magician in town

Chapter 150 The Prodigy

Chapter 150 The Prodigy

"Mages are not as fond of living in groups as humans are," Roach continued. "As far as I know, the concept of a country will only emerge when the number of people reaches a certain scale, so the mage world has always been in the form of a loose union, and this continent is the main host."

Guan Xinyue half sat up on the carpet, hugged the other pillow, and tried not to stare at Luo Qi.As long as his eyes stay on Roach for a while, he will always look over.His eyes are pure and gentle, and he hardly avoids people.Anyone looked at by those deer eyes will be softened.

Guan Xinyue observed many conversations between Mahjong and Du Zhengyi, and Mahjong sometimes attributed this situation to the attributes of Roach's aggressive telepath.But as long as you are not blind, everyone knows that the reason is not only that, Mahjong always has some prejudice against telepaths.In fact, even if Roach just looked at people, it would be hard to refuse.She could see that Du Zhengyi also understood this truth.

She tilted sullenly, determined to show off her newfound knowledge from human books.

"But as far as I know," she said, "civilization can only be produced when the population reaches a certain scale."

After a little thought, Luo Qi knew that Guan Xinyue was right. The development of the mage world was indeed full of paradoxes.He didn't want to bother thinking about this question of no practical value, so he asked casually, "What did you read from the biography?"

Guan Xinyue regained her spirits, Luo Qi had been reading and hadn't spoken to her for several hours.She rolled over and sat up, holding up a book in her hand, "I was just turning over an interesting one, "The List of Jiangzuo Prodigy Children."

Luo Qi laughed out loud, "Fortunately, my dad didn't buy this book when I was a child, otherwise my life would be even more miserable. There are still people who publish such a book. This book is renamed "Other People's Home" child"."

Guan Xinyue laughed, opened the book and read the first sentence, "The famous capital of Huaizuo, the best place in Zhuxi."

Roach was stunned, "This is how the book started?"

"No." Guan Xinyue said with a smile, "I just know how to recite that sentence."

Roach gave her a thumbs up, "It looks more and more like me!"

Guan Xinyue raised her eyes from the book, "Your father won't buy this book to read."

"Why?" Roach asked.

"As I said, these are the files of the deceased mage." Guan Xinyue said, "So why is there a list of Jiangzuo child prodigies? Why are you so stupid? It means that these children have not grown up! Other people who have not grown up What's the use of a child? How could your dad buy such an unlucky book. "

"Oh." Roach felt a bit like an idiot.He was gradually not as proficient as Guan Xinyue in switching between the human world and the mage world. "Are these kids awesome?"

"Does it count as being able to rub fireballs at the age of three?" Guan Xinyue asked.

"That's for sure," Roach said. "At that time, I could only eat my fingers."

But as soon as the words came out, Roach realized that inertia made him say these words, and he immediately realized that when he was three years old, he could use telepathy to attack people, just like a little ghost.Feeling uncomfortable for a while, he moved back and leaned on the back of the chair, and looked out the window. The eaves were dripping, and the rain in the south of the Yangtze River began to fall again.The rainwater knocks finely on the treetops and roof tiles, which is like a rain listening building.He remembered that when he was three years old, his telepathic ability was blocked.

Guan Xinyue didn't notice his emotional changes, she was flipping the pages of the book quickly, looking a little excited, "There are also some children who can make vegetation grow particularly vigorously when they are five or six years old, and another child who is nine years old There was a snow in June. But these are nothing, I found a particularly interesting thing, this book mentions that in the land of Jiangzuo, there was a town called 24 bridges in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties town."

"That town is not small." Roach sighed, but he didn't pay much attention.

However, Guan Xinyue's interest remained undiminished, and her eyes became sparkling, as if she was sure that Luo Qi would be attracted.She sat higher and said mysteriously, "The main surname in this town is Du."

Roach really turned his head and stared at her in surprise.

She said proudly, "These Du surnames are almost all relatives to each other. It is probably a big family living together in the town. And as far as I can see, this family has a very high status in the mage world. The reason may be this. There are frequent warriors in the family, and they have been recruited by the authorities."

Guan Xinyue was satisfied to see that Luo Qi's mouth was wide open, and now he didn't look handsome at all, he was completely stupid.The so-called being handsome for ten seconds is referring to a guy like Roach.

She decided to give Roach another heavy blow from the storm, "Do you know why their family has so many warriors?" She stopped and thought for a while, "The so-called warriors should refer to battle mages, right?"

"It should be." Roach nodded quickly to express his affirmation to the big brother of the textual research group, "Can you continue?"

"From the characteristics of their children, it is speculated that there must be a teleportation mage gene in their blood." Guan Xinyue looked at Luo Qi and said.

"Late Ming and early Qing?" Luo Qi murmured, "Why haven't you heard of such a powerful mage family?"

"Isn't that normal? I always feel that Brother Du doesn't seem to have a family. He never mentions his family. Isn't that what you mages are like, with the number of people shrinking and the population growing negatively?" Guan Xinyue said, "You know Du Where is brother from? He speaks standard Mandarin, and he can’t tell where he came from.”

"He said that he is from here." Roach said in a low voice, "and his parents were already dead. He was adopted by Pei Shu and grew up in Qionglin."

Guan Xinyue said it herself, but when Luo Qi affirmed that Du Zhengyi had no family, she was still startled and felt uncomfortable. "Then... maybe we really helped him find his family history."

"Can I show you the book?" Luo Qi asked, looking at Guan Xinyue again with his deer eyes.

Guan Xinyue had nothing to do with him, she just stuffed the book into his hand, "Will you show this to him?"

"Well," Roach said, "I'll show him when I finish reading it. But maybe he already knew that it's more convenient for him to obtain materials in Qionglin, and the Qionglin library is very complete."

Guan Xinyue nodded, "You mages...are you under a lot of pressure to become extinct? That's why you forced out the Lotus Burner. Luo Qi, you will go there with a super sense of responsibility..."

Guan Xinyue observed Luo Qi's face and hesitated.

Roach looked up from the book, "What? What am I going to do? Fight the lotus burner?"

"Go..." Guan Xinyue continued, "Bringing?"

Roach thought for a while, "The people in your country are about to experience negative growth."

"Shut up!" Guan Xinyue jumped up.

(End of this chapter)

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