magician in town

Chapter 153 Black Market

Chapter 153 Black Market (1)

Chapter 150 Two

Luo Qi returned several messages to Wen Lin, and then reluctantly planned to turn off the phone, and hesitated for a while when he pressed his finger on the off button of the phone.

Du Zheng tilted his head and looked at the screen of his mobile phone, but he didn't see any new incoming information, which confirmed that Roach was just staring at the lit screen without looking at anything. "What's the matter, are you afraid that you will have a withdrawal reaction after turning off the phone?"

Roach made up his mind and pressed the power off button with a dark face, then threw the phone into the bag, and threw the bag into the hotel wardrobe.

They're going to go shopping soon - that's what Roach said.It's just that the place I'm going to is an underground business place, a place for a pure mage.Du Zheng repeatedly warned him that that place is very unfriendly to human technology, and there will be electronic equipment killers when getting started.EMP magic destroys all electronic components, it's a rough place, everything is a little primitive.

Roach checked himself several times excitedly in the hotel to make sure he had removed all his electronic devices.Recently, he hangs out with Guan Xinyue, looking online to see what to buy, and gradually buys a lot of electronic toys, some of which have been used for a long time, and he has forgotten that they belong to the scope of electronic equipment.

Du Zhengyi observed him from the side, "Should I buy you a new suit and go to the market more formally?"

Luo Qi knew that he was teasing himself, and just wanted to pretend to be a pig to eat Du Zhengyi, but he really went to buy a suit to annoy him, suddenly he changed his mind and became curious.

"Brother, how old were you when you first went to the black market?"

Du Zhengyi smiled maliciously, "Let's think about it, it's probably... 14 years old."

"14 years old!" Roach looked at him in surprise, "You have been there since you were 14 years old? What can you buy on the black market when you are 14 years old?"

"What would you secretly buy when you were 14?" Du Zhengyi laughed perfunctorily, not wanting to tell the truth at first glance.

Roach answered Du Zhengyi's question with his chest held high, "The only thing I bought secretly when I was 14 was the indescribably complicated comics."

Du Zhengyi really thought about what Roach was talking about for a while. Even though he had known Roach for so long and half of his body was brought into the human world, he still didn't understand some of Roach's language very well. "Why is it indescribable?"

"Just wait and see!" Roach said aggressively, disdainful of answering his stupid question, "If I can't buy that kind of comics in a while, just watch it!"

As soon as Du Zheng thought about it for a while, he really felt a little bit taboo, so with Roach's incomprehensible character, he left all his words here, and he didn't know when and where he would do something unbelievable for him to watch. .

Seeing Luo Qi angrily put on the mask, pulled out the room card, and walked out of the hotel room door, he hurriedly followed, put his arms around Luo Qi's shoulders, smiled and told Luo Qi kindly, "Don't talk nonsense when you arrive, Don't want to buy everything, and don't tease cats and dogs... Damn, this is really the most important thing, don't tease cats and dogs, you know? There are retired ruthless people there, unlike the three little tender flowers in Qionglin, they I can see through your tricks."

Roach hummed as an answer.

"I'm taking you to see the world. I'll introduce some old friends to you. You may need them in the future..." Du Zhengyi said, rubbing Roche's hair. Bundle.

Luo Qi felt a lot of pride. He was the one who had his head rubbed by Qionglin God of War. In the future, this will be bragging capital. He is so good with the legendary battle mage that he wears a pair of pants.

He laughed for a while, then remembered something again, "Will someone be there to trouble us? We have been very unlucky these few times, and we are not going well anywhere."

"No," Du Zhengyi said with a smile, "No one will make trouble there, and making trouble there is tantamount to making trouble for the boss of Zhouqiaocao City."

"Qiaozhou Cao's family? Is there such a surname?" Luo Qi said, thinking that Du Zhengyi's Zhouqiao was a slip of the tongue.

"Zhouqiao Grass Market is the name of this black market." Du Zhengyi said, "There are six black markets in total, and we went to the largest one in the Central Plains."

Only then did Roach understand, "There is a boss behind the black market? I thought it was a market that naturally came together."

Du Zhengyi let out a laugh, "Could it be that in the human vegetable market, the vegetable sellers don't pay the vegetable market management fee?"

"Understood," Luo Qi suddenly realized, followed Du Zheng off the elevator, walked through the lobby of the hotel, and walked out the door. "Do you know the owner of Zhouqiao Night Market?"

"I don't know if I know each other." Du Zhengyi said, "The history of Zhouqiao Night Market can be traced back to the time of the Master Rebellion more than 800 years ago. It is said that there have always been 19 managers, but in the end these [-] people are all The boss, or one of them is the boss, no one has been clear. Some people say that the bosses behind the six black markets are actually these [-] people, and they maintain the main black market in the form of an organization. "

They stopped at the hotel gate together, stopped and looked around, the sky was gray under the smog, the city looked very dilapidated, as if the economy had been stagnant for many years, and it looked a little listless.Luo Qi was not too affected by the environment. His heart was half full of expectations, and the other half was used to think about other things. He turned his head to look at Du Zhengyi, and found that Du Zhengyi seemed calm, but his eyes were paying attention All the movement around.

"Are black market managers also responsible for cleaning up garbage and maintaining order like wet market managers?" Roach asked.

Du Zheng smiled, "That's right, but more importantly, everyone needs market transactions. If you offend the boss, you won't have the opportunity to enter the black market again. Even Qionglin, although on the surface, even We don’t recognize the existence of the black market, but we don’t often go to the black market to buy some news, or crystals that are too late to go through the application process for a while. In this kind of place, there will always be demand.”

"Needs..." Luo Qi said imaginatively, "It is true that there is a need for existence. Isn't Wushan also the same existence mode? If you offend Wushan, you will be excluded by all Wushan practitioners, and you will never have another chance Enter the mountain. Your Qionglin has always allowed Wushan to exist, is it because the bigwigs in Qionglin also have needs, and no one wants Wushan to really disappear. "

Du Zhengyi sized him up, "Young man, aren't you too angry? When I say needs, you can think of Wu Shan's needs?"

Luo Qi made faces at him, finally stopped a taxi, and rushed to open the door for Du Zhengyi.

(End of this chapter)

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