagerly shouting to run as they staggered past.

"Roch, you..." Du Zheng scolded Roch as a conditioned reflex, and as soon as he opened his mouth, the severe pain of the wound made him take a deep breath and hold back the second half of the sentence.At this moment, he suddenly realized another problem.

As soon as Du Zheng turned around to face the high-energy mage, he didn't teleport, and didn't seize the most favorable tactical opportunity.In the thick fog, Du Zhengyi even saw the mage's flickering eyes, looking at them resentfully, then the mage stepped back a few steps, and retreated into the dense fog behind him on foot.

"Ma Jiang!" Luo Qi was still shouting, his tone full of anxiety, "Hurry up, follow Guan Xinyue, take care of her, go down the mountain, drive away, his interest is Guan Xinyue."

"What?" Mahjong asked in surprise in the fog.

"Go quickly." Du Zhengyi gritted his teeth and said, he had already understood, "Roach has blocked the ability to control space transformation in his brain, hurry up and go quickly."

Mahjong glanced at Luo Qi in astonishment, but stopped talking. He ran quickly and left following Guan Xinyue's footsteps.

"Roach," Du Zhengyi said, "Okay, disconnect now."

Roach was sweating profusely in the slightly cold air, and did not respond to his words, "Brother, fuck, he is a schizophrenic, can you imagine? I was almost scared to death when I was in his head, you can't guess What does the world look like to a schizophrenic! I almost sympathize with..."

He was stunned, and stared blankly at Du Zhengyi, as if he saw a Qiongqi.

"Damn it," he whispered, disbelieving in his tone, "are you hurt?"

"Roach, I know he's a lunatic, don't talk nonsense!" Du Zhengyi stared into the depths of the thick fog, and he could feel that the mage was nearby. position. "Disconnect immediately, it's too dangerous!"

"It's okay." Roach looked at Du Zhengyi worriedly, and nervously at the surrounding fog.He licked his lips and forced himself to calm down a bit. Du Zhengyi was only injured, so that didn't mean anything. Everyone gets hurt and heals. "It's all right," he repeated, before explaining in a low voice, "I'm here, not with him. I copied a small part of consciousness in that schizophrenic's mind, and I can't do anything else, I just have time Find out the part that controls space travel. Now that part of his brain can't be activated, but I don't know how long it will work."

"It won't last long." Du Zhengyi said, he was a little surprised that Roach had mastered such a skill so quickly.But the thought was turned away immediately, it didn't matter.Telepaths have always been secretive about their skills. If they were not telepaths, they would not be qualified to consult relevant literature. It is normal for him not to understand them, but he understands his own abilities. "The ability to teleport is not so easy to control."

"I guess so," said Roach. "Do you know where he is?"

"Only a rough range." Du Zhengyi said, "He is also a battle mage."

"And he went crazy." Roach added despondently.

Du Zhengyi hesitated and asked, "Can you feel his position?"

"It's also only a rough range." Roach said, "But, brother, am I good at attacking emotions?"

"Quite," Du Zhengyi said, "good at it."

"Are you okay?" Roach relaxed, gained some confidence, and looked at Du Zhengyi nervously, "Can you still hold on?"

"Can you force him out?" Du Zhengyi asked with interest. To be honest, if he could cooperate with a mage like Roach in the past when he could use his abilities as he wanted, he must have been excited.

"I can try." Roach nervously licked his lower lip again, "He is very anxious and nervous, it seems to him that the world is full of eyes staring at him, and he can only see a twisted and deformed absurd world .I can try to increase his anxiety. Shit, I'm already so anxious to do this, so my anxiety value should be enough to drive him crazy. But...but you keep bleeding..."

"It's okay." Du Zhengyi said, smiling slightly, "The highest mode of a battle mage is to turn off the pain."

Luo Qi was stunned, but he couldn't help admiring him again, "So awesome?"

"There are also nervousness, fear, sadness... and all emotions can be turned off." Du Zhengyi said in a low voice, "Fortunately, this lunatic can't do it. Come on, Roach, this is what needs your L value." time."

A look of astonishment flashed across Luo Qi's face. Isn't everything that Du Zhengyi said can be turned off the part of being human?But he didn't have time to think about it. Anyway, Du Zhengyi could close or open his humanity.By the way, he understood why Du Zhengyi looked so inhuman sometimes.

Roach rubbed his hands, "Brother, can you make me more anxious?"

"I've discussed with Mahjong, let you conduct closed training with him alone. During this period, I will live in the lonely mountain for three months." Du Zhengyi said quietly.

"What?" Roach yelled, and immediately realized that this might not be true, but on the other hand, was Du Zhengyi joking at this time?

"Hurry up, stop talking nonsense." Du Zhengyi said impatiently, "If you delay his skill CD, it will be over."

"Damn." Luo Qi muttered while concentrating, "Okay, I know he's having a hard time. His target is Guan Xinyue. Guan Xinyue fits his excitement of killing. But now Guan Xinyue Xinyue is gone, he is so anxious that he can hardly bear it anymore."

"It's disgusting." Du Zhengyi said in a low voice.

"Yeah." Roach closed his eyes, his mind world was suddenly filled with power, he projected anxiety, irritability, fear and even his lack of self-confidence to the consciousness of the mage closest to them.That consciousness was boiling, and the inner core was already at the critical point of explosion. He lit a fire on his consciousness, and exploded his precarious conscious world.

The crazy mage rushed out, and Du Zhengyi also rushed to meet him.At the moment when they met, Roach didn't see clearly how Du Zhengyi soared to the top of the mage's head. A non-reflective metal noose appeared in his hand, and the gallows chain was wrapped around the neck of the mad high-powered mage.Taking advantage of Du Zheng's jumping momentum and his weight, the noose tightened around the mage's neck. Roach opened his mouth wide, watched a person being strangled to death from a very close distance, and swallowed the last breath in front of him. in one breath.

Luo Qi was stunned, and it took a while to look away and see Du Zhengyi approaching, "It's over?"

"It's over." Du Zhengyi whispered.

Luo Qi was slow to realize what he was thinking. It turned out that the high-energy mage could easily end it.

"Roch." Du Zhengyi put one hand on his forearm and shook it gently.

"Huh?" Roach said half-dementedly.

"I'm going to open up all my feelings."

For a while, Roach didn't understand what he meant, but then he almost passed out, Du Zhengyi fell down in front of him, the thick fog had dispersed, and Du Zhengyi's blood was everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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