magician in town

Chapter 148 Trust Issues

Chapter 148 Trust Issues

"Go and see how much diesel they bought! It's enough to blow up the town twice!" Mahjong continued angrily, "I don't understand, what exactly is Roach thinking?"

"Why is it me?" Roach spread his hands and said, "I've said it all, I'm just an elf who helps little girls realize their wishes."

Du Zheng almost spit out his tea, and Guan Xinyue secretly smiled under the grape trellis.

Mahjong is so helpless, it seems that no one here can be a little bit normal.In other words, he is the only one who can be regarded as a prudent and rational adult. Looking back, Du Zhengyi has always been a jerk, and Roach's presence makes him look a little bit human.

Du Zhengyi seemed to have guessed his thoughts, and said with a smile, "Mahjong, I think you have underestimated human imagination."

Mahjong frowned at him.

"It's definitely not Roach's idea, he didn't encourage Xinyue." Du Zheng said with a smile, "With Roach's character, if he wants to have a big explosion, he will buy two cars of fireworks, not diesel. So don't be so rigid, it's just a harmless behavior."

Luo Qi looked at Du Zhengyi with a smile, and echoed, "That's right, don't be so rigid. If you can relieve Guan Xinyue's nervousness by hoarding some supplies, what does it matter?"

Mahjong had nothing to say, and he didn't want to admit defeat, so he wanted to talk about Guan Xinyue later.But when Luo Qi quarreled with Guan Xinyue, he was right. Guan Xinyue is indeed a very selfish girl, and it is useless to criticize her.She doesn't care about most of the criticism, and doesn't take it to heart at all, and her reluctance is worse than Roach's.

There was a yard of diesel oil piled up in front of his house, and he couldn't speak to any of the three bastards. Mahjong was so angry that he waved his hands to let them go. He went back to the study in the front yard away from Roach's harassment and continued to look at the computing crystal.

Luo Qi hugged the black cat and sat at Du Zhengyi's window, floating the Go pieces in the room to hit Guan Xinyue under the grape trellis.Guan Xinyue didn't raise her head, and continued to study her doomsday strategy, "Brother Du, do you know who would hug a black cat?"

Of course Du Zhengyi didn't know, he was not very familiar with cats.Luo Qi woke up and stared at Guan Xinyue with a pair of deer eyes.Guan Xinyue laughed, "Sailor Moon!"

Du Zhengyi laughed, noting that Roach was right next to him, he quickly stepped back, "Pinch it, don't spill blood on me."

"Where are you going?" Roach asked cautiously.

"Too boring, let's go for a walk." Du Zhengyi walked around the door and walked out as he said.

"I'm going too." Luo Qi said quickly, stuffing the cat into his clothes, "Guan Xinyue, are you going?"

Guan Xinyue looked at the sky, shook her head, and said as if daydreaming. "I'm going to design a fort, and I'm in a rush right now."

Luo Qi had nothing to say, even if he was so unreasonable, he couldn't deal with the art students, so he had no choice but to chase Du Zhengyi out the door.The alley outside is narrow, and the stone road has been stepped on for hundreds of years, and some places are almost polished.The sky had been clear for a day, and at this time, there was a drizzle like gossamer.

"Mahjong is a reliable person." Du Zhengyi said suddenly.

Luo Qi looked at Du Zhengyi's face, and Du Zhengyi still looked very happy, as if he said something casually.He didn't speak, he was lazy under the light rain and didn't want to speak.

"Mahjong can be trusted." Du Zhengyi said again.

"Got it, Mom, how many times have you said it?" Roach sneered, and said heartlessly, "Don't worry, I won't squeeze him out."

Luo Qi stretched his waist. He read too much these days, and he felt that he was going to be short-sighted. "Have you recovered well recently?"

Du Zhengyi turned to look at him warily, "Why do you ask that?"

Roach turned his neck and relaxed his cervical spine, "Well... I just think you've been sleeping longer."

"It's a bit slow to recover mentally." Du Zhengyi lowered his head and said slowly.

"I have read several mahjong books, can I help you with mental rehabilitation?" Roach said with a little expectation.

"I..." Du Zhengyi hesitated, "I have always had some sequelae. There are many barriers in the spiritual realm, and it is not suitable for you to lower the barriers and let you in."

"Oh." Roach said, awkwardly, "I just have a... a little strange feeling, I can't explain it clearly."

"Although you are an advanced telepath, you are not suitable to be a doctor." Du Zhengyi said, "You can't help others at these conveniences."

"Oh." Roach was a little embarrassed, "Then should I also learn a little first aid in the field?"

"Have you told Mahjong about your thoughts on this?" Du Zheng asked as he walked.

"Said." Roach said.

Du Zhengyi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Roach had already asked for mahjong. He thought that Roach was always unwilling to ask mahjong himself. "What did he say?"

"He told me not to block the light, go out and close the door." Roach said happily, and he couldn't help laughing after he finished speaking.

Du Zhengyi was amused by Roach's heartlessness, "He usually doesn't treat people like this."

"I know." Roach picked up a stone from the ground and threw it on the beam of an old house, scaring away a bunch of birds. "He just doesn't trust me, it's ok, I don't waste my time proving I'm a good guy. I wasted 20 years proving I'm a good kid and it turned out to be a joke. Isn't that lesson enough? Let's not talk about it Brother, Pei Shu will come out in two more months, does he really have that much power to put everything back on track? What kind of mage is he?"

"His strength does not lie in a single field, especially not in fighting like me." Du Zhengyi said, "He is always right, I think it is not easy to always make the right choice For example, in the current situation, I may not be able to see where the solution is, but he must be able to find the best path to solve all the problems. I have been with him for so long, and I have seen him find a way out of the predicament more than once. "

"Then he is a great mentor and a wise leader?" Roach, who was picking up rocks, raised his head in surprise, "That's not a good thing."

"What did you say?" Du Zhengyi asked in confusion.

"It's nothing." Roach put the stone in his pocket and planned to go to the river for a swim. "Having said that, I've been thinking, why are we here? Why did Mahjong know that there is such a mind mage society, which can live for us, and if we don't mention it, someone will come to disturb us?"

"Mahjong is the partner assigned to me by Pei Shu, which is roughly equivalent to the logistics staff. I think this is probably the place Pei Shu gave him?" Du Zhengyi said.

"What?" Roach's hand froze on the stone, "To be honest, I don't really like the feeling that all the eggs are put in one basket."

"Luo Qi," Du Zhengyi sighed, "I'm not trying to say that Pei Shu is absolutely trustworthy, but you should trust someone."

"I believe in you, more than I believe in myself." Luo Qi said shyly, he didn't want to have a dispute with Du Zhengyi, "I believe in your judgment on Pei Shu, maybe because I am too disappointed in my father Yes, I have some resistance to all authority. Pei Shu is very good to you, he must be a very good person, not just Venerable Qionglin."

Du Zheng opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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